This is deeply disturbing POL...

Other urls found in this thread:

as planned



It's a metaphor, you autists.

When your joke bombs.

Nige didn't even crack a smile and he's always up for the bants.

The government is allways trying to push a fake alien agenda it makes it easier to force a one world government if people think aliens are real

If you want a planet
You need to planet

>brown hand for britain
They knew...


Wait what the fuck?

ayy lmao


could've been a mistranslation of "leaders from other nations"

No the word he said was planet.

it's not, however it seems like a joke awfully thrown

D-Did he slip up?

no hes just drunk
also fuck you denmark literally nothing good comes from you faggots

ITT: Reptilikike reveals its own dumb scaly ass.
you know, at this point we all never asked theright question, what the fuck does a reptilikike taste like barbequed?

They know many things...

Who are you again? Neighbor to Bulgaria?

The right has arisen.

Junker huh? I guess he is speaking plane truth.

murricah on vacation

its a nice place better than your icy sea filled with poor faggots pretending to be aryan lords or some shit

I wouldn't put it behind these shylocks to fake alien contact as an excuse to massacre the christian population

Jesus Christ the unstoppable madman

Why does the EU pick these dullards to be the President?

First it was the low-grade bank clerk, now it's the babbling, slapping drunk. They need to get Nigel in there to clean up shop.

It's just a slip.

Any source of that being published before the September 11th attacks?

Look swedens little brother is trying bantz for the first time

Why would he be president of the EU? He hates the EU

>it's a metaphor!
>he's just drunk!

The shilling is strong in this thread.

>This is deeply disturbing
For you guys, sure
Not us
We don't I've fuck because it doesn't affect us
Once we go isolationist literally all of this will be your problem and you'll have to deal with it on your own
Globalists about to get btfo by Trump and you guys are going to have to deal with that horned nest as well as the rest of the world asking for gibs
Have fun

that video of those EU bureaucrats getting told by Nigel from a few days ago is incredible.

Here's a metaphor. Give up control of greenland so we can create a new white paradise or else we will metaphorically wipe your country off the face of the planet


I'm joking:

The truth is though, he would be a better President than either of them.

I laughed.

Not really.

You think theres like a conglomerate of lefty space cuck worlds? Like Mass Effect or someshit?

Did you know the Star Trek Federation is based on a socialist "utopia"?

which countries goverments would be worried?

probably usa and canada


Way before... card game was out in 1994.

Yes, the original game I think is from 1982, the cards with that particular art I believe are from the set released in 1995

i'd believe it, and they go out of their way to genocide any planets with species with any self preservation whatsoever like true space antifaniggers.

With meme magic and all this superstitious Kek stuff becoming more and more plausible, I am starting to think maybe we are in a simulation like some scientists say.

Things like this must have been put here as an easter egg of sorts by the creator of the simulation. There are just far too many coincidences at this point.

Juncker is fucked. A fortnight ago he was unknown to the cruellest, nastiest press corps in the world. Today, he is their greatest enemy.
If they can't get him for something, they'll set him up.
Expect a sex tape of Juncker drunkenly copulating with a Martian to be on the front of the Mail by the end of next week.
They've brought down serious people of character before now, a drunk functionary from Luxembourg isn't even a challenge.

Why are you HERE?!


wow he really does seem drunk

You forgot the jew behind the reptilian

thats lacking some jews leading the reptillians with the planet and another one leading that one with cash.


>tfw even ayy's find the west cucky and wonder what the fuck is wrong with everyone


that's actually hilarious

One explanation of quantum nonlocality is that information is sent back in time from our perspective.

I think the reality behind meme magic might be that we simply manifest out own reality... placebo effect. It works better when groups do it, the bigger the better. Possibly why prayer works also.

>We do it with meme magic.
>Zionists do it with Hollywood.


dont underestimate meme magic


The Akashic Record...

PIC RELATED: R.I.P. Tay Tweets.

All according to plan, humanoyim.

>even now there are esoteric dickheads on Sup Forums aiming for the root
well that explains alot at least.

You have the personality of a damp rag lol. Nigel is fucking hilarious

Well, as much as i KNOW he IS drunk most times, i think he had a genuine Freudian slip right there.

The reptilians slip up from time to time. Brexit has accelerated their NWO plans. Look for a NAU agenda to start appearing in articles and "discussions".

More Ayy Merchant. Post as much as you have!




There's been odd events for a long time. Here;

There's some fringe research, nothing solid, but I agree there are definately too many coincidences. Something is there there just isn't enough evidence to make a cotingent theory.

Would the universe exist if there was no one was observe it?

>letting Ayy Lmaos interfire on human politics


EU confirmed for being replaced by Snatchers.

I should add that we are as human pattern recognisers, so what we may think as coincidences emerging from group consciousness could just be a distorted view from our innate ability to piece information together. Just a thought.

>Would the universe exist if there was no one was observe it?
Since it's pretty clear the universe is only the physical expression of our thoughts, I imagine not.

i swear this is solipsism taken to another level holy hell.

Please tell me there's a context for this.

>tfw I realize this image is a screencap from an unreleased documentary


How-, or should I at all modify the commie?

No but seriously... Funny coincidence.

man I wanna drink with that guy now

All of these were made by Sup Forumslacks. Don't try to read too much into it.

Holy shit ! i think i'm more shocked by this than Junker's comments now....I'm guessing this is just a coincidence or a mere case of pareidolia ?

"Oh shit! Did I seriously just blab about our alien overlords? ACT DRUNK! ACT DRUNK! ACT DRUNK..."

When a joke goes over badly, people (even politicians) crack a smile, even if it's just a snicker caused by the fact that the joke failed... not a single person in the clip acts like it's strange in the slightest.

>An off camera voice is heard making a sound as if to hold back laughter... because she's not in on it.

Even before Meme Magic and God Kek were a thing?

>liberals trying this hard

You might be right, but you'd better take the "cuck" remark back, Sven. You are the last person on this board who has a liscence to claim cuckery.

The Illuminati card game was actually created by Sup Forums ... a time traveler sent it back as a sign.


Never mind, I'm a retard. Sven dindu nuffin.

oh come on please tell me this isn't exactly what happened

at least provide a spoiler alert next time


>other planets

Is he talking about feminists?

Not all of our experiments are a success... we are however still trying.

That man is honestly dense af. He literally cannot make a comment that wouldn't be a huge embarrassment to himself.

How a man as stupid and retarded as this came to that position is an eternal wonder to me, and quite possibly the single best reason why EU should not exist.

Or its just confirmation bias. We remember the relatively few times it happened, and forget or fail to notice the many times it didnt,

So he's fucking insane.

Well no surprise on my end.

>Through the Looking Schnaps Glass