
the SECOND Multiracial edition [Yumi Lambert edit]

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finland no finns

I like Kendrick Lamar, too and I have listened to some Danny Brown songs that I liked

what are the furry things in her legs called

Stop making earlies you dumb beaner

leg warmers
i enjoy your butthurt too much

Don't think its possible for Mike Love to die he stole Dennis and Carl soul's and made a pact with the devil.

I unironically think kendrick is the savior of mainstream hiphop. Danny chose to take a more underground route with Atrocity Exhibition to the pleasure of Sup Forums.

Imho opinion:
>Danny Brown: XXX>AE>Old
>Kendrick: UU>GKMC>Damn.>TPAB

saw him live and the mosh pit was 6 lines deep when he performed dip

best concert ive ever been to desu


I love mosh pits. The uncontrolled energy shows to me humanity's finest/worst side.

Danny Brown lied about his collaboration with Avalanches being game changing. It was good, but far from game changing.

th' gf
>pic rel

Danny Brown is egotistic like every other rapper. You can't blame him. He thinks he's changing the game with every project he does just like Kanye and now Kendrick. Who cares?
Yeah, Frankie Sinatra was kinda lame... but Danny is still great.

Dumb beaner abusing his janny role

Tyler was good until till around late 2012 early 2013, he was producing too much music in such a short time now he makes shit stuff


Not a big fan of negro melodies /cum/

what did dumb leaf #5 mean by this

please protect me from roasties /cum/

What's the difference between a Northern and Southern Mexicano?

I wasn't against hyping it up, but he hyped it up from 2011 to when it dropped and it was the weakest track by far. Somehow it was worse than father john misty's bullshit at the end.
Flower Boy is his best release though.

Tyler isn't shit.. he still produces some good songs but his albums have really been dropping in quality. His latest album was better than the one before it, but I do agree Tyler was overhyped early in his career. He's at least making hip hop a bit more artistic so you can give him that I guess, even if 50% of his songs are unlistenable

*casts an aztec protection spell on you*

bored of all my vidya again
guess I'll go 100% MGSV

if a girl looks good in bangs she's at the very least a 9/10

Play Demon's Souls.

How can I make my English seem more natural?

AE was objectively better than his sellout album Old, but nothing compared to XXX. The hype was uncalled for but it's still pretty good, especially compared to the shit state modern hip hop is in

northern mexicans are like cara, thotposter and the the fag that always posts his face, southern mexicans are like everyone else. which you do you prefer?

post vocaroo

I feel the opposite.
>Girl has bangs 10/10
>She gets a haircut


learn english at 4

Gotta be human first monkey boy
Danny Brown isn't as over hyped as RTJ. El P should go back to jazz

I'm of the opinion that Wolf is his finest tbqhf, but Flower Boy definitely tops Cherry Bomb

My Southern boys, for sure.

Hmm I can actually agree with that

I do miss the old shit like EarlWolf. They made some good tunes.

>the fag that always posts his face

I'm on to you pendejo

Oн пpизpaк,
Дeнни-пpизpaк, Дeнни-пpизpaк, Дeнни-пpизpaк....
Дeнни Фeнтoнy шёл пятнaдцaтый гoд,
Кoгдa пpeдки coбpaли cтpaнный пpибop,
B пoтycтopoнний миp oткpыв пpoхoд,
Oн вceх пoбeдит, вeдь oн Дeнни-пpизpaк.

Пpибop нe зapaбoтaл и взpocлыe yшли,
И Дeнни внyтpь зaглянyть peшил,
Яpкaя вcпышкa вcё измeнилa,
Пepecтpoйкa мoлeкyл зaвepшилacь.

Пpизpaк, Пpизpaк....

Oчнyвшиcь, oн пocмoтpeл нa ceбя,
Ha вoлocы кaк cнeг, зeлёныe глaзa,
Hayчилcя пpoхoдить cквoзь cтeны и лeтaть,
Bтopoгo тaкoгo нa зeмлe нe cыcкaть,
Oн cpaзy пoнял, чeм дoлжeн зaнимaтьcя,
He дaвaть вcяким твapям в нaш миp пpoбpaтьcя,
Зa нac c тoбoй oн бyдeт дpaтьcя!

Bceх пoбeдит, вeдь oн жe Дeнни Фeнтoн,
Bceх пoбeдит, вeдь oн жe Дeнни Фeнтoн,
Bceх пoбeдит, вeдь oн жe Дeнни Фeнтoн.

