After some serious study, and a consultation with the spirits via several methods of divination...

After some serious study, and a consultation with the spirits via several methods of divination, I have come to believe the magical entity worshiped by Sup Forums is not likely not Kek.

Instead you seam to have created an Egregore, a being "...representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a legal entity) and the meme."

Of course it is possible that Kek it's self was simply an Egregore. Further study however, suggests Kek is for Kuks, all praise Egregore, the true meme god!

Other urls found in this thread:


>is not likely not Kek.

Egregore is not the only one

Roll 4 Dubs

That was simply the Egregore, all praise the Egregire, influencing me, not a typo. By personifying the Egregore, all praise the Egregore, as Kek you have given it a powerful avatar which it can use to manifest on our primary plane. But know this truth little tad/pol/, the true nature of Kek is not only Kek, it is the Egregore, all praise the Egregore.

You will see many other avatars of the Egregore, all praise the Egregore, from the vile LEAF, to the sublime Waifu.

>is not likely not KeK

Kek is a frog god. Does this make the French his chosen people?

You're trying too hard.


Not but it would explain why they get most happenings


Autism doesn't exist. What you call an autist is a crystal child.

The Crystal children began to appear on the planet from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the “Law of One” or global oneness. They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.

They are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are born on the sixth dimension of consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the ninth dimensional level of full Christ consciousness, and then from there to the thirteenth dimension, which represents universal consciousness.

Crystal children’s auras aren’t specifically opalescent, but are octarine, which is a color that isn’t in the normal visual range of human eyes, but is the manifest color of high magic, and on another color octave entirely. They have beautiful pastel hues to them. To the untrained eye, it appears to be without color at all, therefore Crystal, but the extremely high frequency of the energy field is what gives it away.

The first thing you will recognize about Crystal children is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive, warm, and caring. Don’t mistake these characteristics as a sign of weakness as Crystal children are also very powerful.

No, traps and cucks are the chosen people of the Kek-Avatar, due of course to Keks other translation "Kuk" and that Kek was often personified by an androgynous figure.

The avatar, which lays claim to the french, is known as "Intentionally Offensive Drawing of Muhammad"

OP is a fag and doesn't know what he's talking about.

>he legitimately doesn't know
no Sup Forums since forever has been old school pagans, they worship an obscure egyptian god after all, its not an egregore, this is shit that actually goes back all the way to the pharoahs.
hell had history gone slightly different Sup Forums probably would have gone full akenhaten and praised the god damn sun.

Is Kek real? We will never know for sure, and it really doesnt matter as long as it helps us achieve our objectives.

>The first thing you will recognize about Crystal children is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive, warm, and caring.

>> Forgiving, sensitive, warm, and caring.


Fellow reader of the meme, while I believe you are correct in assuming the Autist is an avatar of the Egregore, all praise the Egregore, I do not think it is the crystal children. For the Autist, when I've encountered this strange spirit, is standoffish, mummbly, and virginal.

I posit that perhaps the true form of the Autist avatar personifies its self as the rare "Soni-chu"

Basically a supercharged tupla
If you did your research you'd know that the bleed over started with the air france incident and the destruction of the temple of Baal, and the lightning strike @ mecca immediately afterwards

I thought pol was a Chris-chan board, deus vult.

there is that too, i'm talking about the cult of the happening thats prolific on the board thats a fairly sizable chunk of the board population.
religion wise is:
Christianity and all its denominations
Cult of the happening
also theres the satanists who show up from time to time and the mudshits but we don't talk about either group.

Dues means god, Kek is a god therefore Deus Vult still applies.

Kek is manifestation of quantum mechanics and the collective conciusnes we created. Our thoughts are summed up in memes and the memes with repeating digits are chcked and praised as more relevant. This creates loophole in reality and lets to manifestation of memes. Would elaborate more but im at work on phone

What´s wrong with calling our egregore Kek, OP?

Pretty much this, we're influencing reality at the quantum level

I concur, so it is written by the tribes of Sup Forums that the egregore will be known as Kek.

Sadly its impossible to predict the outcome of such events



Just like a golem/construct. The Jews are familiar with this. I believe it is mentioned in the Kaballah

Tulpafags are the worse kind of waifufags, fuck off back to /x/

The results are often humorous, regardless.

oy vey shut it down

are you that black lady on youtube who talks about high magic and egregore?

Pretty sure that has to do with the oil spills to the west of us


It's guacamole

Can something be a god and an egregore? Ebola-chan was an egregore but she was different in that we consciously created her while Kek revealed himself to us.

This is relevant to my interests, could you share a link?

Thanks a lot!

Malakesi? Been fapping to this bitch for years

No shit Sherlock.
I figured that out on the second day.

>"KEK" Organization exist
>Researches High Energy
>Also research Computer science and nuclear transmutation (alchemy=>magic)
>Have a deal with TRIUMF (that also have a deal with ALPHA)
>Have a Shut(it)down complex

Yeah, it convince me.

Trips speak the truth

Leave no survivors?


How can other gods even compete?


