Thoughts on Life of Pi?

Thoughts on Life of Pi?

It's easily the most visually beautiful film I've ever seen. The story is powerful and heartfelt, while it's loaded with powerful messages and excellent quotes

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Why doesn't the tiger just eat the kid

If you watch the film you'll find out

I remember hating this movie, but not why.

It's because it's an allegory for cannibalism.


>believing the lie

I liked the prequel better

The Conception of Pi?

there isnt a prequel he's just being a troll

No, Aranofsky's Pi

It's pretty on-the-nose but I still enjoyed it because I don't have a fucking stick up my ass and can appreciate the rest of the film for it's merits

The tiger of the trailer was obviously fake and CGI, so I decided not to bother myself watching it

The Life of 7/22?

What the fuck was that carnivorous island?

its one of the best pieces of cgi I have ever seen

Pi means penis in brazilian portuguese, you can imagine how funny it is

heads up, the tiger in OP is CGI

its really fucking good

Probably the Shamalamadingdong effect

>It's easily the most visually beautiful film I've ever seen

Please watch more movies

Was it!? It looked as bad, to me, as the dinossaurs of Jurassic Park in daytime and all non-humans of Star Wars prequels

I know it is, idiot! Even a blind man could see it was CGI

post your pick then

>easily the most visually beautiful film I've ever seen
Couldn't watch it till the end.
So did he manage to fuck the tiger in the anus?

Heaven's Gate is my favorite looking movie

Here's some dude's list of great looking movies
I don't agree with how he arranged them but he has some good picks


the sexual tension of their long wet journey finally comes to fruition

thats all im saying

Should give the main role to Dev Patel.

>Ryan "Sex Appeal" Gosling driving a flashy car is more beautiful than pic related


It's something out of Hindu mythology if I'm not mistaken.

I remember watching it late at night drunk af and shitposting on Sup Forums at the same time. I had no idea what was happening. Shit movie.

Can I bring friends?

>dude I made this shitty story up so God exists LMAO

and he was joking

It's either a metaphor for Pi eating his own mother in the raft, or a metaphor for Pi wanting to escape the horror that he was in before it "ate him alive", like the island would do if he stayed there for too long

> tfw they offered shamanamalamam this movie and he turned it down

What would the twist have been bros?

The movie's message was fucking preachy and it felt like I was being beaten over the head.

You DO NOT need to make your characters fucking repeat the message you're trying to send verbatim several times throughout your story; If you construct your story well enough, people will understand what you're trying to convey.

just saw an analysis. the most likely explanation is that the island represents his mother's corpse, which he kept on the raft until it started to decompose and had to abandon it, just like he abandons the island

So was Pi following multiple religions just a nihilistic view that none of them were the truth but are useful for burying painful truths like that Pi is a cannibal?

fuck Dev Patel

even avatar is prettier than life of pi, my dude

most a e s t h e t i c film in the modern era is assassination of jesse james though

the MC is dead and on his way to hell

the main character was the tiger all along

Avatar doesn't respect its visuals. They're present for the sake of eye candy, not to support the story. Life of Pi has visuals that make perfect sense and the story couldn't have been told without them.

>watching quality cinema while hammered
I wish I knew what else you've posted so I can ignore those too

too preachy, message was dumb.

The message that life is beautiful?


Tell me what your favorite message in a film is

No, that a pretty lie is desired more over a painful truth.

I like films without a message.

me and my friends dropped acid and watched this. two hours of four guys screaming "Richard Parkahh!" at the tv.

Loved the movie, and the "tweest" at the end had me quiet for a couple hours after. Definitely thought provoking and visually beautiful. The scene with the glowing jellyfish and the whale bothered me a little. When a whale is feeding, it doesn't breach out of the water with its mouth open. There's simply too much weight in its mouth for that to work. Of course, it might just be symbolism, but still.
Fun thing: On the Blu-Ray, during the "flying fish" sequence, they actually simulate 3D by having the fish fly out over the black letterbox bars. Really a pretty cool effect, and frankly one I'd like to see more movies do.

There is no twist

Bananas do float, the whole thing happened as they showed us

Either that, or the Japanese guy was just half a retard.

It represents stagnation, Pi could have stayed on the island and happily eaten and drink all he wants but it would eventually kill him. He had to keep moving in order to get back to his home

Company that did all the CGI went bust.

>Ang Lee


>hating a movie because of who made it and not the film itself
Literally ad hominem

Ang Lee is a great director what's wrong with you?

I didn't understand the end.

Messages in films are stupid. Leave that to capeshit

Its because the tiger is his mother.

The hyena was the cook and zebra was mother of pi
The tiger is piss himself
The cook killed mother of pi, so pi himself killed cook in anger
Pi imagined everyone and himself as animals to cope with emotional trauma of his mother's death and being out in sea
The tiger was pi's inner strength that enabled pi to survive

*the tiger is pi himself
Dang it autocorrect

the zebra was the happy buddhist. The mother was the orangutan.

Oh shit your right
It's been several years since I watched Pi at the cinema
I remember that the Hyena killed the orangutan, then pi the tiger killed the hyena in rage

>flashy car

>life of reddit

fuck off

Great, contribution you dumb cunt

It's a beautiful film.

Because the kid peed on the boat and asserted dominance

The kid was keeping the tiger well fed, and the tiger depended on him to gather food. Plus the tiger was quite disoriented, less able to deal with sea sickness.