Literally no non-white protagonists

>literally no non-white protagonists
>the good guys are literally called the MEN OF THE WEST
>defend their homelands from invading brown people from the east and south as well as negroid looking Orcs

In all seriousness, why did God's Chosen People allow this to be made?

Other urls found in this thread:–_Iraq


what about them taxes tho

The 90's was a different time. High fantasy was only for weird people and no one expected this to get any critical acclaim.

peter jackson is a manlet kike and Tolkien was an anglo cuck

To insight self hatred and guilt by white people to help push for more diversity.

Tolkien was of Germanic stock, born in South Africa, and a practising Catholic. Aside from the language he was scarcely Anglo at all.

These films are great because they came at the perfect time where no one would complain about all white casts, such a shame that it lacks all information in regards to taxes and how the monetary system worked and if there was a working monetary system between provinces

LOTR is very pro-war so it helped out with rallying their Iraq war effort.

I think at the time people were more willing to watch a movie for what it was without questioning race or gender balance in the roles.

So he was an African worshipping a jew god? And now you got your answers why kikes promoted his filth.

Anglo-Saxons are a Germanic people

I guess they respected Tolkien when he said that it is not an allegory and they're not autistic enough to try to twist every movie into some whites vs the world thing.

only because they got genetically cucked hard by Nordic people for hundreds of years, real beady eyed anglos are hardly even human

>such a shame that it lacks all information in regards to taxes and how the monetary system worked and if there was a working monetary system between provinces
shut the fuck up GRRM

t. nigger

>In all seriousness, why did God's Chosen People allow this to be made?

Tax laundering

English people are genetically indigenous Britons with a bit of Germanic admixture. The Vikings themselves left basically no genetic trace at all.

Tolkien literally himself said sauron was meant to be hitler
Try again Sup Forums

no he didn't

>In my story Sauron represents as near an approach to the wholly evil will as is possible. He had gone the way of all tyrants: beginning well, at least on the level that while desiring to order all things according to his own wisdom he still at first considered the (economic) well-being of other inhabitants of the Earth. But he went further than human tyrants in pride and the lust for domination, being in origin an immortal (angelic) spirit. Sauron desired to be a God-King, and was held to be this by his servants, by a triple treachery: 1. Because of his admiration of Strength he had become a follower of Morgoth and fell with him down into the depths of evil, becoming his chief agent in Middle Earth. 2. when Morgoth was defeated by the Valar finally he forsook his allegiance; but out of fear only; he did not present himself to the Valar or sue for pardon, and remained in Middle Earth. 3. When he found how greatly his knowledge was admired by all other rational creatures and how easy it was to influence them, his pride became boundless.

Where is Hitler ever mentioned?

It came right after 9/11, it helped their war effort against the Muslims as intended

The world of Tolkien is the most antiracist setting you can have.

non-whites is his setting are not evil, they are just misguided when Sauron and Morgoth lured them into his camp. In the unfinished tales, he describes how the Southern men in Arnor were oppressed like the Dunlendings by Rohan. And concerning black Numenoreans, they turned against Gondor out of fidelity for their pretender king. In many ways they are useful puppets for Sauron, but are still described as being honorable ( as in the case of Rhun in the battle of black gate).

Because the books were and still are some of the most popular fantasy fiction of all time and Jackson and the crew were very dedicated to source material and creating a good set of films as opposed to pure profits.

The end result was the greatest fantasy trilogy film has ever seen. Modern SJW sensibilities cannot take that away because of MUH DIVERSITY

This, the Vikings left nothing, not even culturally.
I still don't get why people worship them so much.

Hitler and Sauron had literally identical tax policies

Elijah Wood not white?

Anglos are a germanic tribe you fucking moron. Anglo is a subset of germanic.

Because tolkien supported anarchism like a good little cuck

The kikes were to dumb to realize how Nazi the movie was


how did they get away with this

Liberals love Tolkien

Absolute Kino


not anymore now that they worship identity politics, he's a FUCKING WHITE MALE after all

this.Anglos are disgusting

Is that the reason why I like this so much?

I wish I lived in an all white country.

oh boy another screencap for reddit

>fantasy shlock made to infantilize the white males mind
>why did the j_ws allow this to happen

What a mystery!

don't be jelly mr burger

>LotR fans being this autisitic
Bunch of virgin whose lives revolve around the internet. I guess that's good for them though, since you can't call someone a cuck if he don't have a woman to begin with

Viking settlers were the ones that became templar knights.
The crusades, the cities, all of that bears trace of vikings.

I feel like you might be using words you don't understand user.


most white burgers are part anglo

Did your inferior and powerless """country""" get colonized by the Anglo?

>negroid looking Orcs


Look up americas white ethnic makeup, anglos are number 3 behind Irish and German

01, 02, 03 right around 9/11, the war efforts for Afghanistan + Iraq . Bush's prime years. Was a different timeline then

these are all unfunny desu

Are you trollin? Anglos are Germanic and always have been

Fun fact: Tolkien converted his agnostic friend into a religous man, though not of the same denomination, and then convinced that friend to write books. That man's name? C.S. Lewis and The Chronicles of Narnia

> when you're a of Anglo stock and you marry an east Texas, ex-German girl and she won't stop putting up a new wreath every damn season.

Why is this a thing?

>dude I would love to live in the shire
>dude bro feel with frodo and the other dude
>for Viggos character!

All of the are just some examples of the bigger picture in this series and many like it to infantilize your mind. You can pretend it's all pro old/pol/ ideals because you like it, but it's not. A simple way to put this is you're a cuck much like the ones who fell for the Avatar "universe" is great meme.

