Stop Bashing GMO Foods, More Than 100 Nobel Laureates Say

reddit + Germany + EU + Greenpeace = btfo

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Anti GMOers are dumb ass fuck though

Why are they science deniers?

Surely they don't deny climate change as well.

Yes goy, produce more GMO's so we can feed Africa, India and China. We need to meet the growing demands. Without GMO's the world will starve!

Use GMOs for more food
Stop sending food to Africa/India/China
Use surplus for journeys to colonize space.

It's that easy.

Not like the Green cultists will care, they are after all, cultists.

anti-GMO people are akin to anti-vaccine people. They are general science deniers and there probably aren't very many on Sup Forums. There are a lot of dumbshit opinions on this board, but that's not one of them.

>Create new strain of rice that contains lots of vitamin A so that children don't die of malnutrition
>Have the test crop burned down by anti-GMO idiot


I wont' approve of GMO being used to increase the birth rates of subhumans even further.

>all these GMO shills
enjoy your cancer

It's US shills shilling for Monsanto.
No wonders there.
It's one of the reaons why we won't vote for TTIP and why gene poisons will stay banned in this country.

>more than 100 (((nobel))) laureates say
Yeah I guess I will believe it then.

>(((Nobel lolicons)))

Agricultural engineer here.

Yes, the people who blindly bash GMOs are retards. But the American "gene copyright" shit is completely fucked up.

Anti science libcucks detected

>tfw when your waiting to be hired after a having good interview with Monsanto

I can't fucking wait to get the job and rub it in every hippies face

>Voting for TTIP
You must have missed the memo, the EU is implementing the TTIP and you're going to like it so much you dont even need to vote, because they've decided for you. Isn't it great to be a member of the EU citizen, think of all the economic benefits and how socially progressive it is to move industry to unregulated third world countries.

(((Nobel Laureates)))

>mfw people still don't acknowledge the real issue with GMO is companies trying to copyright crops and own plants through patents

>they're gonna get away with it because faggots are scared about corn being designed to survive droughts better.

Whoa, let's back up a minute. It really depends on what you're modifying the organism for.

I'm a firm believer that we should be focusing on creating produce with greater nutritional density.

What I'm against is shit like monsanto suing farmers to hell and back because of cross-pollination when the pesticide that the gene allows them to use isn't even being sprayed on those crops.

Good goy, eat your herbicide enriched GMO.

It goes to African children who breed like rabbits. All it does is create the next generation wave of migrants to Europe and America. Their naturally high mortality is needed to balance out their breeding.

Am I the only one who thinks these liberal retards always look like government plants? Who in their right mind looks in a mirror wearing that and says, "Damn I look good!"

Not gonna happen.

It would trigger revolutions and the end of the EU.

Dude, you're missing the point.

You could create a potato that has lots of iodine in it. Boom, you're lowering your nation's incidence of hypothyroidism through the consumption of fries.

So many brainwashed liberal eurocucks ITT. Who cares if the science abiut GMOs is settled. Muh feels are more important. Those are the same cretins who lecture and ridicule you if you don't believe in anthropogenic global warming

Jesus christ is he holding a little mattress or something for support? Put him out of his misery. ..

GMO does not mean its bad.What is bad is what you genetically engineer it to do if you make a GMO that can produce insecticide and its harmful to humans then that's not a good GMO that is the problem not that GMO is bad in of itself

This. The Netherlands has a long history of crossing strains of plants, and making those seeds available to seed banks which in turn are open to other agricultural businesses and developers, to further improve the product.. All on a sort of 'open source' basis. Monsanto, and other GMO companies, have been known to use these 'open source' seeds for further development, only to patent them after minor modification. This often causes the previously 'open source' seed that would still be freely avaiable in seed banks to suddenly be copyright infringements.

It's literally being negotiated as we speak, user.

Netherlands, we've had five different PMs support and negotiate the TPP from all walks of politics; criticism of the TPP by negotiating states in public broadcasts is banned under the terms of agreement, and all our private media sources are owned by the people who were pushing the TPP. Even the so called "socialist" green party supported the damn thing because they're a bunch of ignorant fuckheads.

You will get it, and you will like it and there will be no outcry because there will be no-one who is allowed to cry out.