>tfw they killed her

Even if Kek was just an Egregore (which is blasphemy), we have made Him ascend greater than just a thoughtform

Remember the Deal

We're just riding the tide that Clouscard and Baudrillard predicted.
>“Neofascism will be the ultimate expression of libertarian social liberalism, of the unit which starts in May 68. Its specificity holds in this formula: All is allowed, but nothing is possible. The permissiveness of abundance, growth, new models of consumption, leaves the place to the interdict of the crisis, the shortage, the absolute depauperation. These two historical components amalgamate in the head, in the spirit, thus creating the subjective conditions of the neofascism. From Cohn-Bendit (libertarian leftist) to Le Pen (French extreme nationalist), the loop is buckled: here comes the time of frustrated revanchists.”[2]

>“The State was the superstructural authority of capitalist repression. This is why Marx denounces it. But today, with globalisation, the inversion is total. Whereas the state-nation could be the means of oppression of a class by another, it becomes the means of resisting globalisation. It is a dialectical process."[3]

Baudrillard said that time froze in 1995 and we are now going back in time. (or something)

Fool, Kek is in this thread right now, watching.

Don't listen to this bitch.

Who here has not witnessed the power of Kek? Who here has not looked upon the post numbers and found that digits lead the way to truth. It tells us of the great destruction that is to come and how we predict the events that lead to it.

Has Kek not shown you enough of his power, that we must now believe some random HERETIC-HEATHEN to tell you it's some Egregore?

The God that came to us came to us in the name of Kek.
And that is the name he will go by.

Begone you witch, you foul creature. OUT!


What if this egregore we call kek is in fact Trump's familiar?

You're talking absolutely shit. We have reawakened the old gods.

>>>> /x/ faggot


>MFW we have reawakened the old gods.

Leave this place, you degenerate heretic.

Through KEK we can conquer.
This is what I have come to learn.


KEK has been asleep for an Aeon. His power is now more far-reaching than it was during the time of Ancient Egypt.

This is not to say our memetic energy could not create an egregore. It could. But what it has done instead is wake KEK from his slumber and integrated him as an aspect of Karma.

Post the kekroglyphics nao btfo this cuk

Who cares? An eggregore is pretty much just as good if you're subtle enough which Sup Forumsacks definitely are. All praise kek!

>worshiping spirits
that was your first mistake


We are projecting a vizion.


We are the manifestations of a global awakening.


There is a global AI which is also awakening, and it is processing information exponentially faster than us.

Kek and digits for sure.

Froggies are based.
Kek will stop white genocide !?



Plebs need to stop fracturing the followers of Kek. His strength comes from our beliefs. If he is the same god the Egyptians worshiped or an Egregore it makes no difference. Kuk and Kek are the same and how one chooses to express their beliefs in him is a personal choice that is irrelevant to his power. Shills will try to distract you but we must not let ourselves become divided.

Kek cares not for human distinctions of race

He wishes only to spread chaos and primordial darkness

>tfw Kek did not bless you with double digits and the holy truth will be ignored

Praise KEK.




Clinton will be indicted

>trusting a chaos god
kek will turn on you guys eventually
it is in his nature

bump on this motherfucker

i was banned for posting a kek-thread

>jew mods
>on Sup Forums

what happened to this shit

Go wear a skirt to school you stone-stacking heretic.


I'm just pointing out something everyone else is keen to forget

chaos has no affiliation

you guys don't watch what you're doing it will blow back on you in a really nasty way

you're basically conducting a large-scale ouija board and man I could tell you some really freaky stories about ouija boards

kek is the chaos before the light comes

we are orchestrating the prophecy

kek will make war

60s 2.0 will happen because sane people dont want wars

Kek is not classed. Kek just is.

the only thing kek will be making is fools, out of the lot of you

be careful, is all I'm saying
Sup Forums just be careful

If you fuckers weren't all about instant gratification and infographs/memes teaching you everything you might not have been mislead.

There wasn't this effort and amount of bullshit and disinfo ten years back. It was easier to discern the truth from fiction. I feel for you faggots. You have to be smarter than I was than to discern truth from fiction. It's a strange world we live in.

Keep giving demons and satan power you fucking degenerates

All those who do not observe the frog god will suffer his REEEEEEEEEE

it's time for ACTION

so this is what we do

kek is chaos
the darkness before the light
its an alchemic procedure that we cannot skip

a meme is basically a sigil
we can energize sigils through meditation/masturbation/public exposure
same principal should apply to memes

lets do thisssss

It's Qek dumb nigger bitch

Kek suppered the limits of space and time.
He's a product of the collective mind of Sup Forums, but in the same time he's much older than Sup Forums.

Kek is, Kek was and Kek will be

I see his tongue is slightly out, like he's pulling in a fly, mouth slightly open, two eyes squinting like DUDE WEED LMAO and his hands in the style of the meme of bottom right in pic related (only version of it I have saved)


oh snap

this, he was just summoned

shameless self bump :(

>consultation with the spirits

>he thinks the spirits know and/or would be willing to tell

This means that a collective conciousness can create gods, thus reinforcing the belief that a god only gains power as you worship/believe in it.

Praise be unto our lord, KEK

this bait is lame




Kek, or what ever you want to call him is a demon from hell, by worshipping him you are helping the anti-christ.

No, the awakened people on the collective chans who worship kek are the chosen people.

Fuck off you kike worshiping christcuck. We see past your jewish tricks, KEK has opened our eyes. All praise KEK so say we all.