It'll be easy for you to cite those traces then.

>Also from Texas
Nice to see my fellows on here

Not to mention Hitler liked Britain almost as much as his own country
Yet people spam eternal Anglo memes despite his obvious anglophilia

Again, you keep using that word nonsensically, and the 'examples' you cite aren't even stuff from the film, instead they stuff from the the imaginary dudebro character you've invented in your own head. Are you a leftist or something? Because you don't seem to know what cuck means either, a tell-tale sign.

Imagine a remake with Kevin hart and ice cube as Sam and frodo, and Gandalf as Chris tucker

Just have to cite a good amont of the king in all honesty

>When writing The Lord of the Rings Tolkien continued many of the themes he had set up in The Hobbit. When giving Dwarves their own language (Khuzdul) Tolkien decided to create an analogue of a Semitic language influenced by Hebrew phonology. Like medieval Jewish groups, the Dwarves use their own language only amongst themselves, and adopted the languages of those they live amongst for the most part, for example taking public names from the cultures they lived within, whilst keeping their "true-names" and true language a secret.[10] Along with a few words in Khuzdul, Tolkien also developed runes of his own invention (the Cirth), said to have been invented by Elves and later adopted by the Dwarves. Tolkien further underlines the diaspora of the Dwarves with the lost stronghold of the Mines of Moria. In The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien uses the main dwarf character Gimli to finally reconcile the conflict between Elves and Dwarves through showing great courtesy to Galadriel and forming a deep friendship with Legolas, which has been seen as Tolkien's reply toward "Gentile anti-Semitism and Jewish exclusiveness".[6]

Tolkien also elaborated on Jewish influence on his Dwarves in a letter: "I do think of the 'Dwarves' like Jews: at once native and alien in their habitations, speaking the languages of the country, but with an accent due to their own private tongue..."

I hope you guys are enjoying your movie where you learn to love and respect the Jews and see them as action heroes.

Why are Sup Forumstards pretending there's somekind of "war" against brown people? Europe opened its borders to let people fleeing from war to enter even though it got exploited by others. Why would you give social benefits and shelter to people you are at war against? The mental gymnastics you faggots go through... insane.

> Fictional race of alcoholic midget weightlifters who carve entire cities under mountains in search of magical bucky-ball steel
> Jewish people

I thought he just used some allusions, but okay, sure?

>Why would you give social benefits and shelter to people you are at war against?

I don't know, is there something in the water in Europe that makes them do shit like that?

>anti-third world propaganda?

No Hitler was a good man. Tolkien was a secret jew.

>I have in this War a burning private grudge—which would probably make me a better soldier at 49 than I was at 22: against that ruddy little ignoramus Adolf Hitler (for the odd thing about demonic inspiration and impetus is that it in no way enhances the purely intellectual stature: it chiefly affects the mere will). Ruining, perverting, misapplying, and making for ever accursed, that noble northern spirit, a supreme contribution to Europe, which I have ever loved, and tried to present in its true light.

Hitler was a retard though, he chimped out and started a war and made European nationalism a no-no for forever

Is Tolkien officially Goebbels-tier?

Can you specify which countries in Europe have waged a war against Iran, Iraq or Syria?

It is the "Triumph of the Will" of our Generation

Well right now it's really just the French (((Foreign))) Legion

The UK and Poland sent troops to Iraq in 2003, France is currently bombing Syria as are a lot of EU countries

He is a disgusting jew.

Name ONE thing wrong with being a jew.

>the UK and Poland
the list is way longer–_Iraq

you feel a constant desire to subvert and destroy the host nation and culture of the place you're living in


is this the kind of garbage you read?

Sabbath on the busiest shop day of the week.

No, but you want to pretend your children's series isn't Jewish propaganda so things like this need to be shown when an op like this is made.

So the Dwarves were modelled on the Jews?

Weren't the Dwarves the ones that lost their homeland due to their uncontrollable greed and obsession with gold and jewels?

>Why are Sup Forumstards pretending there's somekind of "war" against brown people?
You're confused. It's the SJW faggots that pretend there's a racist war against brown people. There isn't, we just wish there was.

Tolkien hated Nazis though. Also the dwarves were based off Jews.

Jews have scottish accent?

>Weren't the Dwarves the ones that lost their homeland due to their uncontrollable greed and obsession with gold and jewels?


The Jews lost their homeland to the Romans. And their entire story has been about trying to get their homeland back. Much like the Dwarves with their caves

Who knows

Well...he did fight against Germany in two world wars

I'm literally shaking rn, I can't believe how passive aggressive that blouse is. Get over it? Fat chance! Me? I'm alt right, and I won't stand for it.

So he unconsciously projected the truth of kikery onto the Dwarves. I couldn't care less whether he was consciously anti-racist or not, it's the influence of the movies that matter, and they're about as pro-White imperium as you can get from modernity.

the shekel potential was too great to pass it up



Jewish greed is a myth heavily distorted from vaguely related facts, which is that they were medieval bankers. Learn to separate reality from your stormfat biases

>Ian Mckellan
Nice photoshop

>stormfat biases
He wishes. He's a cuck that only supports just enough to justify liking this pro jew garbage among other cucks that are the same way.


Srsly look at how the skin tone changes from Ian's head to the body on the other side of the guys hand


deal with it

Once they realize it is red-pilled they get mad. There have been several articles denouncing the landed hobbits for exploiting the working hobbits.

The reason for this is the majority of anglo descendants in america put their ethnic group as american since they have lived in since the 1700s usually. They are probably more numerous than germans.

>having a brain so ass fucked by racist propaganda that you think kids reaching into the mall fountain is greed