Depression and marxism

So I've become depressed. It's fucking shit, I had no idea what depression was until it hit me a couple of days ago. I was always a miserable cunt but depression is something else. I struggle to eat, I had a meal at about 7 PM yesterday and couldn't even finish it. I went the entire day without feeling hungry despite my stomach rumbling.

I can't watch tv, I have to pause it every few minutes and just sit in silence. I can't read articles, after one paragraph I feel compelled to stop and just sit. Writing this has been the longest I've been able to concentrate on something for the past couple of days. I can't cry, the most emotional I felt was when I shouted "fuck" repeatedly for about 3 minutes to myself. It was hard to get to sleep, woke up early.

I always thought depression was just feeling sad and crying but this is fucking ridiculous. It's like all your psychology and motivation just shutting down and feeling empty. All I can do is replay the event which caused it in my head over and over. And the thing that caused it was dumb anyway, hardly anything.

The question is what happens now? Do I just wait it out?

This post has nothing to do with marxism but I only post on pol and don't know how to make it relevant to politics.

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Welcome to hell have been waiting it out for 10 years now

Seriously? Is your experience similar?

yup prety much and it gets worse from time to time , not being able to remember stuff is also funny , and not able to have conversations because you can focus

I was diagnosed with depression a few years ago, and I had very similar problems. They tried fluoxitine (sp?), which is just a generic prozac. I had to find something that would get me to have fun again. For me, I would go hiking and bring my shotgun for target practice. Then I would fish in the river. Once you know how to have fun again and move off of that one thought. Do not try medicine unless its your last shot. I am sorry bro, but I hope I helped in some way.

Sup Forums syndrome. only mdma helps if you're White.
but Sup Forums will say it's degenerate.

Solution: Identify as a 12 year old transjapanese negro girl. Call everyone a racist, nazi, hitler, homophobe, transphobe, fascist, etc ...Thats what other depressed people do.

I was diagnosed with moderate-severe depression about 5 months ago. I'm very similar to you in regards to the eating and hunger part. I didn't know of anyone else who that happens too.

Overall, it's pretty shitty. Its incredibly difficult to get motivated for me, but I can still do it.

I haven't told any of my friends about it and whenever they say I seem different, I just say I'm getting overloaded with work

So when you were diagnosed did they suggest chronic or was there hope for a permanent recovery?

Not just degenerate but also very likely to exacerbate depression and psychosis after the roll. X is a nigger tier drug for leftists and gays to induce suicide faster. Normal whites stay clear.

short term goals + get off the internet

>I always thought depression was just feeling sad and crying but this is fucking ridiculous. It's like all your psychology and motivation just shutting down and feeling empty. All I can do is replay the event which caused it in my head over and over. And the thing that caused it was dumb anyway, hardly anything.

Welcome to actual clinical depression, and not the meme depression that attention whores use.

You're now in the mouth of madness in silence.

>The question is what happens now? Do I just wait it out?

Yeah, it's all waves dude, comes and goes. The best you can do is treat it and hope those episodes of waves are short and bittersweet as opposed to long, drawn-out episodes of pure pain as your mind tells your body to shut everything down and hope to die.

You are in the eye of the hurricane. Calm, quiet nothingness.

Keep the faith. You are a champ.

Exercise, wake up early and eat healthy food. You can look after your physiology, soon your mind will snap back into focus.

Go to a doctor if you must, you may need a low dose of something like citalopram to give you a bit of a boost.

I had a similar experience once.

It passed out in 3-4 days, i don't remember very well.

I didn't did anything in particular, just smoked towns of cigarettes.

There is no hope

Thanks man!

>Couple days
You just began your journey, enjoy the ride

Was diagnosed when I was 18 but I know that I've had depression on and off since I was 12. the best advice I can give you is wait it out, depression goes in waves. Exercise exercise, exercise, and keep yourself on a tight schedule keeping busy. Know the depression will eventually subside, and you will realize that nothing had changed other than your perception. The depression, emptiness, and sadness isn't real. It's a chemical malfunction.

Clinical psychologist here. Specialized in psychiatric illness. Honest.

Unless you are one of the unlucky exceptions, depressive episodes often don't last more than a few days. Once you've had one, though, the likelihood of another goes up. They also tend to become increasingly severe and frequent. The fact you were triggered by a fairly routine setback should be a red flag that you may be prone to depression.

Most medications have significant side effects, don't always work that well and can have long term health consequences. I'd use them only as a last resort or if symptoms are overwhelming.

You should deal with it right away, though, and see a doctor or therapist. Caught early, lifestyle changes can be all that it takes get and stay healthy.

>I went the entire day without feeling hungry despite my stomach rumbling.
I felt like that for a couple of weeks. I couldn't sleep and literally couldn't eat anything. Even after days I felt no hunger. It felt like my body was shutting down, kind of like I was slowly withering away.
It got better eventually though.
Still took me a couple of months after that to go to a doc and get some SSNRI.
Good luck senpai.

