How can I view photos from a private Instagram account?

How can I view photos from a private Instagram account?

Follow them

user, I want to see my ex photos. Help me, please.

You must first work for the mercenary, the social networkta man.

we need to hack the instagram mainframe

Short of hacking their account, or someone who follows them, by guessing their password I doubt there is a way.

Help yourself and stop giving a fuck

use the name and avatar of a family member

Move on

Go back in time to 2013 and create a fake Instagram profile using pictures you take from your Chad friend's Facebook, then update it occasionally whenever he posts new pictures. Use this account to get access to girls' private profiles by pretending to be him.

This. I block my exes on everything and move on completely. Seriously stop torturing yourself.


>tfw did this but still can't escape random thoughts about her and how shitty she was
>still get thoughts and want to hatefuck her bc we never fucked
>left her angry anonymous messages on her and her sister's tumblrs a while ago
>get occasional nightmares about ex where i'm still in the relationship with her and feel trapped/hostage


>never fucked
You are upset over losing a girl you never had sex with? I read allot of pathetic shit on here but this.....

>Broke off relationship with girl
>Don't talk for 6 months
>She comes out of the blue saying how I'm still important to her
>Ignore every message she sends me
>Watch as she tries to get my friends to get me to hang out with her
>Refuse to speak a single word to her

I'm getting off on this more than I should


>>left her angry anonymous messages on her and her sister's tumblrs a while ago
Get a fucking grip man, I believe in you


(someone post spurdo pls)


they know it was you