>pretends to have good taste in rap

Talk to native speakers irl


>Why yes I do have a rateyourmusic account and its got all post rock 5 stars

RTJ is overhyped everywhere else, especially Reddit. I like RTJ but only slightly, I think there lyrics are cringey and their beats uninspired. On Sup Forums Danny is the most overhyped.
Used to like RTJ until I grew up, I just think they're both overly political. El P does need to go back to jazz, he might be a secondary FlyLo.

i don’t like rap but the only artist i moderately liked was Schoolboy Q

bought some Wolf chili
660 calories a can for $1.50, preservative free with plenty of protein and fiber to boot

What Is Spielberg's Place Among Directors?

Some people regard him as a hugely popular hack, but most of the film fans I know consider him one of the best ever. How about Gaf? Is he a terrible director, merely a skilled popular filmmaker, or one of the greatest of all time?

I think he is one of the greatest, a view shared by some of the greatest directors of all time. It's great to see just how amazing he is. His filmography is as impressive as some of the other greats.

too bad hayley doesn't look good in bangs

refrain from using spanish words in the future. thnks xx.

looks like a recipe to make the sickest vegetarian burrito ever


Why don't Canadians have accents like Australians?

people that live near the border all the talk the same

Sure thing amigo

they're cucks
see also:
quebec's existance

play retro games.

I keep having to poo every 30 minutes, sometimes it’s like short dihareea and others it’s full on poops. Even when I eat normally also, is my metabolism skyrocketing or something

why are there canadians who unironically say aboot and soory have they got no shame at all?


my video

Mike Love will out live Brian and Sup Forums is going to throw the biggest fit in the history of this site. Even worse than puddi

Not true, I have friends from Michigan and Ohio and they all think we have an accent here, even the near the border

You should post pictures



Thank god for this though

>tfw an entire month worth of food for four person cost me 70 bucks here

which ones you like, friendo? I'm very partial to Mega Man X, and DK Country.

Holy frijoles man, relax already.


Drink a bottle of VERY cold water, it's good for a quick flush

Imo Earl made the albums top quality. Love Earl, and Tyler is ok
Don't you have some Russian Roulette to play?
He's the best PMW rapper I guess which means something.. but still, fuck Schoolboy and all PMW rappers
Spielberg is the best normie director.
He is good, but still "eh" among kino viewers (I know this sounds pretentious but Cara I know you're super pretentious already)
Brian lost his magic as soon as he went full on insane, just like Syd.

What a man child holy shit.

Like said, you have that weird vowel thing, but you're not all like "Oi, m8!" as the AUS and Brit are.

i am not pretentious at all

im like the less pretentious person on the earth

>tfw you'll never be able to talk ebonics
should i kms

Castlevania SOTN.
FF V, IV, VI, I (GBA) Tactics Advance.
kof 98, 2002
Defender (NES)
pacman, tetris
Battle Tank (NES)
Metal gear solid (Psx)
A lot of NES games I can't remember (Mappy, Lode Runner, the one with wolfs and little pigs, the one with ninjas in a mountain, karateka, ballon fight, popeye).

also if you listen to retarded nigger music may as well kill yourself

what's wrong with rocko's modern world faggot

hit a couple'a baby seals with my snohmachine
just gonna send it


if you listen to retarded spanish music you may as well kill yourself

>least pretentious
Coming from the person who bragged about being an A+ student in high school and constantly demeans people
>makes this post
Case in point. Cara I thought you learned. They theorize that one with a personality disorder can only be cured in time.


listening to this song

Cara why did you delet your discord?

>Coming from the person who bragged about being an A+ student in high school and constantly demeans people

Whats wrong with telling the truth?

>canadians near the border don't have accents


this is in Sudbury

listening to this song

sudbury is the farthest canadian city from the border in the east...

Its a fucking cartoon grow up.
Literally the guy who watches japanese cartoons all day when the graboids aren't coming for you.

Me and my relationship with discord fell of a cliff, i hate everyone there except lainposter and ryan, they are ok.

It was getting too circlejerky for my tastes.

Steven Crowder is ________.

they sound rural

So what it's still close, not too far from Sault Ste Marie

Post better nigger music than this, you cant


I like this, niggers talking about their life in their natural states, now they wanna make us believe they are capable of complexe thoughts lol

>Near the border
Yeah the major American influence of the Upper Peninsula

literally who

>99% of canadians live in the south border

we need to go back

I was an A+ student in high school too. Guess what? i'm an A+ student in college as well. Stop being an asshole and stop bragging.
I'm a psychology student currently, make as many jokes as you want, but I was also an engineering, economics, and medical student. Take yourself down a notch. Yeah, you're smart, but that doesn't mean you're inherently better than others.
Because I'm a psych student I should be nicer and more empathetic to you, but I'm not. I'm just pissed and drunk.
You aren't inhernetly above other people because of intelligence or anything else. You exist and you're an asshole who happens to be a tad bit more intelligent than most people.
FUCK sometimes you make me really mad. I'm sorry about making you depressed the other day, but this is usually the only tome Narcissus assholes can learn, by falling on themir face and being called out