How to make Rey likable in episode 8

Not going to lie, episode I and II Anakin were more likable and relatable then miss perfect feminist goddess.

But we got two more movies we with her and a lot we still don't know about. How can The Last Jedi rectify the mistakes of VII with regards to Rey.

(Note: people who already like way will like her regardless because they can't see past her gender)

Making her evil

Kylo would return to the light side by help of Vader's ghost and fight with her

Kylo beating Rey and sermoning her would humanize her

She is only not likable by edgy lord fans. Everybody else is fine with her.

She was trained by Luke as a kid but had her memory whiped before she was taken to not-Tatooine. There.

I agree, have Luke reject her so she spends the 2nd and some of the 3rd movie evil

No need. Cancer will defend everything about her since she is perfect.


>Not going to lie, episode I and II Anakin were more likable and relatable then miss perfect feminist goddess.
Not really desu

damage is done and cant be reversed

see you in ten years when you faggots are finally ready to admit that the new movies are worse than lucas prequel shit

It was hard to like/dislike any of the new Star Wars characters, with the exception of Poe maybe.

She was a youngling and survived Anakins attack. Rey is older than Luke.

I dont like forced bro characters that are willing to trust you with their lives within seconds. I like the actor though

make her a sith

I finally saw it and i literally laughed out loud in real life

All this forced in diversity on every fucking end, the honorable savage, rey being able to do everything, the recycled Hope plot line with super duper death star, the full on heil hitler empire and the sad pandering with OT references

Id rather watch a adaptation of Luke Luke Luke than ever support this trash again. As for OPs question i dont think her character can be saved

Fortunately there are several options:
1.Sex scene
2.Nude scene
3.Bikini scene

Everything else is trying to squeeze water out of a dislikable stone.

This would be kinda cool. Do younglings eventually age?

nvm I thought it was a race

we already saw her tits
not worth mentioning

A corruption arc could save her and I think it is likely that Disney will write her one, unfortunately it will probably only end up making her even more perfect

>Rey is already powerful in the Force, probably trained as a child
>but she is also emotional, with a strong desire to protect her friends
>ends up tapping into that emotion in moments of need to enhance her power, skirting the edges of the Dark side
>after a brief and shallow corruption arc, Rey overcomes the controlling nature of the Dark side, now she can channel a pure and selfless rage in order to help others while at the same time, not being consumed by it.
>Behold! she has become the master of both sides of the Force; a Grey Jedi, with all the strengths and none of the weaknesses of the Dark and the Light.

I already say this, but I tend to judge movies by intent and how well they're made with that in mind. TFA was a cash grab that relied heavily on nostalgia and marketing to be popular with a borderline plagiarized story.

You can't.

Broadly speaking - and I know this is simplistic but cut me some slack I'm a little drunk - there are two ways to write a protagonist in an action movie: 1) make a world and then have the hero's arc take place within it, as they square off against adversity and become the hero by rising to the occasion (i.e. the classic 80's action movie method), and 2) write a protagonist and then write the entire world as an extension of their arc, where everything just so happens to revolve around the hero because they're just that special (i.e. the young adult fiction method). It's "you're a hero because what you do" vs. "you're a hero because you were born with the hero genes".

Luke was the former. Anakin was the latter. Rey is the latter. Guess which one of those three is the most relatable?

All those schluby action heroes in the 80's like John McClane and Ellen Ripley and whatnot were better-written because they were normal people in a bigger world who BECAME awesome because they chose to be. The world would continue to exist without them if they were gone. All these new heroes like Mother of Burgers from Game of Thrones and Harry Potter suck because they're super special because they were born that way and the whole universe revolves around them because they're just that cosmically amazing.

You can't make Rey likable because she's already written as the latter type of hero. The universe of TFA is based 100% around her and all the stupid shit she does. The world exists only insofar as it acts as an extension of Rey. All the other character arcs and events revolve around her. She's a black hole and Han and Leia and Luke and everyone are all straddling the event horizon, threatening to be sucked into the story-telling singularity that is Rey.

>gets overconfident as shes so good
>loses in some way which will knock her down
>wants to be the best by any way so starts to use the dark side.

And then people will disagree with you and call you a sexist and say that the 80's action movie method of writing heroes is "toxic masculinity" or some shit because being defined by what you do is meritocratic and therefore capitalistic and therefore problematic, and that the hero being born as a Designated Hero while everyone else in the universe is a worthless prole is uplifting because apparently a bunch of western feminists are still trying to justify the princess fantasy to themselves as something that isn't fundamentally anti-egalitarian and - dare I say - actually problematic.

But that's all a fucking distraction, it's absent of substance. All that gender shit is pointless to talk about when talking about how Rey sucks as a character because a bunch of those toxic meritocratic heroes from the 80's were chicks and old people and Rey (and other shitty nu-princess characters like Dany) was written by a MAN. A dude wrote this. Not some overweight blogger with bright red hair, a guy who was born with a penis and is comfortable with said penis.

