I have zero respect for this flag. As a Texan, I should be expected to have pride in the Confederacy, but I don't. Why...

I have zero respect for this flag. As a Texan, I should be expected to have pride in the Confederacy, but I don't. Why, you may ask? Because those stupid fuckers fought with their lives to protect an institution that has caused such a enormous cancerous growth in this otherwise beautiful country. If they had instead accepted that slavery was "wrong" but also fought for the privilege of sending the freed slaves back to who-the-fuck-cares, I would have had the biggest Dixie flag my room can hang. But no, they used slavery as unnecessary crutch for m-m-m-muh agriculture and a century plus later, we pay the damn price.

Don't forget they then assassinated the guy who would have sent them, back...


Kill your self op, or have some rebs do it for you. You fucking faggot

Yes, the south should of just sat there and ate high taxes and tariffs and unrepresentative government bullshit.

Or not. It wasnt just the nigger issue, the north had been systematically exploiting the south for decades.

Its like the gunrights debate. If you give an inch, they take a mile. When niggers were propping up what economy you could have while the North was fucking you left and right, you'd not want to give in either.

Mississippi reporting. OP is correct.

I posted this in an earlier thread.

Slavery was the false flag used by the north to attack the south. By doing this they were able to consolidate the power of the federal government.

Slavery would have been abolished eventually and by peaceful means.
>see the rest of the world
However, the north realized it was quickly becoming irrelevant to the United States as it had no real industry to contribute to the nation. The south would have eventually become the economic powerhouse of the nation through agriculture and thus begin to influence politics of the entire nation, a spot traditionally held by the north.

Que the useful idiots and the entire civil war.

Technology would have rendered slavery useless in a few years anyway, as a handful of people could do the work of hundreds.

Don't kid yourself with thinking that after the civil war niggers were magically well off thanks to thier freedom. They weren't. Most had nothing and were forced into sharecropping situations that were just as bad as slavery, but the north didn't care cause niggers had freedom and the federal government had the power it wanted.

Had the civil war not happened I believe that after the industrial revolution niggers wouldn't have been needed in great numbers and would have been sent back to Africa.
Imagine that.

>When niggers were propping up what economy you could have while the North was fucking you left and right, you'd not want to give in either.

Are you telling me they couldn't come up with a single alternative?

The Civil War was never about slavery you moron.

Whether they were morally in the wrong or not, they also fought against the regime imposed by the North. Only you can prove that southern pride does not equate with slavery.

I never understand people that blame the South for blacks instead of the people that freed them and gave them citizenship. Is this some new form of autism or something?

Didn't read your post.

It doesn't matter why the Confederacy rose. The second Yankee soldiers crossed over the Mason-Dixon under arms it became the duty of every single Texan to defend our home. You're a cuck if you think otherwise.

Anyways, it's all in the past now and we have to work together as Americans

Maybe you should have read the post.

ah come on, you don't actually believe that do you?

The south was the first fight against globalism. If they had won the federal government would not have the power that it does now. It wouldn't be bullying ranchers off their land and turning it into BLM land. (((Civil Rights))) and the right to a people's self determination would still be enshrined. Jew judges wouldn't have struck down prop 187 and turned California into Mexico. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about you stupid hick,

Yeah that's why there was all this legislation in congress about deporting negros just ready to go.

Lincoln was a tyrant and a nigger-lover. He permanently took secession off the table and so set up a federal government with unlimited powers. Stop deifying him.

keep telling yourself that, jethro.

Give up the niggers, then what's next? What do they impose on you next to subjugate you further? More tariffs and taxes to keep you down? What new laws do they pass that only benefit them and hurt you?

When one half of a union is being mistreated unfairly and has no other recourse, its only logical to separate from it.

Mooncrickets were almost a nonissue until a certain population started using them as a shield to undermine their host population. I'm sorry they couldn't have seen the storm rising from the schtetls thousands of miles away, but I don't hold it against the south.

This flag unleashed the black hordes upon the land.

Worship it like a good cuckold.

Lincoln did what he had to, to keep the United States from being permanently split and broken. I assume you are also pro anti federalist.

1% of southerners owned a large amount of slaves. And yet what did the southerners do? They died so that that 1% could keep getting its dirt cheap labor. Died for no cause of their own. Completely tricked into thinking the north had it out for them. When really it was just about that tiny group of slave owners.

Oh and then your celebrity decided to take it upon himself to kill the one man who might have sent them back

Great fucking job

And also, if you think Lincoln loved niggers then you're just mentally retarded. Read a fucking book

Well, you shouldn't really care about that flag any more than a German, Frenchman etc should care about the EU flag. Your state should be more important to you than the Confederacy. That's what the men who fought for freedom from the tyrannical union believed, as well.

>Oh and then your celebrity decided to take it upon himself to kill the one man who might have sent them back

memes memes memes. The man was sucking on nigger cock out of the womb. All of the woes of federal intervention, mass immigration, and foreign entanglements can traced back to that man's decision to destroy states rights. The most destructive president that the US has ever had.

If you judge people in a different time using the viewpoints and ethical standards of your time, you will always come up with "what were they thinking?"

I bet king Louis XVII would think you were gross for taking a bath.

What happened in the past happened and you can't change it. The only real world effect of bitching and moaning about how something in the past went is that modern day people right now will think you're a pussy bitch.

You pussy bitch.

>feeding a shit ton of slaves enough to keep them strong and healthy
>housing them
>dirt cheap
I don't think you understand the base premise of logistics.

The north did have it out for the south. They had spent the years leading up to war using their congressional majority to pass a series of oppressive regulations that almost exclusively impacted the southern economy. The election of Lincoln, who was not even on ballots in many southern states, was the last straw that made the south realize they would no longer have any say in their governance. You know, the very same thing that led to our independence from Britain.

Hey shit for brains dumb fuck, let me ask you this

If slaves are so damn expensive, how come they didn't hire whites to work instead?

Huh, I mean if those slaves were so expensive, surely they would have just hired people instead. Right?

Sorry you feel that way cuck.

Fellow Southerner here. 100% agreed. Even if most of the ordinary soliders were conscripts and were far from being able to afford slaves of their own, just joining out of sense of duty to their country--

fuck 'em.

>as a Californian who moved to Austin or Houston


Why would a commifornian be against having black people in the US?