There is someone on Sup Forums who hates everything

There is someone on Sup Forums who hates everything.

Is there anyone on Sup Forums who genuinely hates Hugh Jackman?

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Huge Actman is australian so everyone.

He has a kind face.

I hate him for accepting portraying Wolverine, even knowing Wolverine is short

There are people here who thinks he's had sex with underage boys. Not small children, but rather that he moves in the same twink circles as Bryan Singer

So, are people not campaigning for him to be Bond because it makes TOO much sense?

Me, terceloh does, he tried to mess with me, now the bitch, huge jackassflan, don't pipe too good.

I hated him in "Australia". I hated everything about that movie to be honest.

goes together with theory that jackman's wife is a beard

Let me guess, you're one of those fucking Wolverine fanboys, aren't you? The guy was already the lead character for the original X-men trilogy, he's got his own fucking solo movies, and he was the lead character and time traveler for X-men: DoFP. What more do you fucking want?

Also, The Fountain was a good movie. Then I fucking saw The Wolverine, and then X-men: Days of Future Past. Fucking hate The Fountain now.

Wolverine in the Avengers movies, is that what you people want? With most of the X-men movies already having developed his character, it looks like he needs an Avengers movie to complete his character arc. Right? Right?

wtf I hate Hugh Jackman now

You're the only person talking about Wolverine and the Avengers.

He was great in the Fountain.
Also a great guy. Really great guy.

He seems like the only legitly nicest actor there is. I like him as wolverine, I never really seen him in other movies besides Kate and leopold and that robot movie. Both of which I thought he was good in

I think it was an article on Zergnet a couple of years back. I just remembered about it and googled it.

The Fountain sucks. I can't believe I wrote a fucking paper on it back in college. I should've chosen something better.

I never thought of this but that would be a great choice. But I don't think he'd want to do another franchise

James McAvoy is also legit friendly

he shills for the jew so i hate him.

Why hasn't he played Dirty Harry yet.

It's a crime.

Watch Les Misérables.

He's GOAT as Jean Valjean.

Theres no need to make reboots/legacy franchises out of everything, but i would love to see Jackman in more gritty action roles beyond Wolverine.


He is a fucking PERFECT Wolverine, but now that he's done I want to see him do more action stuff.

Like I genuinely think any action movie he was in couldn't even be bad.

Imagine the Taken sequels with Hugh. Suddenly they are awesome

Totally forgot about swordfish. Yeah I'd like to see him in more gritty action movies too. I always thought this before and Jim sure everyone whose played the game thinks it now after seeing the Logan trailer, but he would make an awesome Joel if they did a last of us movie. But it'd probably look too similar to Logan. Maybe a mad max sequal or some shit, id just like to see him work with Mel Gibson in general


You know what, Fox Studio's X-men film franchise may mostly be about Wolverine since he has all the character development, has the most characterization and is fully fleshed out. But at least the animated series, from the X-men cartoon of the last century to X-men: Evolution and even the anime of the 2010s, they focused on other characters who weren't Wolverine. I guess the people writing the X-men films felt like none of the animated series gave Wolverine the character development he needed, so they spent most of their efforts on him.

What shit Keanu