So then why is everyone jumping to Rey's defense to such an unreasonable degree for such a shit character? I'll tell you why: because they have shit taste in movies and have personal investment in Star Wars and are trying to justify their shit taste by framing it as an epic real life fight against the forces of bigotry. By all means, defend your slavish devotion to the Ur-Property! If I like Star Wars but deep down I know it's corporate shit, I can tell myself it's okay for me to like it if liking Star Wars is a revolutionary act to stop the nebulous bogeyman forces of hatred that lurk just outside my line of sight. Remember to buy Disney shit if you want to stop sexism!

This, pretty much. I really enjoyed Boyega in Attack the Bloc. The entire time I watched it all I could think was, "There he is, the upcoming Denzel of the new generation of actors." Then, to find out he could play someone likeable and relatable in a more mainstream movie, that made my day. Poe isn't a great character by any stretch of the imagination, he's a comic relief played by a good actor in a sea of terrible characters, so it was really easy for him to stand out.

I want a Denzel/Boyega movie where they're the only two actual characters.

i found her bland but not offensive. i mean, she was no Jar Jar or Ep I Anakin.

she definitely needs to struggle and be challenged instead of effortlessly breezing through everything like she did in VII. other than that they really don't need to do much.



Watch how the next movie put some stupid out of nowhere flaws on her to make her seem less perfect

>Taylor and Karlie will never mock your pathetic white penis

Why live?

Shave down those teeth.

You can almost hear the people saying "there are too many movies about star wars" after the eventual saturation.

The only way to end her mary sueness is to handicap her and put her in life support like Vader

>Not going to lie, episode I and II Anakin were more likable and relatable

kys for having autism.

Give her some quips
Give her some flaws
Make something fucking terrible happen to her.
In that order.

She will fall in love with kylo and then luke has to kill her or sacrifice himself

is that Sup Forums autocorrect for reddit?

>lelelele "reddit" XDXDXD
Get a new meme.

t. redditor

Get the fuck out

people are already saying it

I didn't watch the new movie and never will, the memes are enough.

>Behold! she has become the master of both sides of the Force; a Grey Jedi, with all the strengths and none of the weaknesses of the Dark and the Light.
So Kyle Katarn?

You get the fuck out and don't come back until you've updated your memes.

You'll hear a lot of nerds come in here and defend Rey's slutty past on Jakku. They'll tell you “she had to do it" for food, water. resources, protection...

The truth, and this will be revealed in the next two films, is that Rey NEEDS cock. All sorts of cock: Ithorian cock, human cock, Zabrak cock. droid cock. prehensile Hutt cock. cock of all kinds. Rey needs them in her pussy and in her pink little asshole because she's depraved.
In her training with Luke on the magical island, we're going to hear all about what she did on Jakku. Glory holes, aliens runnin‘ trains on her by midnight fireside. Jawas probing her ass with metal instruments, even luggabeasts bustin' fat gallon-sized nuts on her pert little body.

She is a whore. Light side, dark side... Who cares? She's on the cock side. And that's why I love her.

Dip her in honey...oh wait, you said likable, nevermind.

It's a fairy tale for children. Congrats, you're not the target audience.

Except Kyle fell on the dark side, and decided to stop using the Force to not fall again. Till someone "killed" his gf, and then went in a murderspree that made Luke try to stop him and show him the way, he eventually (after discovers his gf is actually alive) returns to the light side

She needs to be fallible. Once she begins her Jedi training in proper, not just random bursts of power, she needs to struggle and overcome her difficulties with actual Jedi training and meditation and mastery. Luke had to do this, he needed to train, he had doubts, he is a very powerful Force user but he's still a kid with hang ups. Rey needs these. She needs to overcome difficulties instead of being able to instantly fly ships she's never handled and use Force abilities with no knowledge or training in them.


They've already done this plot with Luke almost going to the dark side. With Anakin.

I want to see Rey just become more powerful. Not necessarily evil.

>episode I and II Anakin were more likable and relatable

Said the person who likely grew up in a single-parent household as an edgy faggot while his mom was out fucking sandpeople for a living.

This would legitimately make the next two movies interesting enough to watch. Of course, what's actually gonna happen is she's going to become Ms. Super Perfect With the Force and get even more awful while Kylo actually goes through some character development. He'll throw off the evil training in the third movie, which will almost be entirely unrelated to her being the best at everything ever when she uses the Force to smash the Death Star, Sr. unaided.

Also the black guy will push Poe's shit in as they have gay buttsex because progressive diversity or some shit.

Do you really want her to try "acting" evil, it'll be more shit than it already is

Gives us a glimpse of dat azz

7/10 copypasta

What did she mean by this?

>she expects to like Luke
>Luke proves to be a difficult taskmaster
>Kylo seems misunderstood
>OMG, Luke's the enemy
>she slowly learns about the dark side
>Rey falls in with Vicrum Fett
>they take down the Order and build a new empire together
It writes itself.