Should certain movies be judged more for things like acting, cinematography...

Should certain movies be judged more for things like acting, cinematography, and plot or the message they're trying to invoke?

Should the sociopolitical commentary be more important than the filmmaking?

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>Should the sociopolitical commentary be more important than the filmmaking?
Of course.

thats a lot of effort for a thread about a spic with brown nips


fuckin saved

Can't all movies be judged by all those criteria, and more?


The problem that arises with certain movies pushing a message is that it can technically be subpar, but because of its message, people will laud it more than it deserves or in the case of someone actually critiquing it based on its technical merits, they will receive backlash even if their criticism is valid.

It makes some movies above reproach or inflates how good a movie actually is.



The new ghostbusters is a perfect example of this.

>Should the sociopolitical commentary be more important than the filmmaking?
t.Humanities student
If you want to send a message thru some medium, it has to be a good medium. I you realease a simplistic garbage, it will hurt your message.


I dont know?

can you repeat the question?

How did a girl with looks and personality of latina blowup-doll template ever gained so much popularity?!!

fat slav

she is Sup Forums culture you pleb
literally /ourgal/

fat slav > skinny spic


Dobrev looks like she could handle the D while Juice looks like a dead lay

>he wants used up goods
lmao gypsies are perfect for you

>implying either of them is wife material

She's Italian.

one is

I got a gf just so I can pretend it's vj when the lights are out

The kind of people that think sociopolitical commentary is more important than the filmmaking are the same kind of people that hate VJ and her innocent nipples.

>wearing make up inside the house

What's the consensus on her chest real/fake? She's rather busty for a skinny girl

Also don't fall for the brown nips meme

>his hypothetical non-existent gf only makes herself look pretty for other but not for him

Birthday girl


They are so obviously real. And yes her boobs are awesome for such a slim girl



vicky's career suffers from being too pretty

its hard for them to cast her in believable roles

being vicky is suffering

The best kinos are those that strike the perfect balance between all aspects.

What point exactly did they try to make?

The only reason why they only casted women was to have an angle to market their flop.
If they didn't name the movie Ghostbusters they wouldn't have had and even less people would have gone to watch it.

Brown nips are the best tbqh

Latinas and Asians are the best fucks

>Should the sociopolitical commentary be more important than the filmmaking?

>tfw white gf has shitty pink nipples but her sister has god tier browns
I fucked up brehs

To me the message is important yes, especially from the filmmaking point of view. I think it's important for the director to have a certain vision and purpose behind their art. However all that is subjective for the viewer. The message really IS the acting, cinematography etc... and that's all that matters. No movie can ever be "pretentious", but you also have to judge everything fairly and without personal bias

Who cares as long as the boobs are nice
A message doesn't need to be political.

brown nips = brown pussy = brown butthole = disgusting

who said anything about politics

How have you seen the sis?

>tfw you have to use color-safe bleach


ever seen her interviews? she has 0 personality - it's creepy

Wittgenstein used to say that ethics ARE aesthetics. You can't really disassociate the two. Brown nipples are CUTE!!!



That leftist shit's what has ruined Hollywood.

Watch her snaps. She is cute as a button

>3.88 MB

are you on crack?


why can't she be a whore like the trapface?


Because she is special

that are a lot of clones

her feets are pretty nice

Don't worry by the middle of next week her sister will have stolen at least half of them

do you think they cleaned them before changing?

me on the left

Probably just let them dry

be cursed lucky mofo

hear her speak, it's void of anything

shes mega boring

why is she never photographed or posts pictures of herself with a BF?

really makes you think

She is always trying to be positive and be a good influence on peoples life. Despite that she can be pretty funny from time to time.

>Daily VJuice thread

based and white

she is in a secret lesbian relationship with her little sister


not so much

>another veiled dead careers thread
never change Sup Forums lol

do you think they would be ok with a threesome?


They would encourage it.

>brown nipples


ariana, pls. dont you have some donuts to suckle on or something

Maddie would kill you

No way in hell

Shit, I was expecting her to be well spoken and interesting faggot

Maddie's the man in their relationship

what now?


you don't wanna mess with Maddie

she'll kill your whole family

Her taller small sister

it's actually nice how much they love each other

I'll blindfold them and let them taste each other

Maddie cheats on occasion

But still seems to get pissed off/depressed whenever Vic leaves town without her.

I am sure Maddy fucks around but I am surprised how long she stood single so far.

Too bad VJ can't survive without a new beard for more than a few months


nobody cares about her

Maddie gets pissed and cheats on VJ


it's so obvious


Is this real?

Seems like a scene from a cheesy romance

oh it's real alright

Maddie a bit of a loon

I imagine the scene went a little like this

he brought his sisters a dildo?

I just think Kieslowski should be closer to eyes
But that's a cool graph!