Tfw only person in my area that speaks the national language (English)

>tfw only person in my area that speaks the national language (English)
Is this a common occurrence in your country? Being the only person who speaks the native language?

Yes, I am the only speaker of Transylvanian left

No, everybody speaks the native tongue. However, most are unable to express themselves in way that is not similar to how they speak online. Once i recorded my self when i held a speech, and i sounded like a guy from the 30s.

Maybe in some ghettos
Other than that, we killed off regional languages so not really

>native language?
In some far away towns in the forest only the old indians still speak their tongue, in big cities only in colleges where people study it

*ccitans should be shown no mercy

The french will pay for their crimes against humanity

wtf my ancestors are from the pyrénées-atlantiques, this is literally genocide of my people

you racist antioccitan

Occ*tans, Br*tons, Als*tians, Arp*tan, Cat*lan, B*sque, C*rsicans, ... they all know whats coming to them if they do not embrace our tongue

the suburb i live in is full of MENA and east asian immigrants, none of them speak English

t. Regionalist cuck
Accept the supremacy of your Wallachian superiors like our regions had to accept ours

>grr my vulgar latin dialect is better than your vulgar latin dialect

Are you this guy??? (who looks Polish btw)

Then move somewhere else in your cunt, you live in shithole and complain.

the languages d'oïl are superior to those of the medit*rraneans

you're all just Gaulish rapebabies anyway

I'm probably the only one who speak french in my entire block lol


You really don't know shit about our history lol

you're right, france is entirely gaulish genetically

That can't be happening.

Too many arabs at once, is that possible in UK?
Also way too many ppl on the street. Is this commuting time?

>Also way too many ppl on the street. Is this commuting time?
Looks like children are either leaving/heading to school
