Chess Movie

Which chess piece would make the best protagonist if you had to make a feature length film about a game of chess?

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The pawn obviously,the audience always feel identified with that one.

The tower, because it's a big guy.

This, it's the everyman, and the obvious underdog.

the WHITE king raping the BLACK queen

It would be about a pawn with gender dysphoria that gets to the end of the board and finally transitions

Tell me about the Knight, why does he move in L's?

the dark knight

the White pawn who kills everyone by sacrificing his mates. on his quest for vengeance against the evil Black queen.

It'll be about that one pawn that lucky and gets promoted to a queen (no homo)

white's lightsquared bishop

So where's the knight?

Man I'd like to see some sexy anime queens erotically get captured.

The queen is an OP Mary Sue desu



It's a castle, retard.


If Sup Forums is so smart you should be able to solve this.

White to move, mate in 2 moves

Knight to D6, then the other knight to D5

What did he mean by this?

the rook

King takes D6

Then queen has him anyway

Bishop protects the knight on d6

It's the other way around

Inthat case, why not sacrifice the other knight for nothing too?

1. Nd6 Ke7
2. Nd5#

Mate in 2 niggers

Nvm I didn't see the bishop. My mistake.

What about the pawn on E6?

No, it's not.

Can't because of the rook.

It can't take the knight on d5 because of the rook pin

It's still 2 moves asshat checkmate is the acknowledgment of being fucked not the act of getting fucked

A little black pawn and his struggles of being opressed by white figures till he finally reaches his goal to become a beautiful black queen.

At the end of the movie when all seems lost, he (I guess probably she) makes it to the other side and becomes a queen. Writes itself

>Sup Forums complains about the queen being muh stronk woman

Nah, I has to underpromote to a knight for the checkmate

Queen goes off with to fight with the other black pieces leaving the king safe at home

>checkers II

Just check him with both knights.

Another one
White to mate in 5

Qe5+ f6
Rxh7 Kxh7

>other way around

No. if knight d5 first the king is not in zugzwang and can escape to f7. on the other hand, knight d6 only leaves the e7 square for the king to escape the check, leaving knight d5 to mate.

Nd6, Nd5 is the only mate in 2.

you cheated with a computer didnt you

it's just a series of checks

if pawn defends f6:

queen to e5
pawn f6 defends
rook takes h pawn
king takes rook (forced)
queen to h5 (g6 pawn is pinned by bishop)
king flees to g7 (forced)
queen takes g6 pawn
king flees to h7 (forced)
queen h 7, mate in 5

if knight defends:

queen to e5
knight f6 defends
white knight takes f6
*black makes any move*
knight e8 (discovered check)
king flees to g8 (only option(
queen g7, mate in 4

>white knight takes f6
Qxf6 then Nh6 m8

yeah as long as you see the rook and bishop lines it's pretty straight forward.

If the knight goes to f6, its easier just to take it with the queen. Then mate with the knight on h6

you're right, king escapes to h6 if knight takes

Another one
Black to mate in 6

It's a rook, retard.


starts with g4, after that i feel like both rook to g5 and e4 eventually lead to mate. rook g6 feels more natural to me than e4, if white doesnt sac the queen it's mate in 1 or 2 moves, but if he does sac it takes a bit of moving around.

Rg6 does lead to a mate after the queen blocks but its not a mate in 6

at that point no escape, Kh5 (Qh3#) and Kf5 (Qf3#)

lrn 2 count

If Kh3, Rxh4 then the white rook can recapture on h4 instead of the king then its a bit more difficult

>If Kh3, Rxh4 then the white rook can recapture on h4
i'll have what you're having

What the fuck do these notations mean?

k= knight, q=queen, etc
x= move?
g3, h2, etc = square coordinate


k = k
n = knight
x = takes
rest is correct

Maybe I should have been more specific.
1... g4+
2. Kxg4 Re4+
3. Kh3 Rxh4+
4. Rxh4
Then what?

*k = king

You stop the clock and call the arbiter because your opponent jumped over his own piece with a rook and put his own king in check.

I totally misread that and thought Kh5

Or castle. But never "tower". Retard.

Fight me at chess irl faggot

>what is irl?

too scared eh

Jennifer Lawrence as the Queen
Chris Pratt as the King
Mindy Kaling and Tina Fey as the Bishops
Jai Courtney and Sam Worthington as the Knights
Seth Rogen and Dave Franco as the Rooks
the entire cast of Pitch Perfect as the Pawns

White can't mate in 2 here, this is bait

fite me you noob cunts

good one famm. fucking french defense

that hurt to watch

the sad part is I'm 100% sure OP is an actual hollywood executive conducting real research for this movie.

he was good.

A knight and a pawn would be the best main characters, fighting stronger enemies, the knight heroically falls after being a badass and the pawn levels up and goes beastmode at the end when it looks like they are about to lose


Next to the Tomato and Spiderman

it's literally called that in several languages you dumb fuck, it really is a castle's tower

Start with the pawn the the bishop in the next movie. Then bring in more so we get our own Chess Cinematic Universe. The there can be a team up movie named White.


She looks as awkward and out of place as a fag throwing a baseball.

Came here to post this


Since i am already in the process of developing such a film i'll tell you this: Don't use the pawn or i am suing you.

The tower is a manlet wtf are u talking about

Ther was an episode of the animated series where batman was a black knight and had to move in Ls or else he would fall thru the floor like Indiana jones stepping on the J

Ecactly which is why she would be a terrible protag. The sjw would promote the fuck out of it and turn it into a stronk ind women mobie


a period drama about a king in a golden cage who can only move one square at a time and his anguish of having to send his subjects to die for him. his only solace is his queen, but she falls into a trap and is forced to sacrifice herself.

the war is long and costly, many white pieces lose their lives. we get to know a lowly pawn called Beorn, who slowly become the unlikely hero of the story. through sheer grit and determination he makes it though the enemy lines. he is set to take the enemy rook by surprise, earning a promotion from his king.

but now his king must decide. will he grant Beorn his knighthood, instantly winning the battle by mating the enemy king? or will he bring back the love of his life, his queen, thereby prolonging the suffering of his people. a choice between divine duty and heavenly love.

in theaters fall 2017

In Russian Empire bishop was called "an officer" for some reason, so
Chess King's Guard movie when?


5. CiA4u

A pawn who becomes a transexual queen later on and murders everybody.

It is obviously the knight.

>lovable rogue that behaves in unusual ways falls in love with a goddess and must protect her