Damn...really makes you think

Damn...really makes you think

Ugly, he means?

I think hes cute

Hes a qt with the long hair/facial hair

He's very metropolitan

Next time don't forget the batteries!

Vibrant culturally.

What is he a Muslim shit?

No he is a poo in the loo

He can easily star in 5000000 shitty bollywood movies

>i dont have any talent or bring anything to the table
>cant be bothered to change at all

This is what humanity has been reduced to.

>it's a white people don't even make an effort to understand the experience of non-whites either out of their own ignorance, pride, or straight-up stupidity episode

That's not what he's saying at all, though. It's not exactly controversial to say that the best scripts tend to have major characters eventually played by whites, and that's understandable because they're mostly made in white-majority countries. It's not racism.

Yeah, because Slumdog got no acclaim, he was casted in that oscar bait Infinity movie, had a spot on a Sorkin show, and is now in another Oscar bait movie

fucking poo in a loo cunt

Fuck off. This is the best period in time to be a non-white in the west, they're all being treated like princesses. It literally can't get any better than this.

Most mexicans and other browns are ussually cast in films revolving around their race,whites are not.

That being said,they could try writing their own scripts and casting themselves as the MC,plenty of actors do this when the roles are drying up.

>its a useful idiot assumes he knows anything about me, my life, or my experiences so they assume and stereotype in the same way they comdemn others for episode

>gee my conutry sucks because its full of me
>thank god i made it to a white country
>wow! everyones so accepting, and im successful now

an attractive person with indo-european features and slightly brown skin

it's almost like he's a black kang

There are much better looking guys who can speak the language who will get work before him.

He doesnt really have an indo european features, id say someone like hritik roshan is much more indo european.

>scripts like this dont come very often
Has he just not heard of Bollywood? Literally the largest film producer in the world is India.


He's got a point. Poo people don't bring in money for the box office. Rthedonald is just unwilling to concede to anything

He is talking about race!? I totally thought he is saying he is ugly.

lmao this

same here

don't come around every so often? he means he gets lots of them?

I'm glad Tumblr made this a gif, it really added a lot and really made me think.

>looking like i do, women don't come around every so often
why are ugly people not the next frontier of social justice. i just want someone to yell and scream until someone else loves me