Taking a girl to see this tomorrow. I know it's gonna be really boring

Taking a girl to see this tomorrow. I know it's gonna be really boring.

How rude would it be to finger her during the movie? Anyone ever do this with a date? We've already been intimate so I'm not worried about getting slapped.

>I know it's gonna be really boring

No. It's a fun movie. Don't take your preconceptions in with you.

Your girl will not want to be touched during this.
She has JD the heardthrob in the screen. It may turn her on but only after.

I'm better looking than this twerp.

Sure thing love.

Then why does she want to see the movie? It can't be for the plot.

because she's a dumb woman and thinks it will be romantic.

Me and my girlfriend once almost got arrested for fucking in a movie theater.

What movie, how far did you get, did you set out to fuck in the theater or did it just happen? Details please.

>girl lies to guy
>guy believes lie
>guy calls girl dumb
>guy still bought the lie

then who was phone?

because it offers her a glimpse of sexual satisfaction and adventure that she isn't getting irl

If she was lying she would have just seen the movie with her friends.

Or She just wants to get pointers to spice up the relationship cos op can't deliver

>How rude would it be to finger her during the movie? Anyone ever do this with a date?

A few times. Dip your finger in the ice of your drink first and surprise her.

It was during The Man From U.N.C.L.E. whole place was empty. We were just flirting about the girls on screen, and playing with each other, being kissy and playing. Then I started to go down on her. Then the manager walked in, she tapped me on the shoulder, so I got up. He told us to leave or he'd call the cops because he knows what we were doing.

I fingered my gf during Batman vs Superman so Im pretty sure you can get away with it during any movie

why the fuck did the manager come in? did someone see you from the projection room?

i'm sure

I have no idea. We thought it'd be safe since the theater was empty, but he must've found out somehow.

The guy looks like a total chode.

It's routine for managers and staff to check on rooms. Sometimes they miss things during initial cleanup or just want to see if anyone is trying to record the film

was she getting loud?

I figured that's what it'd probably be. It's a shame because I was enjoying the movie before I started going down on her.

Eh, maybe a couple of moans and gasps, but nothing too loud. She's never been that loud, and she was also trying to keep quiet.