>t. american, number 1 GMO producer, number 1 GMO consumer and number 1 in health

Most people who are "anti-gmo" are actually
anti-salting the earth with herbicides so that the only thing that will grow there is patented crops and hyper-immortal ragweed whose evolution we forced the hand of and promoting a cycle of unsustainable soil depletion because none of the crop actually gets returned to the parent soil.

If you can make corn that cures aids, do it.

But the majority of the money going into the big agg monopolies pockets are from crops that are part of a growing system that invovles fucking up the soil in the above-mentioned manner.

We're reaching for the lowest hanging fruit, to increase food production in the short term while not giving a fuck about the long term sustainability of the agricultural practices.

We're fucking playing ourselves. And the funny part is that half the food that gets produced in the west ends up in a fucking land fill anyway. We in the west, do not need this. It's places like Africa that need help.

So it's all a big fucking waste, just so we can hand a bunch of jews outright monopolistic ownership of all of the food we eat.

You can't eat without a kikes permission anymore because of fucking GMOs.

Is that really worth saving a bunch of niggers from droughts?

>yes goy buy GMO
Reminder that Hungary DESTROYED all GMO crops, Jeez I wonder why....

>You will get it, and you will like it and there will be no outcry because there will be no-one who is allowed to cry out.

While I agree it's probably going to get shoved down our throats, the government doesn't actually determine the content of public broadcasts in this country and Murdoch doesn't own all of the media. Mainly because we're not fucking Anglo's...

That said, that will just mean the media will document in detail just how hard we're going to get fucked and how terrible of an idea it is, after which we'll get fucked just the same as everybody else.

Just give them some fucking carrots. Also, beta carotene is not vitamin A.

There is absolutely no reason to put everything into one crop other than profits.

Are you that austistic slavnigger from sweden who thinks everything is a CIA conspiracy?

As it has been for years. If the EU tries to pass it while half the union has a majority of people who want out, they are literally killing themselves.

The criticism is already there. The vast majority of people are strongly against it. The distrust of 'the elite' by the average European citizen is at at 1848-tier heights. More importantly, we can easily escape the treaty by escaping the EU. And guess what? Most countries have a majority population that want out of the EU.

This reminds me of the "100 scientists against evolution" type of propaganda. I would be pretty surprised if any of the signatories were actively involved in GMO/risk research.

Oh, and here's a funny thing - the web page for the letter is

but if your go to

it sends you to

which is an agrochemical industry front group.

Also this is an appeal to authority fallacy.

You fell for anti-GMO trickery:

Shouldn't you be out working and paying your debts to the bankers?
Go on goy, the banks needs their rent.

I don't trust Nobel laureates.


>the government doesn't actually determine the content of public broadcasts in this country
Officially it doesnt determine it in ours either, hence why our rural news was up in arms about it while the city shit was absolutely silent. Most of our population live in the cities and never heard about it except in glowing terms from politicians who were either sucking cock or barred from criticising it.

Murdoch doesnt own all our media either, but large corporations want to gobble it down so he doesnt need to; it's in the interests of all large non-government media organisations to promote it. Combined with the ban from criticism from government media organisations and by default the only people left who will say shit are small independent outlets that will be ignored.


That URL is fake and was registered a few days ago by leftist Greenpeace supporters.

The real URL is:


>Being scientific and rational


How do you know who registered the URL?

Good luck senpai!

>Most of our population live in the cities and never heard about it except in glowing terms from politicians who were either sucking cock or barred from criticising it.

We're a small densely populated country, and almost everything relating to international treaties and such makes it to the 8 o'clock news or some other public broadcast program.. Most of the public broadcasters are so called 'member broadcasters', meaning their get air time and funding based on the amount of members they have. Some of those are very vocally against TTIP, so it gets decent coverage nationally.

>Combined with the ban from criticism from government media organisations and by default the only people left who will say shit are small independent outlets that will be ignored.

Sounds like you need broadcasting organisations that are publicly funded but operate independently from government. Having clauses like that in treaties is EXTREMELY unhealthy for a free press society, I´d say.

This, altering genes is a little concerning but the terrible reality is that it is used to control the production and flow of food and if you control food you control humanity

Your a dumb fuck living in a 1st world country who has never gone a day without food in his life.

