So which one did you prefer, John Wick 1 or 2 Sup Forums?

So which one did you prefer, John Wick 1 or 2 Sup Forums?

1, I prefer its first half hour before the action begins.

Two did better at establishing the universe/mythos of the assassins, but the action wasn't as good as the first. There are a lot of scenes where he's out in the open and his assailant just misses all the shots. They also gave him magical kevlar as a cop out to assist in this. In the first he was always behind cover or using people to cover himself, etc.

Really? I thought the gunplay was a lot better in this one than the first.

He was constantly reloading, and checking ammo.

Also, I dont know whether it was still CG blood but it was much better than ones

I was much more invested in the stakes and the character in the second one so it.

That being said the first has a lot of charms that the second doesn't.

Both are fucking great.

I really don't understand how people are liking 2. I think the first is great, oozes atmosphere and is gorgeously shot. The 2nd just looks like any other "gritty" action movie and it has about an hour of boring conversation that seems to just establish the world in set up for John Wick 3

You people would shit on Empire Strikes Back.

The Star Wars movies are for children so yeah, probably.

John Wick 2 is not good.

I think as an action film, I still prefer the first one. If I really only wanted to see action, John Wick had a great variety of it. The home invasion scene is set up with a nice slow pace, it's tight with a lot of mainly close 1-on-1 gun fights. Everything is slow and clean. Then you have the club scene with its high intensity, high body count, and fast camera movement; when he kills Losef's goons with a sniper rifle. All vastly different action sequences with a bunch of small action breaks in the middle.

John Wick 2 mainly was just one giant club scene fight. The only variety it had was his fight with common which is easily the highlight of the film. Even the car chase isn't really a car chase. The mirror gallery sequence, while visually interesting, was probably the weakest in terms of action since people just kind of pop out of nowhere and then John instantly shoots them.

But despite that, I actually do enjoy a lot of the world building in John Wick 2. It breaks up the monotony of the action. The first movie's third act is so goddamn boring but I was entertained throughout the second movie. Hell, the audience in my theater all actually gasped when John shot Santino.

John Wick 1 can be showed to your friends through a couple of clips on YouTube. John Wick 2 feels more like a fully fledged movie.

bother are literally normie cuck reddit trash

grow up and return to reddit faggot and stop shilling this cuck shit

>Excuse for Keanu to use his 3-gun skills
The Movie.
>Center Axis Relock everywhere
>Riced out Glocks and rifles for everyone
>Ruby Rose can't act
>Movie jumps the shark and becomes a comedy in the last 30 minutes

>He's blocking the doorway
>what do you do?


>Movie jumps the shark and becomes a comedy in the last 30 minutes

How so

it becomes reddit

He may be a jackass but we've all seen Bieber's junk

Passionately kiss him and stare into eachother's eyes in a moment that seems to never end as we fall in love immediately. Then mozambique drill him and walk through the door.

I'd shit on any of the movies in this children film trilogy that became popular with the braindead masses and only remains popular because of nostalgia.

>Shootout with Common where NOONE notices gunshots or dead bodies
>Winston reveals that are are a gorillion assassins in NY
>Fat hitman
>Street performer hitman
>John Wick casually destroys Classic cars

Why do people keep insisting on fucking with the guy after personally witnessing him slaughter dozens of people at a time?