Why don't more parents get their children involved in arts, crafts, reading...

Why don't more parents get their children involved in arts, crafts, reading, sports and music instead of just sitting them in front of computers, videogames and televisions?

In the modern family, both mother and father work hard to further their caree ... I mean to increase tax volume. Children are so yesterday. Should your contraceptive fail and should you be guilt tripped into having the child by your surroundings, just buy a bigger TV. Accidents like this should not hinder your chances for your next promotion.

Worst part is parents who don't know how to control a child's temper tantrum other than putting them in front of an ipad or tablet, it's unnerving.

I play with my sons all day, we do crafts, the older one helps me bake or cook, we go outside a lot but he also enjoys watching TV and playing with my phone and I don't think it's bad at all. First of all, he usually has TV on in the background while he plays and while recently he has been able to pay attention for extended periods of time, he usually only watches for a minute before focusing back on his toys. Now as far as the phone goes I swear it makes him smarter. Since letting him play with it (he usually watches Netflix or YouTube or plays with various pre schooler apps) he has learned his entire alphabet and how to count to 20. He can name like fifteen species of dinosaur and basically any animal. He knows his colors. I don't know, it seems useful.

Ted was right, consumer electronics are a terrible mistake

TVs are free babysitters.

With arts, crafts, sports, and music, children have to be supervised and that's too much of a burden for most parents--to actually care about and raise their kid.

See arts

Its like you want your child to be degenerate. Everyone knows that video games are the choice of based conservative Christian family's that practice a healthy relationship with each other. Only Christian approved games should be used though.

whats a nana

Laziness msotly. You see the same shit with pets. Most people just don't bother

because the parents are addicted to the Internet and TV themselves

If I ever end up with kids, I've decided that I will force them to take piano lessons.

I'm glad I was forced to. Even with video games, I was inspired to practice piano more because I taught myself how to play vidya music

I need to get back into it, I've essentially quit since college.

Have a bump

I've played in band since a young age, but I never learned piano unfortunately. It's a real handicap; that instrument is useful.

Put them into extra curricular activities when they are young.

I handed one kid a violin and the other one a bass guitar. They play together. It's interesting, they're still both terrible but they are having fun.

My 3 year old is learning how to read.

She uses a tablet to watch educational videos, she's learned quite a bit, it has really helped with her pronunciation.

She is learning both Spanish and English at the same time, we are going to homeschool her.

My wife has her draw and paint and color things, eventually she is going to teach her how to cook and sew and make clothes.

My wife is an extremely talented artist, she does all sorts of arts and crafts.

I will teach her tae kwon do, archery and how to shoot guns.

She will begin and extensive exercise program when she is old enough too.

I play vidya every chance I get, maybe an hour every 2 or 3 days.
Wish I could play more, really.

Father of two here. It IS damned hard. You come home exhausted from work, and the tv is SO easy an alternative. The wife doesn't work, but she gets tired very quickly. You really have to wrench the energy out of yourself, and many people can't do this. In our case, we are aware of the stakes, but not everybody operates on this long-term responsibility scale.

My brother grew up on TV and ended up having autism but he's a math genius so it's not so bad I guess.

You only have one kid, yes? Having two is the difference with me, and it's appreciable!

Goddamn kids these days, I tell y'what.

>“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.”

- Socrates

When you have two its actually easier than one as they can usually either take care of themselves or teach each other. Doubly so if you give them slightly different skillsets based on what they seem attracted to.

Why not healthy amounts of everything?

The main problem is feminism. It made it so women not only could work but now had to work in order to create the needed income to pay for everything. I hate the current world. My wife and I pay over a grand a month in day care and that is CHEAP in my area. Depending on the day, we might get some good time or a half assed quality time. I try to make up for it on weekends taking them hiking, swimming, or some sort of activity before starting the week again. I'm pretty red pilled and my kids watch Donald Trump rallies with me. Family time with some popcorn.

All my kids are developing ahead of schedule so something is working. Meanwhile I found out my wife's friends who are lesbians and used a sperm donor have a 2 year old that can't even speak. They are fucking stupid liberals. They told us they are teaching their son "consent." I go WTF you mean sex? They said no, we ask him if he wants to do something (ex. Are you ready to get dressed? Are you ready to get in the car?)

I go how's that working? They said it isn't. I got sort of agitated and said well no shit, 2 year olds don't understand that shit, be a parent.

My wife bumped me to quiet down. I told her after that I can't deal with retards like that. That kid is going to grow up not knowing he will have to accept uncomfortable results. A fucking safe space reject.

Why are liberals creating progeny that are going to be dysfunctional in society?

Couldn't you find parents in similar situations and have rotating "day care" where the kids just go to someone's house?

I think a major problem is lack of large families.

Not because of birthrates, but because with many siblings of different ages there's no time for "alone time", every child has to do things together and older siblings do some of the work of child-rearing.

This is a more important aspect of a traditional family than just birthrates and size. I think a major contributor to rise in various antisocial behaviors is rise in only children and 2 or less kids per family

That would involve them taking the time from their adult computer, video game, and television time.
A lot of parents are lazy cunts and giant children in their own right. They want to have their free time and the children to care for themselves. This anti-parenting is even worse with single mothers who think because she's doing it alone she can cut corners or take it easy.
There is always an excuse to not make your child a critical thinker or spend their time wisely. I've seen parents who let their kids sit in front of the TV or video games for hours and hours and then they get on the kids case for not being outstanding students. What the fuck do you expect when you're not active in their day to day life. And don't get me started on eating habits and food.
Every shit parent is slowly creating a monster that someone else will have to deal with.

Because first of all the wrong people are getting Children. You cant getting them interested for playing classical music instruments, sports and hiking in the Woods if you dont do it yourself.

Also in most cases both parents have to work to support the leftist dreams by opening the gates for more rapefugees.

this works in tight knit communities where every parent is a responsible adult
ie. nowhere.

Isn't that shit absolutely infuriating? My friend's little sister is a liberal single mother with a child who is massively developmentally delayed. She gives him the choice on every thing. The other day we were all out for lunch and she asks him "Do you want to wash your hands", and of course he's a little twit who doesn't know anything so he says no. Surprise surprise two weeks later he's in the ER because he got bronchitis (in the middle of summer, not being around any other kids). People don't realize that you have to tell kids, not ask them.

>liberal single mother
This should be outlawed.

The kid is fucked, you have no idea. She slept around with some beaner who left as soon as he found out she was pregnant. Then she smoked cigarettes and weed through out the pregnancy. The kid was born 2 months premature with cancer. But for the mom this was the best thing ever happened because she gets a cock load of money from the state: welfare, medicaid, visits from a child development expert, and a grant for single mothers to go to college.
courtesy of your tax money.

Because they can just plop their children down in front of a computer and never have to interact with them about their hobby

I did boyscouts in my youth, which was definitely good because I made lots of friends, learned to be self-sufficient and picked up a ton of useful masculine skills.

That said, definitely wished my parents did more to have me involved in sports. I just never did it as a kid and my inexperience led me to shy away from it later on. Even though I'm quite strong. Just never had my dad throw the ball to me as a kid.

Shuttup NEET

There are new hobbies in the world, let me list a few that straight up didn't exist 30 years ago

>Online Video Game streamer
>Youtube watcher
>Netflix/TV binger
>Professional Gamer

Stop being a Juvenoic prick. There's lots of stuff to do on the computer.
[spoiler]But yes, children should have more shit to do, I think my kids should be in sports or carpentry or something[/spoiler]