"5 gender stereotypes that used to be the opposite"

"5 gender stereotypes that used to be the opposite"

Seriously, how can you watch this and not understand that gender is a social construct? youtube.com/watch?v=Yk4MkecJRGc

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck Laci Green has a big head.

Glad to see that her (((bosses))) made her lose weight.

I'd gag Laci with my cock IDGAF

How does that mean that gender is a social construct? It just means different societies assign different stereotypes for each gender, doesn't mean society created gender.

Not gonna watch that, but gender specific items may be, or feminine colors, but bitches were always the weaker sex, the gatherers, the home makers, etc.

Damn lacy really let herself go

>how does society creating gender mean society created gender

Brazil, stop it. Stop, think, and accept that it is reasonable to consider gender separate from sex.

I'd hate fuck Laci

there's a chick at my community college that looks like Laci Green and is majoring in womens studies. She also wants my cock. Should I smash?

only fear is getting rape accusations or syphallus.... I'd imagine both are equally likely with her.

>in this thread sjw's contiune to push myths based on ancidotial evidence

>we wuz programmers an shieet
>cavalry shoes are the same as high heels

ebin video

How are her tits?

On the note, has Laci Green leaked nudes yet? Between this, the JLaw leaks and Miss Hannah Minx's nudes I'm gonna need a new folder.

>should I fuck this girl that wants my dick?
Literally who asks this???

Gender roles are one thing, gender is another.

Coming from the AIDS capital. Who would've guessed.

Also cheerleading started out as people chanting from the stands not a bunch of pom pom holding faggots like they show


At least we still fuck women here, instead of jerking off all day to anime girls.

I want to keep Laci and WispersUnicorn in my basement and push cakes in their little piggy faces and nibble on their tubby little bellies and make them squeal like the piggies they are while I fuck them.

Gender isn't a social construct. I can say this with proof becasue If I took anyone's DNA sample, bring it to a lab, and recieve the results, I can determine if the blood sample is male or female.

How do you prove that more than 2 gender's exist? You can't, unless you ask the person claiming to be a third gender. That's the only proof is taking it from the horses mouth.

These marxists are willing to go through mental gymnastics courses just to prove themselves as the righteous kind. It's hilarious

Oh, and sage

The pink was orginally a boys colour has been proven to be a bullshit myth based purley accendotal evidence.

Gender roles have changed throughout history though. This is a fact.

For better or worse?


Are you really outgoing and muscular? I'd so she really probably does want your cock. If not, then she probably doesn't actually like you.

As in how modren appliances invented in the last hundred years have allowed women to join the workforce instead of rasing children and mangeing the homes daily affairs?

Gender sterotypes are social construct. My dick however is a not social construct, it is a biological construct.

Like when? Today's feminism doesn't count

Women have always been caretakers of children and men did all of the hard work

only petty things. the most important are shared throughout history in every culture.

>fuck a sjw feminist
>get accused of rape when she finds out you browse Sup Forums
Good luck with that duchebag

>sticking your dick in crazy

How many times have you been around the block?

>pink and blue used to be opposite
>therefore no gender role ever matters, hormones aren't real, and men don't fall within a broader distribution of IQ than women

>Persians wore riding boots
>therefore the development of the modern high heel, especially the part where the French designed the curve to mimic the shape a woman's foot during orgasm, is irrelevant

>during the second world war, women did data entry under the guidance of male mathematicians
>this means that the women themselves were mathematicians, that flipping switches on a gigantic valve computer is the same as programming, and that silicon valley is like totally sexist

>crying was considered okay in specific situations
>that means that when a nu male cries because his boss yelled at him, he's being just as much of a man as Jesus was when he wept over the grave of Lazarus

>Why are we only gendering these two colors?

Because there's only two genders?

Wow, that handful of obscure and completely unsubstantiated anecdotes about meaningless details like symbolic colors has totally convinced me sex isn't real and I should cut off my son's penis now. Thanks op.

Ok, which one of you faggots wrote this?

>costa rica

You should post here more often, friend :)

Everything is a social construct, including our entire legal system. Rape? Social construct. Completely man made concept. In nature, rape isn't real. It's a viable mating strategy.

y-you too :3


.... None of that was factually accurate in the way it was presented. Literally fucking none of it.

Totally misrepresented all of the historical facts to paint a picture that wasn't even remotely accurate.

