Look at this conscious and woke Queen telling it like it is! So powerful! I hope yall aint celebrating no whitey holiday

Look at this conscious and woke Queen telling it like it is! So powerful! I hope yall aint celebrating no whitey holiday


Why the fuck dont they just get the fuck out of US if they hate it so much?

anybody that uses the word "woke" non-ironically deserves to be stabbed to death

I ask this every time. Last time I checked, no one is keeping them around.

They love to howl about how dey system is keeping them down and to kill whitey but as soon as you say something like "why dont you leave then?"

They backtrack and move goal posts so fucking hard. They love their gibsmedats too much to leave thats why.

Because gibs and niggers being genetically lazy

shes not even burning a flag. looks like a baithing suit.

I wouldn't be surprised if in 50 years, Independence Day is no longer a federal holiday because it isn't inclusive and is 'racist.'

She's right. Why we would celebrate the independent day of the nation that raped our people? Fuck amerikkka. I won't stand up for a country that never stood up for me.

Well, looks like you niggers have no country then, because even Africans hate niggers.

I mean just look how Canada celebrated. They are more socially conscious and courteous in 2016

kuz dabkangsnshit(they believe they built America, no really, they do, never mind their numbers and ratio were vastly smaller than their minority demographics of today, and of course, Whites stole all their inventions.)

Neither will you, devil.

So why is she in America? No I'm serious why? Go to your ancestral homeland then you double nig fuck

>hates the US
>doesn't move out

They must really hate themselves.

Because we were brought here against our will? How about all you albino freaks STAY in your caves? The world would be better off

they love their free handouts

they know (or at least something clicks in their coon heads) that if they leave they would actually have to try and work

which is why so many niggers are voting for hillary she can keep the status quo

That doesn't look like a flag. Is that a pair of RexKwando pants?

This type of english dialect should be looked down upon as uneducated and lack of class.

Many inbred dialects are dying out in the UK for the same reasons, why can't the US do the same?

You've had all the chances in the fucking world to go back to your shitstained cunt pile called Africa, you should be BLESSING america and fucking BLESS whites for bringing your sorry pathetic monkey red ass to a REAL country thats not poor as shit. You fucking waste of space weed smoking nigger.

yea.. thats what i said

I fucking hate relative dates in general, but it really sucks for screencaps. Like caps from twitter--after the account gets deleted, you have no idea when something happened. It's stupid as all hell.

I like the different british accents like yorkshire. I dont know why they brits think of them so poorly. It would be boring as fuck if they all spoke that blandest form of english accents or arab.

What handouts do America even give out? Is it even enough to live on?

Agreed. I have Sup Forums X to show timestamps but when I mouse over the time it gives a relative time like "5 hours ago" or whatever. It makes cataloging and indexing shit so much easier. I don't really see the point in having relative dates on posts, since it just makes screenshots more ambiguous. I have no idea if that Canadian posted that this morning or 3 years ago.


nigger talk

What about as a past tense for wake?

she does have a point about celebrating emancipation day instead of 4th of july. but it would be nice if any black ever celebrated emancipation day the way europeans celebrate D-day; meaning at least giving some credit to the thousands of whites who died for their freedom. or was it gorillions. it was a lot.

blacks seem to think they freed themselves somehow.

reported to helloracist

No one is keeping you in America against your will

if someone drags me into a room against my will I'll leave as soon as I'm no longer locked in the room

Food stamps, section 8, medicaid, social security disability for invented diseases etc.

It's enough to live a shitty life if you pop out 2-3 kids, collect those benefits as well, and then suppliment it with some crime.

It was yesterday.

Was there even a slave trade in the US back on independence day? Wasn't that after?

that was in the day before yesterday's thread during a Canadian nationalist thread.

just so you can have some closure. i fucking hate relative times.

Flag burning should be punishable by death desu

The international trade was abolished in the US in 1808.

its political and dates back a thousand years or more. It's not just York-accent is lower tier, it's akin to viking speak, it's akin to northern rebels, it's akin to "maggie's milk"...

It gets inundated with new meaning every generation, making it more potent.

But that's not even a flag. It's a fucking bikini or something.

She wouldn't have to burn the flag if whites still didn't have the mindset of the 1930s (albeit suppressed)

Same reason an-caps and libertarians don't leave.

kek, cant even mow her grass for the holiday. fuckin nigs.

Lazy nigger can't even put the effort in and find a real flag for her "protest". She could have at least stolen one.

Probably can't buy American flags with foodstamps or EBT

That's what I was thinking. Flags don't have straps.

Because in America, we have the freedom to desecrate our own flag as protest

Same question could be asked of people who don't like minorities, no?

>Many inbred dialects are dying out in the UK for the same reasons,
They're dying out because they're being supplanted by mudslimes.

You'll always have Kwanzaa, Jamal.

Haha keep it one hundred family

If we're being honest.
Asians and Jews would have made the world for themselves in place of Whites.

Blacks would have undergone slavery underneath the Japanese or Chinese eventually.

good shit go౦ԁ sHit thats some goodshit rightth ere rightthere if i do ƽaү so my self i say so thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷM HO0OଠOOOOOOଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ Good shit

>Because we were brought here against our will?
Would you prefer to live in Africa now?

>How about all you albino freaks STAY in your caves?
This is exactly the issue. We left our caves and built ships. Africans or native Americans, or Aboriginals could do the exact same thing in the exact same time. There was nothing stopping them from doing so.

obviously if it's used correctly grammatically then it's fine but in how it's been used by the black community this year in particular it makes you sound like a retard.

Most of them can't even figure out how to get a passport, much less set up life in da Mudderland.


YOU weren't brought here against your will so YOU need to shut the fuck up. You people are digging up history to suit your agenda of acquiring more gimedats and other free shit from the government. The whole argument about we was slaves and shit is so hilarious. YOU weren't a fucking slave, neither were your parents or grandparents so shut the fuck up and go to work.

I love when they try ad pull the race card and saying how they were oppressed which is why they are still niggers today and not a functioning race like any other.

You're free to leave. Why don't you?













The best thing about the serf comparison is that the serfs were freed at the same time as American slavery ended, and practically all Russians are descendents of serfs.



Shouldn't she be burning the confederate flag?

This doesn't make sense.

>Look at me I'm burning the symbol of my freedom






What are oceanic currents?


That picture is wrong.
Using serfs as cannon fodder was illegal.
Serfs were the one group of people besides priests that did not have the obligation to answer the call to arms.

he our people n shiet



wtf is weather racist??
i hate wind now....


>How about all you albino freaks STAY in your caves? The world would be better off

Like in Chicago? Detroit? Memphis?

>asking for segregation

holy fuck, the cognitive dissonance.

give it to them, and have them all operated and run by blacks... it will be an educational Liberia.

nice repost

lol I hope this is true


im crying with laughter. you get em sista



So the majority should leave because they don't like minorities? WEW
>Really makes you think

stop stealing cultures white boy!

>steals white culture

we wuz living wealth n shiet