Starvation would be more than doubled in third world countries if it was not for agricultural scientists genetically modifying different crops.

Shut the fuck up and go suck Merkels over sized clit.

>Sounds like you need broadcasting organisations that are publicly funded but operate independently from government.

We literally have that;
The government then threatens to cut the funding and we're back to square one, recently they forced the second largest one to go "partially commercial"; we immediately got leaks of them changing their news programming to increase viewership (end the news on a happy story to make it more likely that people keep watching and similar bullshit)

>Starvation would be more than doubled in third world countries if it was not for agricultural scientists genetically modifying different crops.


>The government then threatens to cut the funding and we're back to square one,

That's not independent though. In our system they can only cut funding in extreme circumstances (straight up breaking laws, rather than violating some clause in a contract they're not even party to) or when they lose their membership mandate.

Fuck third world countries

Fuck your country bitch, half of your country looks worse than mine.

Who cares if shitskins can't feed themselves?

Why would modifying a couple of genes be necessarily bad while interspecies crosses are being used widespread ?

Dude, you're gay. Shut the fuck up and stop making threads.

Again, we used to have these protections; unfortunately the same governments that write the rules can change them; as soon as you get an issue being reported on that both major parties disagree with (and we've had quite a few over the years) both sides of politics happily pass laws to revoke them.

No matter how well meaning the founders of a legal system are; eventually career politicians will ruin it.

And that would be bad why?
Africa population skyrocketed in the 20th century, why do you think they deserve to be hand hold for years, leading to massive earth overpopulation.
If those negros didn't have as much foreign aid as they have, we in europe wouldn't need to suffer their inmigrants so much.

Nature: If you can't take care of yourself you don't deserve to survive

I don't care if your country is example #1 of white genocide either (assuming you"re white). Your position is unsurvivable and you're headed for death. That's not heroic, that's suicide

Lab produced GMOs are shit
crossbred and grown GMOs (like bananas and carrots) are alright

They can feed themselves. Kenya was successfully feeding themselves until a new disease popped up and destroyed the entirety of their corn crops.

Agricultural scientist stepped in and genetically modified some corn to be resistant to the disease and boom Kenya is still producing their own food.

fucking this.

>modifying genes is bad
>fusing protoplasts of different SPECIES is ok

Well, well, well.

Another group of scientists with financial vested interests telling us that up is down?

For a discipline based in rationalism and fact, it doesn't half attract a lot of fucking self-interested liars.

The argument against GMOs has never been "they are bad for us to eat". The argument is "are we saying that global corporations that produce GMOs are too big to fail ie can never, ever fail or we all starve once GMO becomes prevalent, which it will?"

Not to mention the ethics of creating seed stock that is barren and highly invasive.

But no, we're back to 1991 levels of media shilling telling us that it's all about the pallatability of the product again. We know it's safe to eat, Monsanto would be sued into the dust if it wasn't. Are we going to pass legislation that says "Mansanto, DuPont can never fail" is the key question being drowned out.

GMO is like Blacks breeding with whites.

Inserting insect DNA into food plant DNA is a 'little concerning'?

Why do you think pro-GMO oligarchs like Bill Gates and Rockefeller have a 'seed vault' in antarctica? 'Just in case' it turns out their propaganda about GMO being safe is bullshit.

Irreversible changes to food plants with UNFORESEEABLE side effects that can potentially result in an absolute catastrophe which could cause the deaths of billions of people.

Also, the potential for new GMO bioweapons that can permanently destroy the food supply of enemy nations in a scorched earth tactic. Imagine the zionist fanatics or islamists getting their hands on these kind of technologies and then using them against goyim nations if they dont get their will.

>Be a bio major
>See this post
>immediate triggering

Do you retards know what GMO stands for? Genetically Modified Organism. An Organism genetically altered via modifying the genes while the crops are in its "fetal" stage. There is literally nothimg harmful about GMO's in it of themselves. The reason why people hate GMO's is because it fucks with the agriculture industry badly. All the big seed provider companies are also the ones selling the crop, so farmers are forced to buy GMO seeds that produce crop that won't reproduce again. Other than that, as long as the GMO is designed to produce toxins it is not bad at all.

