Be honest, ya gonna go see it?

Be honest, ya gonna go see it?

The city its self looks gorgeous.

hell no

Yes. btw I am mainly seeing the movie for Batou. May sound strange but I think he looks really cool in the trailer. Too bad the action scenes look kinda louzy with the slow mo and Scarlett hasn't impressed me but who knows.

>"Your whole life has been a lie"
Call me a sucker but I like these stories even though I've seen them so many times throughout films and tv

Scarlett is impossible not to like but why do most adaptations fuck over the source material?

This isn't even an adaptation, it's a "we took the movie and first 2 seasons of the anime and somehow made a plot out of it"


ScarJo herself looks gorgeous.

hopefully she gets raped by a gang of yakuza

She is a big girl

I was pessimistic at first, but the 2 minute trailer really changed my mind! They've got the vibrant colors contrast with drab landscapes down. ScarJo is putting out one of her best performances in this. I'm super excited.

I'll probably go see it because I go see a movie every Friday but I'm not gonna enjoy it and will probably sulk all the way through

batou is the human heart of the first film in a lot of ways, i hope they do him justice in this

Nah. Might watch it when/if it comes to Netflix. Make a movie night of it with my bros.

Seems like they totally fucked up the story and made it a super generic action movie, but I really like the cyberpunk setting so I'll probably still see it.

Wont be giving them any money though.

for you

Three words: Hella f*cking epic dude

Yeah I'll see it.


>The city its self looks gorgeous.
Which is just part of a long list of reasons why I'm not going to see it.
The world of GITS isn't SUPPOSED to look gorgeous.

shut the h*ll up weeaboo this is a dude movie now

Yea i watch it once there will be AHOY MATEY

she's not hot enough to play the major. In-universe the major is so incredibly good looking even people with huge collections of hot sex robots can't resist her.

Iirc she's also one of the most expensive lesbian porno stars on the side in the manga

You're not in your 20's anymore scarlet

they will :)

If Mike and Jay like it then yes.

Opening day. Super looking forward to it.

More like ghost of a pussy in her shell

You don't even know where you post you fucking idiot.

The trailer looks really good, not gonna lie. I thought it was a trailer for Blade Runner 2 at first. I honestly wonder which one is going to make more money in the box office?

>why do most adaptations fuck over the source material?

Because you don't know what adaption means.

Looks like dog shit to me. They even changed one of the core things about the Major by saying her body is one of a kind. The Major had an older model body with military upgrades in it.
Do you suppose she'll tear herself apart fighting the tank at the climax? Or will that be mid-movie action sequence #4?

>In-universe the major is so incredibly good looking even people with huge collections of hot sex robots can't resist her.

In universe the Major is literally the default face in a character generator.

Literally, a generic model so as not to draw attention to her true nature.

I'm seeing it for Michael Pitt and his glorious hair.

I might watch it online if I feel like it

The opening action scene will be where she battles the tank and breaks her body apart and then after the credits she wakes up to find she's been chosen to test a new military prototype body

>They even changed one of the core things about the Major by saying her body is one of a kind.

take a rough guess at what "everything they told you was a lie" and "how many where there before me?" point towards

>The city its self looks gorgeous
it does not

>Literally, a generic model so as not to draw attention to her true nature.

not in SAC. arguably the definitive major

whispers, whispers, whispers...blade runner here and there, aeon flux bullshit, whispers whispers, whispers.

Come on...this shit is over and overdone again and again.

>I will have an Adrienne Barbeau-bot with laser-eyes!

>The city its self looks gorgeous.
In what way does this look gorgeous?


Looks like spore.

Yes, I have a movie theater subscription. Also, I want to see if it's really shit or just a mediocre action movie adaptation.

In somewhat related news, Filming of Gunnm/Battle angel alita has supposedly wrapped up is there any news on how horribly mutilated it's gonna be?

All I've seen is the random, mediocre looking brown chick they cast as alita.

it will be so bad people will look back at the gits movie and say 'well it wasn't a great movie but at least it wasn't alita'


Gonna wait a few days, and if it isn't utterly trashed I'm gonna see it if only because Clint Mansell is doing the soundtrack.

Of course not. It looks like generic sci-fi.

What they do to Batou?? He looks like a pudgy weeb instead of a military special forces operative. They cocked up plenty of iconic shots too. Not gonna bother with it I think.


No it doesn't.

does anyone have the trailer edit with the jurassic park giant thudding footsteps when she runs, because reasons

Might go and see it because I like gits and want to make up my own mind about it.

No. I will not be bothering to see any more of these adaptations and remakes and reboots.

>implying they'll have the balls to blow ScarJo's head off
She'll probably get one of those babby bullet holes like she got shot by a subsonic .22

This is Mila Yovovixh tier action flick to get some bucks from anime fanatos. Remakes are almost always shit, especially when the origin material is not even old by any standards.

I'm expecting Lucy level stupidity. I'm guessing the americans making it will confuse the ghost and her machine hardware as two seperate things, and the ghost causes her personality to deviate spiritually. lol. They won't be able to isolate her new consciousness because its a holy spirit thats seperate from her program. But its going to be another copy of BladeRunner with the memories theme. They'll mess up the existential discussion or some detail to americanize it, to make an exact copy of BladeRunner but also to make Christians happy.
Its going to have a lesbian scene to make SJW happy.

>The city its self looks gorgeous.

>also to make Christians happy
>Its going to have a lesbian scene

you seem very confused

also the original had a lesbian scene didn't it? or was that in the show, i forgot

I won't pay to see it. If I'm offered a free ticket to review it I'll probably go.

