Wasted potential: the continent

>wasted potential: the continent

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I would make the biggest solar farm on the planet

That doesn't look like South America.

White people's mistake fuckin evil people
Black people had such advanced civilization in africa such as moors carthage and ancient egypt till white people came

Africa hosted one of the first civilizations in human history. It was a civilization that lasted over 3,000 years before it was finally neutralized.

So true. Spain and Portugal really fucked up in two ways: by bringing in millions of African slaves and by breeding with the inferior natives. And now the entire continent will forever be shit. Sad!

Life was to easy...Our ancestor species evolved in Africa almost every Root, Fruit, nut, etc is eatable in Africa. Also cold weather animals are universally more intelligent then their warm weather cousins

>we build spaceshuttles n' shit
>still use just artists renditions of earth

Lots of resources, check. Potential for advanced civilization? Check. (t. Mali, Songhai)

Yeah, I suppose. Not the way the cookie crumbled though

ironical shitposting is still shitposting

Dido was white I think


Stop criticizing China's backyard and mind your own business.


This continent is where the Homo Genus originated, the fact that it was Africa and not South America or tropical Asia speaks volumes of the biological potential of Africa. In fact Africa may have been the original homeland of early mammals, this continent is very important user.
Wrong if you live in the savannahs you had to constantly be on guard, the niggers were originally jungle dwellers thats why they are so fucking stupid because the amount of risk in a savannah is higher than in a jungle. It might also be the reason they eat eachother because a nigger is pretty much the largest source of meat in the jungle.

Seriously, why don't you just invade DRC already?
They have oil reserves and 70% of the world's cobalt, not to mention virtual monopoly over most rare minerals that exist.

China's not ready yet. They'll have to settle the Middle East first before being able to secure Africa.



Once we have gained complete control of our own countries and settled our own problems we should reach out and take Africa again.

>we should reach out and take Africa again.

Our efforts in Africa have pretty much doomed humanity. In our lifetime, there will be billions of functionally-retarded black Africans. We're headed for another Dark Ages, or worse. The best thing we can do is leave Africa alone and let nature take it's course.

No. The best thing to do would be to exterminate them or keep their populations low while settling there or just enslaving them. Not one of those things are possible now though with the current political situation in the west and all those who would cry should this happen. For now though I can agree the best would be to leave them alone without food stamps or any support.