Draft dodging

Sup Forums, I was wondering why exactly "draft dodgers" get shit on - especially public figures who dodged Vietnam.

I would understand it if you shirked your duty to protect the country, but Ho Chi Minh and Co. never posed an existential threat to America. Neither did Korea, for that matter. And given how bleak, how pointless and awful Vietnam was, why would people ever fault someone for trying to stay out of it?

It is generally agreed that Vietnam was a mistake; we didn't lose, but we certainly didn't win either and there were no tangible benefits even from an outright victory. So why trash draft dodgers for avoiding the loss of a limb or their life?

no one cares, desu

Conservacucks still buy into the "die for your country" meme, because they still believe that heading off to the rice fields on some fool's errand in the interests of globalist goals is a heroic expression of nationalism.

>didn't lose Vietnam
El oh el.


This is not Sup Forums you stupid cunt. Fuck off

What's that, Ahmed?

Sup Forums very much has become Sup Forums 2.0 The mods don't give a fuck, the sticky is ignored, we've reached eternal summer with the Redditfags and kids being pulled in due to Trump and shenanigans. Look at the fucking threads on at any time of the day. Half the OPs should be banned.

All those wars were important to contain socialism, Nancy.

Was being infiltrated by the hippy fag left while you had your back turned part of the plan?

I left Sup Forums forever and consider leaving Sup Forums forever. We need good mods to survive this summer

>ITT: we dodge a legitimate political question by pretending it's not a political question.

Draft dodgers were the real men who manned up and said fuck off government

That was Russia. There was a war going on, you just didn't see it.

>Conservacucks still buy into the "die for your country"

I've never ever thought I should die for my country but I will sure as hell make sure my enemies die for theirs

hmm... really makes you think

Vietnam was part of a global struggle against communist, by far the greatest threat to civilization ever seen.

The hippie movement was an artificial creation to seed marxist ideas in America.

Vietnam was badly executed and maybe the wrong battle to pick, but the larger war was incredibly important.

picture: A subversive kike

90% of the threads now are paid shills.

Vietnam was necessary because communism is the greatest threat to liberty in the world, objectively.

>was necessary
I don't think we succeeded in any measure.

>communism is the greatest threat to liberty in the world
Not globalism? Liberalism?

I would rather live in a obvious dictatorship than a (((free))) democracy, at least then I would be certain about who was calling the shots

Liberalism is a marxist ideology designed to destabilize society before the final takeover. It's just not generally associated with communism, because the final form is not liberal at all.

You should watch Yuri Bezmenov's videos on youtube.

Globalism is also closely connected. You could view Soviet as the beta test for what's going on now. It all has marxist roots.

Complaining about dodging the draft is like complaining about slaves leaving, and the draft is almost strictly worse than slavery.

daily reminder the draft is unconstitutional, as involuntary servitude is prohibited by the 13th amendment

the Selective Service System should be abolished

if a war's not popular enough to fight, it's a shit war

I'm not gonna fight for Israeli & Saudi business interests in a modern, offensive war

You won't have to draft me when you give me the real reason why I should give a fuck if slant eyed rice farmers learn about communism the hard way.

I already did my time, but if I was drafted again, I'd rather go to prison.

I'm not dropping once drop of sweat or blood for flag-burning trannies and retarded common-core millenials, or any other major city/college town degenerates. I'd rather shoot them than anyone else.