Actors that should be in prison

Actors that should be in prison.

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how much hairspray do you think he uses?

John McCain crushed him about that before he spoke.


I just saw this quote on facebook and was like "uhh, you've seen child porn?", the fuck?

source? sounds hilarious

That part caught me off guard too.

Literally why was he watching/involved in such things?

It's tax season and if he proves he spent a good amount of time and money on this "cause" then he can write off a lot of his income. This testimony was just to get it on the books so the government won't take a close look at his claimed deduction. I'm sure he cares and all that but in America there is almost no altruism with celebrities. it's an agenda.

I literally believe every single word of this and am not being sarcastic

>watching CP is tax deductable

fuckign hollywood man, the nukes can't come quick enough

He and his ex-wife have a charitable foundation that fights against child pornography and child sex trafficking.

I want in on this cause

>Prison that should be in actors.

and he has to personally review the materials gathered?

fucking hell kelso

McCain is so pleased with that joke.

where would he even obtain such material?
was he prowling for ceepee? or was that handed to him as the head of the organisation lol


No man should wear this much makeup


Wait, so American failed president elects still get political positions? I thought they'd be publicly ridiculed and possibly violently assaulted to the point where they need to retire.

Redo that meme with Ashton Kutcher from Punkd.

>has to
why do you think he created this child pornography intelligence agency in the first place?

He worded that in such a weird way.

McCain was senator before while he ran for president, like Romney is still governer of Massachussetts and Dole is still senator of wherever he's from.

how do I create a charitable foundation?

Kek who knew conservative could be so humorous

you have a massive amount of revenue but you don't want it to be taxed.

How do I acquire a massive amount of revenue?

do you have any marketable skills?

Sell cunny to celebs and politicians.

Watch anime and acquire neet bux for about 50 years

Try your very hardest to not be you

>admitting to watching cp

What's the next step of his master plan?


brother, once you become a politician you stay a politician...usually it works like this

city councle member
something like state senator
possibly governor or said state

its possible for one person to get into each of those offices by just being a politician and leveraging what he did in said office and saying he is going to do the same on a bigger scale

did i mention that they get a pension/ salary for life for each one of those positions? so if they go from city counsel to mayor, they now get paid 2 salaries for life....or 3 or 4 depending on how many offices you have been able to get elected to. niggas will stay in politics forever because there is such an insane amount of money involved

well, look at it logically:

do you have massive amounts of revenue?


Logically whatever you're doing isn't working. It is having the opposite effect. By not being you you'll bring about the opposite of what you have now which is NOT haveing massive amounts of revenue.

You gotta stop being you. You're ruining yourself.

so he's not actually orange but applies orange make up daily?

But he's not in prison at the moment either. By being a complete opposite of a cowardly neet, he could become a violent criminal and end up forever in prison.