What a hell this holograms have to do with Ghost in The Shell universe?
This is some vision of the director shit, which has nothing to do with the original source?

yes, she's been a lesbian/bi in literally all gits

but why let that get in the way of muh ess jay dubya boogeyman

Everything about this Major is awful, ScarJo is now the least of the movie's worries.

The geisha screams bladerunner.

An animation of the 90s remains better visually, than the mediocre art team they have put together

Yes, this looks like blade runner not Gits

Yeah, I'm not going to see it.
Scarjoe doesn't look like she'd be a good major.

It screams Ghost in the Shell
because it's from Standalone Complex and Innocence

Is it just me or is ScarJo's body nothing special nowadays? And by nothing special I do mean shapeless jewish blob of a refrigerator.

That's the first thing I thought of as well, except Blade Runner's city actually looked imposing and threatening. This looks more like they got some stock footage of Hong Kong or whatever and started splurging CGI all over it.

Why the fuck did they cast Scar Jo lmao. This will be TERRIBLE.

I'm new to this Ghost in the Shell, what do fans of the original movie think of the show?

I've just seen the movies and am starting the show, first impressions: it seems like a caricature, a joke, a mockery

No. Only bladerunner has the giant geisha advertisements iirc, not gits. Nobody watched innocence it was shit and it clashes with the other installments.

What I don't get is why they're trying to japanese-up a movie where "MOTOKO KUSANAGI" is a jew.

If you think the show is different from the movie wait till you see the manga. It's pretty light hearted and goofy at times.

>Nobody watched innocence it was shit and it clashes with the other installments.

SAC didn't have all that hologram shit. It had a futuristic but clean city.

But I guess that city goes well with the cliché story we are getting with this new movie, with an Illuminati kind of conspiracy and "They created me, EVERYTHING WAS A LIE!!" #4W4K3N #S33K TH3 THRUTH shit, because it's a dystopia and we have too reflect the "corporation controlled cyberpunk" troope (cuz Blade Runner did it, you know?) in a way 12 years old kids will understand everything.

>Why the fuck did they cast Scar Jo

Probably because "Lucy" did so well.

I fucking despise Scarlett Johansson, so fuck no.

Because she needs to be rigid, unfeeling and unappealing.

Japs are quite proud of their clean cities, I wonder if they feel insulted when Americans assume Tokyo will look like Detroit


The new movie has that uncanny valley effect, it looks similar but all the cinematography is wrong (shit).

it's basically Disappointment: The movie. or alternately When the fuck is the major gonna show up?: The movie.

The pre-war cars don't fit with gits either.

The show gets better after it gets into the over arching story episodes, as I can recall the first episodes are setting up the characters, the world they're in, in a sort of "case of the week" style. And I can understand the impression you have gotten if you expected it to be like the movie(s). It's not for everyone, but if you stick with it for a while it might grow on you.

Let's be honest: No one is going to remember this movie in 1 years time, and people are just going to go buy the original because it's superior in every way.

Why do we keep allowing these remakes and reboots to happen?

Its a good movie by itself.

this, adaptation means dumbed down and with 100% more explosions, don't believe me? look in the dictionary

Because there would be at least 10 or 20 idiots in this very thread along with hundreds of thousands of others who will go see this movie despite knowing that they will turn GITS into generic sci-fi garbage. It doesn't matter if the movie is shit when it makes some money.

I guess I can agree with that. By itself it might have been ok but as a sequel to ghost in the shell it failed pretty hard.

People vote with their money. If you watch movies like this - you deserve them.

I don't watch them. I vote what movies I want to see more of by going to see them. If I want giant monster movies, I'm going to go see them. That's why I'm waiting to see Kong: Skull Island. I want to see Godzilla Vs. Kong.

They don't care much about usñ

I am going to see, without doubt. I have been a long time Gits fan, so I just cant pass this up.

The visuals look spot on and very good. So they got that part nailed, so I am not worried about that.

The story, which some criticize because its from the middle of Gits 2nd gig, is a strange choice, but I find their reasoning strong. If you have to make a movie about Gits that has to be digestible by the larger movie going demographic, where do you start? Also you have to consider there wont be a sequel. Making the movie character focused on the major, is not that bad of a call. And telling the story of say, the laughing man, cant fit into just 2 hours of run time (which also has to spend time introducing the characters and the world), which again makes the Kuze story line easier to adapt.

To be honest I cant really figure out a reasonable story arc to start off with, so I can go with the Kuze story.

My major complaint is Scarjo. On paper she is a good fit, but in reality... It doesnt sit well with me. The major is a robotic lean mean killing machine, 100% focused on efficiency, and Scarjo does not show off that vibe, at all. But honestly I dont really have anyone else in mind.


Fuck no. I'm not going to support the Jews as they rape my favorite franchise.

no, she's a terrible actress


The city seen here>seems like a fake cities in Star Wars Attack of the Clones

Gay. But I see how they would do that.

I don't understand why you would add such a silly complication to the plot. Why would they need to lie to the Major?

she might get raped by a giant german robot tank controlled by a slightly tubby arab-looking terrorist motherfucker, but that was done in the first anime, i think.

excuse me? the fuck? WHO is the human heart of the film? thank you! you can go now.


>I don't understand what's happening around me, I'm so confused I can't control my emotions anymore!!!!
Togusa might as well been a woman.

I was going to, but not anymore after the last trailer where it basically told me it's literally going to be female Robocop.