Russia is over!!!!

Russia is over!!!!


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is it impressive if i guessed OP's flag correctly?

Well, Australia evened out over those intervals.
Poor anzacbros being that far down.

Take note of Canada and Australia in the top 10 despite having significantly lower populations than the other top 10s and most of our countries being nearly uninhabitable.

why is usa always at the top

t. american proxy

Capitalism is a gamble and the Russians overplayed their hand

if anything they went all win for syria and won

I don't talk to orangutans.

>net national wealth
nice meme

So english is the language of monkeys? Good to know

Why do we have two spots in 2005 and 2010?


How can the world even compete with the BBC (Big Burger Cock)??

because it's wikipedia

>Japan's wealth calculation does not follow the same standard as the other nations because Japan does not report the required statistics. The data provided exclude Japanese debt owned by foreigners.

>Japan publishes two figures, gross national assets and net national assets. By gross national assets, Japan reports a figure of 7954 trillion yen , but claims liabilities of 5242 trillion for a net 2712 trillion in 2009.[2] However, these numbers are suspiciously large compared with GDP, only liabilities that could be worth that amount given Japan's ultra low reliance on foreign debt (in government and private sectors) is future promises of healthcare and pension for its aging citizens. Therefore, Japan compiles extra figures (which other nations do not compile) and makes their figures less meaningful to compare with other nations.

Another reason I don't trust these meme stats. Finance capitalism and banking trickery fuck with stats so much too, it's really pointless. You want a good idea of the country's wealth you have to just go there and see how the average person lives.

>Argentina 21

I'm bamboozled.

There's reasons. But in relative wealth you've been slipping. What's really interesting is 2010-2015 in that chart. Everyone pretty much held places. You gained 63% of the total net national wealth increase and had an almost 40% net worth increase from 2010.

I can't recall what people attribute this to but that's pretty massive numbers as you can see.
I suggest you aim a genuine thanks at Obama.
Though net worth isn't the best metric for economic success.

Well, at least they have Crimea, it's better than nothing

>even Kyrgystan thinks the sanctions damaged the Russian economy


If the oil price goes back to $100, Russia is superpower status again and they could annex Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and whatever else they want, nothing can stop them.

Oil price is manipulated by sheikhs - murrican ally. It started dropping after crimean crisis, coincidence eh?

sheikhs try to keep the oil prices low as possible that shale oil wouldn't be profitable to extract. USA has large reserves and wouldn't have to import oil from the middle-east if it were profitable.

When shale oil becomes cheaper Russia (and middle-east for that matter) are doomed

>net worth
indicative of the amount of rich multinationals a country has, nothing more

Hello Commie Brazilian. You still think the US will collapse because of Syrian pipelines?



We're coming for you canada

Russian AHAHAH conference

>The most rich
>30 Trillion in debt





at least we have lots of nukes



No, our economy is already collapsing, not even $1000/barrel oil price could save Russia.

Well, at least this is outdated, alcohol consumption dropped significantly in 7 years.

We are facing growth right now desu

what growth? gdp you mean or what? it might grow because the prices are rising and people are forced to spend their savings to but even some necessary stuff for example

>to but
*to buy

>tfw like russia
>tfw want to see them be prosperous and powerful
>tfw that will never happen
So the main driver is exports of machinery, chemical products and food and IMF made a forecast of even further growth in the next year.

>So the main driver is exports of machinery, chemical products and food
lmao you "'accidently"' missed the most important part
>Exports are mainly driven by fuel and energy products, chemicals, machinery and equipment, and food.
>fuel and energy products
higher oil prices are the main reason of that growth.
it even says it further
>Improved growth expectations reflect stronger economic activity mainly due to the oil price (USO) recovery in 2016.
>However, structural bottlenecks in Russia and the long-term effects of sanctions will continue to impact its level of investments in 2017.
and don't forget
>Imports also rose 25.5% to $45.5 billion, primarily driven by machinery and equipment, chemical products, and food.

Just a post before that you said even high oip prices won't save the economy and now you try to mock me for the fact thay THERE IS oil in growth drivers AMONG other stuff like machinery and chemical products. So what's the problem? We are growing and will grow faster.

*just a post before you said

>Just a post before that you said even high oip prices won't save the economy
where did i say that?
>THERE IS oil in growth drivers AMONG other
not just among others, it literally says
>Improved growth expectations reflect stronger economic activity mainly due to the oil price (USO) recovery in 2016.

improved growth expactations знaчит чтo пpoгнoзны pocтa yвeличили из-зa pocтa цeн нa нeфть. T.e. oбъяcняю пo-pyccки: пpoгнoз и тaк был нa pocт нo тaк кaк eщe и цeны нa нeфть cтaли pocти пpoгнoзы eщe yвeличили
>Where did I say that?

we weren't even on the list until 2015 lad

i'm pretty ok with it 2bh

>facing growth

Yes, but unfortunately only in terms of inflation, unemployment and crime. Our nominal GDP in 2018 is going to be smaller than $1trln.

Yes, but only because people started to drink glass-cleaning liquid instead of vodka.

>Where did I say that?
> #
you think there are only two of us posting with russian flag? by that logic i can refer to any russian post on this board and claim that it is yours
>improved growth expactations знaчит чтo пpoгнoзны pocтa yвeличили из-зa pocтa цeн нa нeфть. T.e. oбъяcняю пo-pyccки: пpoгнoз и тaк был нa pocт
нe фaкт. в aнглийcкoм ecть тepмин negative growth. нe гoвopя yж o тoм, чтo pocт нa тыcячныe дoли, нaпpимep, дaжe ecли oн ecть, нe вceгдa бyдeт гoвopить o тoм, чтo cocтoяниe экoнoмики в aбcoлютнoм плaнe yлyчшaeтcя. пpимep я здecь пpивeл .

вooбщe, имхo вce бyдeть зaвиceть иcключитeльнo oт oбъeмoв cпpoca нa нeфть и eё цeны. пaхoмия - cыpьeвaя пoмoйкa


Hopefully the economic crisis will again decrease the Russian birth rate like it did in the 90s

Wow. That's very surprising.
I had heard about it but I didn't think it was this bad.