Ywn fly halfway across the country to befriend two snarky internet Hollywood blockbuster critics in an attempt to stop...

ywn fly halfway across the country to befriend two snarky internet Hollywood blockbuster critics in an attempt to stop them from continuing to ridicule you and fail miserably

>Hollywood nepotism will never help you

>Hollywood nepotism will not ensure that you continue working despite producing nothing but garbage and failure

kek, can't wait for the AWIL remake review

Max is such a shit and that BoTW just proved how insufferable he must be in real life (you should see his Fresh Prince sing-along with his cunt friends, it's disgusting). And when he tried to give Jay a high-five and Jay said "uhh..okay..". Completely embarrassing on Max's part.


>ywn be this bitter about someone you've only ever seen on the internet.
Feels good man.

Max is so fucking ugly. Just look at that subhuman vertically grown profile of his. Disgusting

He was being ironic. Moronic fly-over state moo-cows just don't get it.

I unironically didn't know Wisconsin was a real state before Max went there

American education, everyone.

who bitch this is?


Ive been listening to and watching interviews of John Landis, and it's actually pretty eerie how similar him and max are. I have also heard interviews in which Max has said that him and his father don't see eye to eye and dint really get along. I wonder what happened to strain their relationship? It was most likely typical showbiz shit of never being there for the raising of the kid, but maybe some other shit went down.

"You guys are guys I admire"

Mike's look...


That is a grown adult in his 30 wearing that clothing.

He used to chase max around the house with a remote control helicopter

growing up has nothing to do with age.

this is the result of helicopter parenting

why does max landis pander so much?

I can't Landis

Has Max ever killed 2 kids and an adult, or is he building up to it?