1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Have you ever been in a fight?
3. What was the result?

1. Lesser Britain
2. no, always avoided them on the sidelines having a chat and watching chavs go at it instead.

1 flag
2 never
3 a happy, quiet life

Bullet holes

1. Poopland
2. No, I'm a friendly lad and I know where not to go at late hours

>1. Your country
>2. Have you ever been in a fight?
Yes, multiple
>3. What was the result?
Mixed like usual when drunk brawling. Black eyes, broken teeth, broken knuckle, "won" a few times as well & pissed my pants once.

1. Flag
2. Yes, in a night club in Croatia
3. Easy win, we fought some brits all manlets under 185cm tall.

This was like 5 years ago. Only fight I have been in and my buddies did most of the work tbqh.

1. flag
2. once when I was drunk
3. lost balance hit my chin on the sidewalk, ran and cried, went to the emergency room in the middle of the night when I realized I had a huge fat bloody patch hanging under my chin.


Heihachi won

1. usa, georgia
2. a few
3. was on some contact sports and wrestling growing up
i body slammed some kids during recess in highschool

1) Flag
2) Never even saw one

~ Oregon
~ No
~ People here dont fight

Once when i was ten
We made up and became friends

As far away as you can come din förbannade stockholmare.
Father is Swedish, Mom is Icelandic.
Born and raised in Norrland.

>Never even saw one

wut? I usually see one at every party.

got tired of one lanklet who kept bullying me in junior high school, so i grabbed him and repeatedly punched him to face. he never bullied me again

I really want to move to oregon

Tror du slagsmål är främmande för oss Svenskar?
Gå och fråga din farfar hur han spenderade Fredagskvällarna efter brännvin och dans så ska du får se.
Eller var han en fjolla som du?

Never got to see one at school, never got to see one in countryside, hell, even at weddings I attended no one ever fought.

There are quite a few pockets of Neo Nazis in this part of the country though, I'm not sure how you'd feel about that.

Yes, i see your flag

Don't care as long as they leave me alone

Cisplatina War aka Uruguay
We lose, but we are bff now

but no one of the normal people there would hate me right?

Bara negrar slåss. Om ni seriöst anser det är "manligt" att slåss är ni fan efterblivna.

Why do you convey that question as if a fistfight is something that happens only a few times in life?
i lost count when i was 12
Now im not saying that looking for a fight is good, its idiotic. But to have skill to fight is a must for anyone who considers himself a man. Your musscles are tougher, not larger, but have more power per volume. Once you arent scared of violence and when you know that you arent made from pudding, you wont have problems standing up for yourself

No, not really. I did slap some kids in the face for messing with me in middle school though, but they got the message quick and fucked off. Never got in trouble for it, too. Needless to say, I didn't have any friends as a middle schooler.

Inget med manlighet att göra men att säga att bara negrer slåss är att stämpla sig själv som mongoloid..
Det är som om du aldrig i hela ditt liv upplevt våran kultur, aldrig hört hur dina äldre söp och slogs sig fram medan dom sprängde järnväg genom snö och is på 30 talet.
Ge dig på en gissning om varför svensk folkmusik ofta cirkulerar kring just ämnet slagsmål.
Sprit och våld går hand i hand, speciellt när det kommer till lantfolk.
Är man en förtappad liten stadspojke så förstår jag...
Och det var allt jag har tid för, vissa ska upp och jobba i morgon.

Lmao du får det låta som att slåss är något att skryta om, jag är själv från landet och vet själv hur många lantfolk är. Whitetrash skräp som bara kör volvos, snusar, dricker och hamnar i slagsmål. Igen jag har inga problem med att slåss själv, om någon slår mig slår jag tillbaka. Men har jag lust att slåss eller någon jag känner? Nej, undviker konflikter som de flesta och därför är de väldigt få som faktisk slåss nu för tiden.

inte han men du verkar läsa in mycket som inte ens står, vart skriver han att man ska vara stolt över att slåss?
du skrev att bara negrer slåss, något som är extremt fel, för fan 10-15 slagsmål om kvällen på helgerna här i Gällivaretrakter.
du kan kalla folk wt hur mycket du vill men lägg ner med det andra skitsnacket

Yeah plenty
Sometimes beat the crap out of them, sometimes got bloodied


Och han får de verka som att slåss är något manligt och att det bara är fjollor inte slåss. Du kan se samma trend bland tjejer, vilka typer av tjejer är de oftast som hamnar i "catfights"? Trashiga slampor som har problem.

Superior no fighting masterrace

You'll be fine.

will I be able to find new friends?

shut up pussy

make me faggot

t. Bettynho Zirigdum

i've been bullied and also bullied the weaker kids. got my ass kicked and also "won" fights against obviously weaker opponents which is nothing to proud of. these kind of memories haunt me and i really hate myself. (not just because of that). i have random bits of "embarrassing" moments pop up in my head and that gives me almost physical pain. when do they invent a drug to erase all memories of past events. maybe heroin would work

Lost some and won some as a kid.
Only 1 as an adult. Drunken bar fight, 2 groups, we won

Sure. Though if you settle in Portland prepare for next level libtardation and Berghain tier gay clubs everywhere.

thanks for info

>we won
Good job man

The other group thought the same I am sure

>this whole thread
Why are scandis so violent?
Are they all black already?

A few times

Never been knocked out really, but haven't knocked out anyone else

Some brawling in street

Nowadays avoiding it if possible

Many times
I won the last time. It was about 5 years ago so I am very rusty and won't perform too good

1. Brazil
2. Never

1. South Korea
2. Nope I haven't cos I was always the one who was beaten the shit of one-sidedly
3. 3 weeks of hosptalization and the bullies just got away with it.


I can't even imagine how I would react to someone trying to fight me. I would probably end up looking extremely pathetic and get blown the fuck out. Luckily I live in a civilized country where it's perfectly possible to never even witness a fight.

sounds hot

yes many times, I lost most of them, I might be tall but i'm thin like a stick

we got separated before any real damange was done

I've never been in a real fight but I remember gathering outside school to watch two minute fights at the end of the day in middle/high school that mostly included people rolling around in the grass and cuddling.

No. Came close a few times, but they always bitched out

yeah, but only a few times, once when i was young, like 10 or 11, and once when me and flatmate were getting at each others throats and decided to settle shit on the front lawn

also remember stepping in to intervene when a gang of asian dudes were stomping the fuck out of one guy in palmy

but 2bf both sides were drunk and the cunt should have known better than to keep talking shit when they outnumbered him. me and my m8 stood by and let him cop his lumps, but then they started stomping on his head and we put an end to it

we didn't throw and punches, just pulled them apart. asian bloke shook my hand afterwards

:( hope ur doing fine nowadays korean friend