Why does "dark skin" always equal "lesser", no matter what lineage of "dark" it is?

Why does "dark skin" always equal "lesser", no matter what lineage of "dark" it is?

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because Anglo white is simply the best. ergo any dark != anglo ergo any dark < anglo

because they go outside seriously

Dark = southerner
Southerner = shit

Look at all the civilisations, the further north they go the more advanced they are.

u must be a proxyfag

>Why does "dark skin" always equal "lesser", no matter what lineage of "dark" it is?

Not necessarily.

In Soviet California, it actually allows you to commit any crime with impunity: change.org/p/berkeley-unified-school-district-fire-yvette-felarca


Yes, it is mainly about the natural connection of higher social status with the opportunity to not spend all your days laboring, almost always agriculturally.

No one is darker than oil, so once we discovered it we've made it do all the work instead and historical understanding of this connection has been attenuated. Fads for tanning and so on. The end goal of it is still to socially signal high status, and mixed value systems reflect confusion as to whom and what will be high status in the future.

That's a shame if you ask me because of how shallow it is, but there is some rooted practicality in it. Humans simply aren't collectively any smarter than that, and any reasoning more complex for determining fitness is probably riskier.

Dark skin is found in hotter climates, hot climates is where apes can be found meaning dark skins are closer to apes than those of lighter skin, the one who have light skin live in environments that apes cannot exist in thus are more advanced than the dark skins.

Ever notice every feral savage race can be found near the equator?

Pigeons versus the cardinal. One is a songbird, the other a scavenger. One thrives in a clean forest, the other in a dirty city.

Man if only I was there with that man. People need to know that you shouldn't be afraid to speak your mind against the injustices being committed against what is known as "White People."

A shit storm is brewing in America, and these commie fifth column ass Anti-fags as going to cause their own downfall.

Even in the southern hemisphere?

Exept with the sub-human Irish

>some light punching from some small asian woman = any crime

To build on your statement, humans who lived in northern climates had to deal with harsh winters, so advanced planning was evolved by northern humans. Protoniggers in southern areas could big all day all year with no such challenge, and never evolved such thinking. This is why nuggets act so impulsively today.

Nonwhites come from regions where there's no goddamn winters, and their skin is darker to accommodate the year round intense sun, so it's tougher to get skin cancer. Evolution at work.

But with no winters, there's no yearly culling where the lazy and stupid die in the cold (because they didn't square away on food and shelter. )

No culling = dumbasses and lazy idiots don't get weeded out (evolution NOT at work), and they drag their whole race down. That's why dark skinners are inferior.

In modern days having dark skin means you do some heavy labor waork under the sun, i.e. a worker that work a lot but earn little, so naturally perceived to have lower status. Even in South East Asia people like to have fair skin due this reason.

Biologically speaking, dark skin subconsciously appears as a sort of evolutionary crutch. Whites and East Asians don't need dark skin because they are advanced enough to build shelter, create sun-protectant, etc. while niggers require their melanin inheritance to survive.

>the man then gets tackled and beaten by a bunch of filthy communists

Aren't like 90% of the people in Bahamas african?

proceeding onto the guy getting beat down by a group of about ten then dragged off until police intervened. watch the video dude.

yup, because most of the native population died due to disease so they replaced the cheap labor with black slaves they bought from african tribes.

No the real reason they didnt develop future planning is there werent enough dangerous predators in Africa to cause it, our early human ancestors were capable of forethought the ones that predated niggers yet somehow nigs lost this ability, it could be said that since niggers who had originated in the central african jungles which were very safe compared to the savannahs. Most nigs in Africa were found in the jungles not savannahs that should clue you in on what this savage hominid adapted to, in the jungle there is resources everywhere and no danger this caused the negros to literally devolve mentally back into impulsive chimps and lose their forethought and any semblance of human behavior. The same thing happened to the indians that lived in the jungles of southern India,and the American natives that lived in the jungles of central and South America. Btw these savages are the reason Latin America is so hellish today their genes cause the brown ones in South America to act the way they do. The Abos originally came from jungles in Indonesia or Papua New Guinea and probably thrived in Australia jungles before the retarded burned them down.

makes sense, explains negritos and se asia

The natives of this island chain were relatives of what you call redskins in North America they went extinct due to Spaniards killing them all, the Brits then came here and freed their niggers slaves then went fuck it and let the slaves run the island chain to this day.

South East Asia was originally full of brown hominids the more intelligent Mongoloid(asians) drived all but the ones in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Phillipines to extinction. You can see some of these brown subhumans in Papua New Guinea also one of the most dangerous places on earth. The browns in New Guinea are more subhuman than niggers because many of them still live in wild tribes in the jungles and because unlike Africa whiteys never once tried to mass civilized these animals creating the most dangerous place in the Oceania area. Even Abos are not as dangerous as these jungle savages.

the post I responded to linked to a petition about the asian woman.
>until police intervened
what are you whining about, then?
also, I did watch the video. the guy was literally asking for it, and doing so as close to the police as possible so they could rescue him.

btw, did anyone get arrested for those stabbings?

