U mad bro?

>u mad bro?

Other urls found in this thread:


when will maisie play quasi

This movie will suck but will get praise because she's one of ((((them))))

Emma has some Jack Nicholson eyebrows.


Emma Watson is not a Jew. Or are we using (((()))) to mean "woman"


Emma is an exquisite actress and a delightful person to be around with.

>triggered waifufag

I worked on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I met her a couple of times, she was a cunt and came off as autistic.

WHY DOES SHE LOOK PERPETUALLY SMUG IN THAT CLIP? Is she gonna look smug the entire fucking movie?

gtfo normal fag

Pics or it didn't happen.

she walks around town like she let out the most rancid fart and nobody noticed and she's getting away with it as the fart wafts through the village and assaulting everyone's nosepussy

you know i happened to work for Craft Services on Chamber of Secrets and I can confirm she was an utter cunt.

why the fuck would I post pics of myself?

Sorry, I don't spend 12 hours a day here so I'm not up to date on the latest memes.

Here's Emmmmaa!!!

I'm here to kick you the nuts, you tiny dicked fags
Oh I love to read, I love to think,
But I have no tolerance for your meany misogynist stink.

I love to cuck you loser drags
Oh I got no time for you
Or you
Or you
But black guys get a pass
To Emma's arse

While I kick you in the nuts
And you
And you
In your tiny male balls

I'm Emma,
The Belle of your Broken Balls

Would you shove a red hot poker up her ass if given the opportunity?

Post proof.

A pass to be on set? Or else fuck off.

how so?

no, but i would my red hot pocket rocket

she's pozzed with le type a social justice

Not really.
Most of her feminism shit, though tiring, is her putting her money and time where her mouth is instead of policing the internet for triggers, which is most definitely not part of the SJW archetype. In fact tumblr actually kind of hates her.
But then again you're probably just using it as a catch all for progressives or liberals because reddit and Sup Forums told you to.

You're doing at great job fitting in, user!

I think she sad

>those cheek lines
Is she 60?

>Beauty and the Beast
>no beauty


She's almost 30 and she's a white woman, so as far as her looks are concerned she might as well be.

65 actually

Let me tell you about the Avatar, Beast

Who sung it better? youtu.be/AJzds6fRfjM

she's british

Thanks for correcting the record!

Go on..

((())) Is anyone that is part of, or allows themselves to be a pawn of, the elite ruling class.

>Exec: hey you know whos the first actress i think of when i think beauty? Emma watson
You know she was the ninth or tenth choice


is that anne veal? did we leave her in mexico again?

So everyone who uses that?

When did she peak?


top-right quadrant



Oh please you fags will cry 'shit' no matter what and attempt to discredit its success.

Your gaydar a shit white boi

kindly leave a good boy boy


26 is NOT 30 you underage faggot

top row, second one over

Is she secretly affiliated with Dreamworks?



>top right short hair

she was perfect then.