Now I know why there is a book called "SJWs always lie"

>men found out programming makes a lot of money and pushed women out


oh wow, really? I didn't make it that far in the video before turning it off in disgust, but that's like smearing your poop on the walls levels of delusion there.

I made it to the end.... I have never felt the urge to throw up and then take cold shower so badly in my life.

If gender is a social construct why do we need Trannies to identify as a woman when there is no feminine or masculine traits or behaviors?


>As computer scientist Dr. Grace Hopper told a reporter, programming was “just like planning a dinner. You have to plan ahead and schedule everything so that it’s ready when you need it…. Women are ‘naturals’ at computer programming.”

... well of course. As I set up a binary search tree all I can think about is pasta. I also love how both articles feature the same pic. Really emphasizes how common it was for women to occupy such jobs.

This is actually a legitimate criticism put up by radical feminists.

Radfems are the way forward. Libfems are regressive.

>if something is a social construct it's not valid and must be viciously destroyed without any kind of forethought about what the consequences could be
When will this meme end?

Seriously. She used to be fuckable but now she's just a blob.
I really believe that this SJW mindset is a Soviet Union plant that's hitting us hard now.
It makes the men too weak to fight in war, the women disgusting and unhealthy, and split our country up even more than it already is.

at least these people are making jokes out of this and having some laughs even though its retarded. Buzzfeed just shits on white cis males

>gender is a social construct

Then why are transgender people born with female brains and male sexual organs or vice versa?

Feminism in totality is a regression toward mysticism. Men and women are effectively equal? Okay, so how did men gain the upper hand then?

Women are either weak and stupid and serve no purpose other than subservience, or they chose their role in society with pride and dignity. You can't have both.

So they're seriously trying to argue that making the punching cards to grind numbers in old computers is "programming" while the men "only" did the hardware? The hardware was the programming, the punching cards was just monkey work, that's why women did it.

Grace Hopper was bretty gud. She was also, however, a military vet, a skilled professional, and had a PhD. in mathematics from Yale.

A proper feminist would support Hamas, grow a noticeable moustache, and hold a bachelor in women's studies from Wellesley.

I take it you have never actually programmed something? Why do non-STEM guys insist on involving themselves in these conversations?

Its true.

My granpa was the one who gave birth to my father infact.

>pink was hijacked by the feminist movement and they demanded that it be a female color
>"high heels" were used to not have blood-soaked feet
>men just did programming better
>they were more chant starters than "cheer leaders"
>no, crying was always something babies and women did
get fucked faggots

Are you retarded? I'm serious here.

"Programming" was literally punching holes in a sheet of paper in order to compute numbers. It wasn't about issuing advanced commands, it was simply feeding numbers into a computer so that it would spit out an answer. Would you argue that you're a programmer and a coder if you operate a calculator?

You're clearly the one who don't know your shit.



Pink is literally the color of pussy. Is it like whoah amazing surprise that it's often associated with women.

That whole Victoria secret "pink" thing is just a barely veiled innuendo too, which I guess is fine for whores although itMs disturbing when young girls have shorts with "pink" written across the ass in big letters.

I'm pretty sure no one here has programmed anything IN THE 1940's you dipshit. Watch the vid.

Gender IS a social construction.

However Gender Identity is not clothes, mannerism, etc. Our gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender) and sexual orientation should be programmed into our brain structures when we are still in the womb.

>It is believed that during the intrauterine period the fetal brain develops in the male direction through a direct action of testosterone on the developing nerve cells, or in the female direction through the absence of this hormone surge. According to this concept, our gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender) and sexual orientation should be programmed into our brain structures when we are still in the womb. However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain starts in the second half of pregnancy, these two processes can be influenced independently, which may result in transsexuality. This also means that in the event of ambiguous sex at birth, the degree of masculinization of the genitals may not reflect the degree of masculinization of the brain. There is no proof that social environment after birth has an effect on gender identity or sexual orientation.


There are also a handful of interesting cases which contradict the idea gender identity is a learned thing. See David Reimer and Walter Heyer. Both socialized and forcefully feminized. Reimer had a failed circumscision so they cut it off and a psychologist raised him as a women to prove gender identity is social/learned. David ended up transitioning to a man (what he was born as) and then killed himself when he learned he was a failed experiment.

Haha good one zikabro

He's talking about punchcards not software. He's actually correct and you're an idiot.

>cis males

Oh please let's not cuck ourselves by using the absolute dumbest SJW nuspeak

No need for a word for knowing what sex you are. Just like no need for word "straight" which just means acting consistent with universal biological imperatives.