The hipocrisy is palpable with this one

sorry my man

>btw, did anyone get arrested for those stabbings?

No, just like no one was arrested for threatening anti-affirmative action people with knives:


Additionally "Ms. Gratz, who won her Supreme Court case against the University of Michigan... filed a report with Detroit police accusing Luke Massie, national chairman of the activist group By Any Means Necessary, of displaying a knife" from his right pants pocket, toying with it, and pulling it halfway out of his pants- but not drawing its blade- during a "heated" confrontation outside a state civil rights meeting. "It was one of several attempts to either intimidate me or attack my character", she said after a speech she gave to the National Association of Scholars in Boston. Massie denied the allegation.

> btw, did anyone get arrested for those stabbings?

Or for luring children into this violent cult.



wait. I just saw the link

>goes outside all day ----> worker
>has dark skin

>stays inside all day ----> aristocrat
>has light skin

>luring children into this violent cult
cause white supremacists never do that.

Look, I don't doubt that bad things have been done and gone unconvicted. I don't know a lot about bamn but my impression is that they're not great. But whining and crying about that asian lady not being arrested for those punches is pretty silly. That's all. Find something actually worth complaining about.


there was a permitted protest by the Traditionalist Workers Party, a group that is based in central california that represents the will of white farmers

they also happen to believe that white people are being oppressed in america (they are) through many policies supported by the government, one of which is affirmative action AKA Tyrone McMuashi gets to go to Berkley and Johnny Appleseed doesn't even though they have the exact same backround because Tyrone is black.

Then anti-fag shows up, those fucking fifth column pieces of shit.

They're a globalist communist force that seeks to prevent any sort of discussion surrounding nationalism in any form and does so violently and often with the support of the local police force. They have adopted the vary same tactics of the fascists they claim to be against. The only difference between them and the Nazi Brownshirts is that they are communists.

This basically.

even in asia they despise anyone who has dark skin and this is a trend that existed far before any interaction between western europe and asia

I'm more than certain that most african tribes that aren't from the congo (that's where the real purple motherfuckers are from) they had similar discrimination

It's just nature.

Actually North civilizations and Asians are shit.

The literal black skinned niggers are found somewhere in Sudan actually.



>cause white supremacists never do that.

Not an argument. Sign it: change.org/p/berkeley-unified-school-district-fire-yvette-felarca

Really? huh, the more you know

>Not an argument
Not an argument

actually you're the one that's supposed to bring the argument with the talking points

what? why? I'm not the one trying to get people to sign a petition over butthurt about a few weak punches from an asian woman.

Because we live in a spiritual world where everything black represents evil and everything white represents good.

This goes for everything even the animal kingdom.
Black colored animals are evil and destructive.
White colored animals are leaders and good.
For example a white horse and a black cobra
Or white blood cells that protect us from the evil black viruses like the black plague

>sign a petition over butthurt about a few weak punches from an asian woman.

why are you wasting your time here, are you being paid by hillarly's campaign or something? you do know that nobody here is going to be convinced, right?

>Why does "dark skin" always equal "lesser", no matter what lineage of "dark" it is?

Because the those races or subspecies are more adapted to the sun, meaning they have darker skin.
They adapted more to the sun because they went extremely long periods without proper agriculture, shelter, ect.
Agriculture allows civilizations to collect food and water relatively close to shelter, meaning they do not need to be out in the sun for as long.

It's not just dark skins either, every race that did not advance to agriculture and proper architecture are basically shitskins with non-shit skin.
Because they did not have agriculture they needed to hunt like nomads well after humanity's nomadic age. This doesn't mean traveling long distances to country to country, but building temporary villages and moving them over the course of a few generations. They do not need permanency and as such do not need long term planning and thinking skills needed to achieve surrealist ideas and thought-processes. This is why Africans on average are extremely stupid; they don't need to be smart to survive or insure the survival of their children. By babying their country we've only made it worse too. By all rights they should have died off by now but we're keeping them on life support like a society that breeds retards.

This isn't to say blacks can't be as intelligent, but in general they're at a disadvantage and on average are not intelligent.

пoшeл нa хyй

yes, you got me. I am being paid by hillary's campaign to argue on Sup Forums over some petition about some nobody.

[spoiler]it's for the (You)'s[/spoiler]

The Bubonic Plague was bacterial.

man, you really should go back to r9k if you really need that validation because that is just sad.

Evolution my dear man, more food grows closer to the Equator so there is less negative selective pressure against the Humanoids in question because they do not need to "plan for winter" and avoid starving and freezing to death at the same time.

More sun=darker skin. Its just the way it be.