Was Titanic the last time CGI and practical effects was done right?

Was Titanic the last time CGI and practical effects was done right?

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Titanic was actually good though


>tfw this is the best shot to date

How does Jim do it?

why is he doing more avatars instead of giving us something new and unique

all these wide shots of the ship are incredible

Because he's doing something he feels passionate about, and not trying to please studios or fanboys. Not memeing, he's beyond rich enough to do whatever he wants in life, so if he starts going in submarines and filming Avatar movies, you know thats what genuinely makes him happy.

Just noticed this for the first time, in the 2012/3D re-release they fixed the error with the smokestack unit, because originally it didnt have the black stripe at the top

pic related: corrected version

and the original

Just recently watched both Avatar and Titantic on television--1080p, broadcast cuts, and 48" screen, i.e. pleb mode.

Titantic ship shots still look great, and even if they look toyish at times, it doesn't break immersion. Avatar has aged like goats milk and looks like a Star Wars cartoon on Cartoon Network.

Abatap relied too much on CGI

This shit was mind blowing back in the 90s. Looks good even today.

Based Jim.

Reminder that Cameron wanted to original ending to be old Rose confronting everyone with the diamond over the edge of the boat and everyone has a good laugh at the end. Thank god he was overruled

Leafs are natural kinographers

The Phantom Menace

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

So seamless you didn't even realize the movie had CGI


I liek matte paintings


agree in some respects, but the people were comically large wandering the deck, and the jump scene looks ridiculous

What about the deleted scene where the nigga jumps off the back after dumping her goldfish in?

How many men did Cameron have executed for that fuckup?



None. He had everyone who was too deeply involved trapped on his 90% full scale titanic and drowned, so no one but he would fully know it's secrets..

I don't know, this seemed like a real feat at the time...




I'll never let go, Jack

love that shot



As if Titanic needed to be more corny



and now rewatch the dinosaur run scene

nah, that's the different case, most of these effects are cosmetic, i bet it's hard to not make them right for pros