Those are just "normal" and the others are "transvestites" (Latin for cross dressers) or "tranny" for short and "homosexual" or "homos" for short.

Also gay is a great word for happiness and I'm not having them associate what I make my Yuletide with dudes ass fucking. They're homos, period. Saying gay makes YOU sound like a fag yourself just like "cis".

Don't ever underestimate the power of language. That's one of the lefts biggest weapons

not an argument. Punching cards, while kind of being "programming", was definitely tedious monkey work. Basically 10 times worse than typing an essay on a type writer.

Programming took off as a "real thing" when they finally got rid of the punch-cards. Bill Joy (programmed unix) said that if his uni still used punch-cards he probably would have stuck to science, because punching was so terrible.

And somehow, when punching cards went away, that's when all the women magically left? Programming became way more in depth and technical than just monkey work, new possibilities opened, and a culture started. Women knew their place and promptly left.

My dick is pink as well m8

How is "cis" a SJW nuspeak? It's literally following the latin construction.

Latin-derived prefix cis-, meaning "on this side of", which is an antonym for the Latin-derived prefix trans-, meaning "across from" or "on the other side of"

It's nuspeak because it doesn't need to exist. It's entirely unneeded.

... that's not how language works user.

Because we don't need a word for that goddamn it.

It's like I don't need a word for someone who stands on the floor instead of the ceiling or someone who puts food in their mouth instead of shoving it up their ass.

It's the default, normal, effectively universal, obvious, and should always be assumed.

The derivation of the word isn't an issue. When you accept "cis" you're implicitly putting being a person who knows if you have a dick or not on the same level as being some mental case who wants his dick surgically chopped off.

We don't need parallel verbal constructions around those two

>When you accept "cis" you're implicitly putting being a person who knows if you have a dick or not on the same level as being some mental case who wants his dick surgically chopped off.

No, you are objectively wrong. Only 25-30% of MtF transgender people get genital surgery. Only 3%-10% of FtM transgender get surgery. Trans doesn't denote any kind of surgery at all. It just means you don't identify with your birth sex. Cis is the antonym of Trans in latin, therefore it is logically sound.

It has nothing to do with surgery and to claim such is just knee jerk hyperbolic statements.

I just went into the youtube comments while they were blathering on about whatever.

Okay so someone who knows they have a dick but wants to have weird bags sewn under their skin so they can pretend to have mammary glands?

You begin to appear as a degenerate yourself.

as if thinking you're a woman when you obviously aren't is sane behavior and on par with just knowing if you're a boy or girl. Which is literally something every two year old can do until SJWs get into their heads and fuck them all up with insane indoctrination

Is this Sup Forums or a safe space at Wellesley, you can't be serious with this degenerate faggot shit.

>wants to have weird bags sewn under their skin

Are you really that ignorant? Transgender people actually grow breasts naturally. When they start hormone therapy they go through a natural female puberty/male puberty.

Only transgender people with tons of money will ever get breast surgery and even then, they will wait 4-5 years to let their natural breasts grow full before augmenting them at all.

The fact that you clearly understand so little about the process or the people shows you have no credibility or position to argue in opposition.

You have no accurate information.

Gender is determined at birth.

>implying growing breasts naturally includes HORMONE INJECTIONS

Sorry the rest of us aren't going to pay attention to the details of your nasty fetish.

Mistakenly thought you were a legitimate human being there for a minute instead of some weird faggot and trying to engage logically with mentally ill person.

So again Sup Forums you can see to avoid saying "cis". Fags like that user want you to say it because it helps them advance their degenerate cause and shits on society at large.

I think non fags picked up on the point pretty clearly now, thanks for helping!


Injections? No, more hyperbolic language. Vast majority of people take their HRT as two oral pills.

I'm not a tranny, nigger. I'm just not a stupid fuck. If I'm going to hate on a particular group of people I educate myself first. Like I know the research behind niggers intelligence levels.

But you don't even know the first thing about transgender people so how can make broad claims like, "nasty fetish".

Lmao, maybe you think it's a nasty fetish because the only exposure you seem to have ever had to these human beings is memes on Sup Forums and Sup Forums. You show your ignorance again.

>fall for the trannys rushing to cut their dicks meme
>fall for the "sewed breast" meme


Supposedly Genghis Khan cried a lot. He also raped a bunch of women and devastated Islam. He also didn't cry over petty shit.