A few weeks ago I went 3 days without eating for the same reasons, feelsbadman

What about 10 years or so of depression?

I've been depressed, like chronic major depression tier, for at least 5 years now and I've been trying pills to relieve it with little to no results. Psychotherapy is sort of helpful if you hold nothing back/don't lie. Personally, I need to change a lot of different factors in my life to try and hope to feel better, but that physically drained feeling with lack of motivation keeps me dormant. I feel like I'm constantly running sprints with my body screaming to stop and rest to no avail, and I have that primal urge to not die just yet, so I've taken up smoking a few years ago in hopes of it reducing the longevity of my life.

Date a few big chicks because it's easy, fuck if you have the energy, otherwise try to find a reason to get out of bed in the morning and enjoy a day. I'm still working on the last bit myself, but it should do the trick to climb out of the hole you're in.

Why is that people in rich countries tend to get more depressed compared to people that live in shitholes?

It only gets worse progressively and never gets better.

I wish I'd ever felt no hunger ;_;

I did that and had a sore throat for a month, never again.

Lower IQ and they're busy surviving in their shithole?
Dumb people in general are usually happier and more simple minded.
I never saw a depressed nigger desu.

Check out Andrew Solomon, he touched on it when he went to Africa to see how they deal with depression. Don't know if this is the right vid, but it's still p. good

Pic unrelated

I'm a depressed nigger

Been depressed for half my lifetime, and has only gotten much worse over time.

You have a chance to fix it in its early stages, but once you've been depressed for a while, it is literally incurable and you will never be happy for the rest of your life.


Try to get a prescription for Adderall. Helps with depression and makes you productive

Yep. People don't understand depression until it hits them.

i feel you bro, can't wait till im 25 in six months.
Then i can finally move out and manage my harz 4 alone and always buy enaugh food and get medications on my mental illnesses which my mom refuses now

Do some acid. I've done acid once and ever since I've been 100x more confident in myself about everything. Also smoke weed when u feel shitty and you'll feel less shitty.

>You have a chance to fix it in its early stages, but once you've been depressed for a while, it is literally incurable and you will never be happy for the rest of your life.

I disagree with this sentiment, it is in of itself; incurable. It is however, treatable.

To say that once it sets its roots early, you're fucked forever is defeatist, and from your perspective thats rational because you're depressed and future outlooks are always negative. I know this because I am also this.

Happy for the rest of your life is meaningless, life is a series of ups and downs, twists and turns. Nobody gets out alive and constantly happy. It only gets worse if you let it.

I'll however, concede that if you perpetuate depression at an early age, it is harder to treat when older. But by no means is it un-treatable, it's like growing a tree, the deeper the roots the longer & more difficult the removal.

Depression is swimming upstream at times with no oxygen out of water.

Do you like dogs OP? My Dogs are the only thing that keep me sane and bring me some joy, if you have the money, time and space you should get one

lmao, these are the banner carriers of the white race and the fight.

A bunch of useless pussies.

MAN the FUCK up.
Lift, eat, destroy. Annihilate your fucking weakness.

It depends on the severity of the depression and how frequently you've been depressed over that period.

What happens is that every time you become depressed your brain "rewires" just a bit, making you more susceptible to future episodes. Untreated, and over time, your brain can trigger a depression over almost nothing.

If you've been depressed for 10 years your brain is likely pretty hard wired to deal with stress by going into a depression. Unfortunately the longer the depression, the harder it is to alleviate.

Therapy can help by trying to instill different ways of coping so you don't get triggered as easily. Medications have a lot of drawbacks but they are really effective for some even if you have to try a few before you find the right one. Diet and exercise can also be a factor. Sugar can be a major contributor to anxiety and depression.

It comes and goes. Today's been pretty bad for me, felt like a zombie when I've been talking to people. Just feel empty.

This is good advice.

Vote for Trump, according to to Sup Forums that's the answers to every one of their problems, like he will somehow better their lives and they will stop being depressed neckbeards parent basement dwellers blah blah

What happen to my brain if i stop taking this pills?


Do yourself a favor, get a low-dose antidepressant. I've been on Pristiq for about a month and a half now. If you don't also suffer from anxiety (Depression and anxiety tend to go hand in hand, unfortunately.), Pristiq has personally helped me with the depression, but anxiety is getting the better of me. I'm visiting my doctor later this week to discuss new medication. But before I was on this stuff, I was like you describe. I dealt with the loss of my father, the loss of my dog, grandmother, grandfather, all within the last three years. That and financial struggles have all kept me pretty pinned down.

Do yourself a favor and get help, user.

Why has nobody mentioned drinking huge amounts of alcohol and locking yourself away on your own for prolonged periods. It seems to work just fine for me. I can function and interact with clients during the day then shut down in the evening and get smashed in my office.

My wife doesn't like it very much though.

This is the best answer