The term Iranian is derived from the Old Iranian ethnical adjective Aryana which is itself a cognate of the Sanskrit...

>The term Iranian is derived from the Old Iranian ethnical adjective Aryana which is itself a cognate of the Sanskrit word Arya.

>Another meaning for Aryan is "noble".

>The term "Ariya" appears in the royal Old Persian inscriptions in three different contexts: 1) As the name of the language of the Old Persian version of the inscription of Darius the Great in Behistun; 2) as the ethnic background of Darius in inscriptions at Naqsh-e-Rostam and Susa (Dna, Dse) and Xerxes in the inscription from Persepolis (Xph) and 3) as the definition of the God of Iranian peoples, Ahuramazda, in the Elamite version of the Behistun inscription.

>Drawing on misinterpreted references in the Rig Veda by Western Scholars in the 19th century, the term "Aryan" was adopted as a racial category through the work of Arthur de Gobineau, whose ideology of race was based on an idea of blonde northern European "Aryans"

^this is as deep as average polfag will go.
Let us go deeper though and unveil some interesting facts.

>The atrocities committed in the name of this racial aryanism caused the term to be abandoned by most academics; and, in present-day academia, the term "Aryan" has been replaced in most cases by the terms "Indo-Iranian" and "Indo-European", and "Aryan" is now mostly limited to its appearance in the term of the "Indo-Aryan languages".

>The term "Aryan" came to be used as the term for the newly discovered Indo-European languages, and, by extension, the original speakers of those languages. In the 19th century, "language" was considered a property of "ethnicity", and thus the speakers of the Indo-Iranian or Indo-European languages came to be called the "Aryan race", as contradistinguished from what came to be called the "Semitic race".

CONT bellow.


>By the late 19th century, among some people, the notions of an "Aryan race" became closely linked to Nordicism, which posited Northern European racial superiority over all other peoples. This "master race" ideal engendered both the "Aryanization" programs of Nazi Germany, in which the classification of people as "Aryan" and "non-Aryan" was most emphatically directed towards the exclusion of Jews.[54][note 6] By the end of World War II, the word 'Aryan' had become associated by many with the racial ideologies and atrocities committed by the Nazis.

slow clap for that logic

ritish scholar Noel Malcom in his book "A short history of Bosnia" printed in Britain offers valuable research about the racial relationship between Iranians and some ethnicities of the former Yugoslavia. He writes: "The name Croat, or Hravat in Serbian, is not a Serbian word. It is similar to the Iranian name Choroatos, found on tombstones of Greek dwelling regions of south Russia." He goes on to add that the original form of the word is "Khoravat" as mentioned in Avesta, meaning "friendly".

>Historical studies indicate that the Croats started migrating from the Iranian homeland to Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia about 3,000 years ago.

>Historical studies indicate that the Croats started migrating from the Iranian homeland to Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia about 3,000 years ago. However, a much larger migration took place about 1,700 years ago. Probably the reason behind this migration was the suppression of the followers of Manichean faith during the Sassanid era. The said scholar LSO says that the word Serb has also Iranian origin, which can be recognized in the word "Charv" meaning cattle.


ex yu countries are even more aryan than nordic countries.
only reason you think otherwise is that fellow from WW2.

So all you blonde pol fags, take notes.

So Croatians are actually Iranian?


Croatians are not white correct

>Were not white

Too bad semites outbred them and 1 in a billion actually have any aryan genes left.

Now it's just an idiotic deceptive claim used by arab filth to swindle white people into giving them the o'l genetic upgrade.

Daily reminders today is another day Croatians are perpetrating the myth that they and their people are white and not sub Saharan African.

Hvala sto si ovde, vecina su zatucani Nordicisti

>shitskin logik
If germany is brown in 100 years the ancient germans wont be retroactively brown too

Same for aryians.

Their countries were flooded with niggers, arabs and other mongrels and turned to shit.

Don't let Croats deceive you. They are the jews of Europe.

wtf i hate napolitanke now.

>Trusting your life to products made in non white countries

You deserve what happens to you faggot.

I'm not all that fond of them, but for starters it's impressive that someone doesn't think of Aryans as exclusively Nordic people which seems to be the popular belief both here and IRL. Nordicism meme should die, Sweden being proof of its failure

The biggest lie perpetrated to Humanity is the holocaust happened. The 2nd biggest lie is Croatians are white.

you are embarrassing us with this shitposting, wtf are you doing??

>Adding monologue to the quote material.
>You must argue at least this jewishly Post

we wuz aryans n shieeet

>openly admitting that you're persian rape babies
kek, waiting for serb memes

no wee are the niggers of europe

Zato sam i postao jer vidim da ljudi ne kuze nista. Samo da im je neonacizma a prava istina se zanemaruje.

Oh my fucking God. And I thought that turboslavism is a Polish/Russian/Macedonian thing. Bracie Chorwacie, weźże nie pierdol.

i sranje

croatian kosher nationalist reporting in.
muh sebrs, muh UDBA, but never the jews, amirite?

Slavs are the direct descendants of ancient indo-europeans, other indo-euro groups mixed with the natives of europe while the slavs remained mostly pure.

You can even see it, google iranians, they look like serbs/croats/bosnians.

We all came from same place.

We wuz Gilgamesh and shiiii

No one can stop me from claiming my Sumerian heritage

The truth is, we are a mixture of different european ethnicities
Only our name has iranian origin

nigga what are you doing lmao
i've seen you shytposting on Sup Forums

I'm not iranian, I'm anglo/germanic/actual aryan

Damn this whole time i though i was european... oh well ficki ficki

Baghdad means gods gift from words bagh(bog) dad(dar-dat)

E peco odkud ti, sjecas me se ja sam onaj janko kojeg si u osnovnoj ucio


We're from an ancient tribe, but Goths we don't ascribe,
As we're children of ancient Slavs.
He who says otherwise merely slanders and lies,
And surely will face our wrath.

We are slavs. Over.

I'm germanic aryan ubermensch

Sure you are


danas sam progooglao

its obvious where our roots are. Also, many terms from Sanskrit sound similar to words from languages of ex yu.

Its all here, written and investigated by scientists.

a pazi ovo

usporedi motiv zastave Pakistana sa prvim grbom krune hr

>would 'ON MY POSITION' whilst listening to that

You didn't know Slavs are Indoeuropean aswell, did you?
It's really amazing that a Indoeuropean language like Croatian uses the same world like another Indoeuropean language.

point is, croatian is closer to sanskrit than some other indoeu languages like german.

yet ppl here claim superiority and nordic shitness while having less connection to ancient arian race than present day croats.
Even physiognomy wise.