Don't blame the product Sup Forums, blame the jews behind it.

isn't*** oops


Based Putin banned GMOs the other day, nuff said.

Jewnetically Modified Foods - an idea so good, it's mandatory (and illegal to tell you when it's being used)

>Based Putin banned GMOs the other day

More reason to support GMOs.

>Best korea
Biggest problem isnt the plants; so long as they are properly tested it's all good. The bigger issues are the sterile seeds as said by korea bro, and the fact that GMO crops can be patented.

I hope your farmers are ready to pay their licenses to monsanto to have the privilege of growing the monsanto (r) tomatoes because for some reason multinational grocery chains have refused to buy non-GMO products. (Then again we're already seeing the start of this with increasing prices on organic food)


You mean like obamma?
Near my house there is a garage that give free Nobel Peace Prizes with an oil change.

>falls for Monsanto propaganda

Starvation in third world countries could be solved with non-GMO measures three times over. We dont need GMO poison to make up for anti-white racist nigger stupidity, see Rhodesia, which turned from Africa's corn chamber into mass starvation central when nignogs stole the land from the white farmers.

>Surely they don't deny climate change as well.

Someone should tell ISIS to stop beheadings. They need to change their focus to Climate Change.

Thanks for confirming that cucks support GMOs

> starvation in 3rd world countries could be solved

Why the FUCK should anyone waste even a minute thinking about saving subhumans?

kys m'cuck

>Another group of scientists with financial vested interests telling us that up is down?

Ahmed, please.

The topic of this thread is if GMOs are ok or not. That multinational corporations are evil and only interested in money is a question for another thread. (if anyone is even doubting that).


>That multinational corporations are evil and only interested in money is a question for another thread

Who do you think got the scientists to sign this thing in the first place?

OGM food is good.

OGM food that you need to keep buying from Monsanto because it's infertile and comes together Monsanto's pesticides and bitch you're gonna get sued if you don't follow my corporate rules, isn't good.

>companies trying to copyright crops
{{{{owns the copyright to corn}}}}

What if most pro GMO studies are sponsored by companies like Monsanto?

You dumb motherfucker do you know how common GMO products are. Your cows are most likely GMO. Your pigs, your sheep, fucking everything that you have consumed is from some sort of a GMO. Genetically Modified Orgnism. All scientifically illiterate retards like you immediately think of food only when hearing GMO but GMO can be literally fucking anything alive.

When you question if GMO's as a whole is bad or good, it is akin to asking whether taking a shower every day is bad or good. Sure, both are not "natural". But does it mean it is bad? Fuck no.

Believe it or not, but as someone having a PhD in the same field, I genuinely believe that the majority of these people did so because they believe in it.

Sure, but someone had to write the letter and ask for signatures.

the only problem i have with GMOs are the shlomos at Monsanto

You should work on your reading comprehension. Where in my post didi I say that I think GMOs are bad?

I literally did my PhD in the field and I do not need a lecture about the history of GMOs from a small-penised korean.

And someone had to organise the Stevelist when the Creationists did their list.
And someone had to organise the scientists against nuclear arms.

Nobel laureates always did these types of letters.

Are you suggesting that the letter was organized by a Nobel laureate? Which one?

Redditards need to fuck off

I suggest that one of these scientists did:

www pseudo-sciences org/spip.php?article65

i meant to reply the other german.

Jokes on you im half white and my schlong is 7"

I work for the USDA
Without GMOs we wouldn't be able to produce enough food for AMERICANS
The alternative is literally 1/4 of the population working farmlands to control pests and rather than using commercial fertilizers, covering all our farms in in 4-6" of literal shit.
Not to mention all the food that would spoil in transport to grocery stores or tables, let alone the food that would be killed from fungal and bacterial pathogens.
Anti-GMO faggots are confirmed retarded and we give the organic research wing so much shit that it's basically a kiss of death being assigned there, as it means ignoring the mountain of science refuting what they claim.

>Without GMOs we wouldn't be able to produce enough food for AMERICANS
Can you ever produce enough food for americans?

>Without GMOs we wouldn't be able to produce enough food for AMERICANS

How was USA able too feed itself and export food before GMOs then?

>brother hates GMO's
>hits LSD before work every day