Tfw all my friends are blue-pilled cucks

>tfw all my friends are blue-pilled cucks
>tfw whenever political topics come up, I am forced to pretend I share their views
>tfw if I expressed my real opinions, they'd immediately unfriend and attack me

How does Sup Forums deal with these feels?


I don't have these feels. I rejected cucks one after the other, found based people around me, and I'm in the process of redpilling the young but with potential to be based ones as well.

No women. They will never understand, only follow.

By not having any friends.

Get new friends. If they can't accept you having different opinions then they aren't good friends to begin with.

>he doesn't redpill people around him

It's not hard desu

If your friends leave you for your political opinions, they were never your friends to begin with. I've lost a bunch even though I'm from a very conservative state since most of my friends in HS were libtards.

Try to get reasonably redpilled friends. I think this is actually really important, hiding your identity all the time is not good for you at all. I have to fake to my parents but I'm glad I can speak real with my friends. You just gotta be honest to people and if the they are offended fuck 'em. Grow a thick skin. Who knows, liberal normies might even respect you for not being conformist.

Women are the worst. I can confirm.

Have you ever successfully redpilled someone? How? Ocasionally I let a remark slip in about the failures of contemporary politics but it usually gets ignored.

Getting new friends is very hard here. My town is full of leftists, so I'll somehow have to deal with their bullshit.

I really can't say, fampai. Even just being a moderate conservative and saying something like

>We should not stripe people of their rights without due process like the rights to firearms

Is a point of contention in the blue state where I live.

My gf is a serious liberal. I'm pretty much dead-center but hate all of the PC libtard acceptance shit (BLM, transgenders, etc). I deal with it because I love her. We have lots of discussions about our politics and try to keep them from getting heated. I've opened her eyes on a few things, like educating her about guns.

The only doubt I have in our relationship is that if we get married and have a son, I don't want her to fill his head with hippie bullshit. I want to raise a real man, not a cuck.

I know your feels, bro.

You're friends with them, isn't that enough? Just waste time with them, discussing politics is utterly boring either way. Do you really have something worth saying on the topic? Why do you care what your friends vote?

kek, that's funny, I don't fake to my parents at all. In fact my mom agreed with me that the wrong side won WWII. I'm pretty sure my dad is a bit cucked, but family > politics so we don't attack each other over our views.

>your mom agreed
nice fan-fiction you got going there user.

Get some charisma. I converted all of my Bernbot friends to the Trump Train months ago. All it takes is some ration reasoning. You also have to be respected by your peers, which is probably a problem for a good portion of the people here, unfortunately.

Sorry your relationship with your parents sucks m8. Then again my mom is a Serb so she hated America and muslims to begin with.

If they're mature adults who are actually are worth being friends with, and you're not autistic about it, it should be fine. And if they oudst you for that fuck em more time you can spend on improving yourself

women aren't capable of understanding, you probably just aren't getting social clues.

Grow some bollocks numale.
Openly challenge all leftist bullshit.

I spout my shit to everybody. My parents, who agree with me as well as the wife, and my boys. Get a different country.

>actually entertaining the thought of marrying an SJW

Honestly, if you're this stupid, your son deserves to be a cuck.

>women aren't capable of understanding

Dumb blanket statement.

*your wife's son

I was driving down the street another day.
A Black dude was crossing the street ahead of us.
My friends at the back jokingly were cheering me to speed up to run him over.
The one next to me said "hey, tell the cops you can't see these people at night".

I don't have your feels.

>I'm dead-center, but
RIP her son's manliness

I feel you.

I'm a really tolerant person (funny huh) so I just let them have their delusions. It's not worth wrecking friendships over petty differences as long as they don't go turbo-lib. Plus I can tell you there have definitely been times I wouldn't have gotten some bomb pussy if I had revealed my full power level.

Usually what I do is softly persuade them to look at things from another perspective.

SLOWLY i've turned most of them from far left to more to the center. It's tough but you have to be real slow with them. They're like kids you can't just hit them with all the info and hope they absorb it all.

Still it would be nice to have a few redpilled friends.

Leftists are such scum, they are the minority here so we don't have these problems.

I have some leftist friends and it has never occurred to me or to the majority of their right wing friends to shun them for their political views.

not the same thing, not even a little

Friends should tolerate your views, buddies you should drink at pubs with or they hang around your ass when there is money, coworkers should focus on being quiet and non-personal, unless you really know them for long and you hang around with them.

Start feeding them a few redpilled facts into your conversations. Slowly ensure they draw the correct conclusions from them.

Most of my friends and family hate Islam now and I'm partially responsible lol

I mostly just pretend to be a normal rightwinger, and when I suggest stuff like Europe should ban muslims from entering I use protecting the gay community and Islamic Burka/rapes as a justification

This way if they accuse you of racism you can accuse them of homophobia and wanting to import misogyny

The key to redpilling is to always look like the reasonable one

What this guy said .
Also, make them question their ideas and beliefs so that they come to the conclusion themselves. Like in the allegory of the cave

>hate Islam
So you BLUE-pilled them? What a disappointment.

Just shame them haha

>Democrat good for economy
Name the price of 3 stocks.
>Trans blah blah blah
I am trans (Works for me because ya) tell me how I feel again.
Your right.... gonna take half your cookie now.
(Working on a good response for this one)

Just wait till you get drunk at a party or social event

A drunk man always speaks his mind

About two months ago I blacked out at my friends house , and well basically I live in a very ultra-liberal, small town where people like to gossip, Long story short i don't remember what happened very well but apparently I let out all the redpill I'v been keeping bottled up for years.

I know this because if i leave the house Anymore I get weird cringe looks for people and everyone cold shoulders me.

You should realise my parents are extreme leftwingers, to the point where they have a painting of Lenin with "cccp" written on it. Even me pretending to be center is pushing it. Pretty insane. I don't think I could survive without support from somewhere else.

Dumb ad hominem.

>drinking past the age of 13
stopped reading there.

Roll better on your persuade checks my nigga.
I am the only straight white guy in my team at work.
Amongst a bunch of liberal cucks and gays.
It's been a few months and already the gays dislike lgbt movement for making them out to be victims, the Muslims are often verbally criticising Islamic nations and defending 'islamaphobic ' notions based on migrants not assimilating.
You just gotta appeal to their own fears and sense of community pride.
The only reason the left is so vocal is cos deep down most of them are upset that they can't fit in, so offer these people that.
I have a bunch of homos, Muslims and ex feminists all rallying behind me when I make fun of blm, shillary etc.
The very same people who would normally see me as a nazi or bogeyman all fucking love it. Why?
Cos I make it about people trying to rob them of their own dignity to win 'tolerance points'

Slowly red-pill them by giving them examples of what the right wing has done good, then disprove what the left does.

or say fuck it and give them a link to Sup Forums and tell them you're here for the keks. slowly but surely they will red-pill themselves

How I can get charisma?

Do they believe in what Lenin said or did

(either way pretty bad)

What kind of friends do you have? I have liberal and regular conservative friends and they will never leave me beacuse I have different opinion.

Fucking Mehmet

Muslim filth shouldn't be allowed to step foot in Europa

I dont know this feeling. All my friends want to sent all muslims and niggers to a nice Summer camp that you guys made for us. Thanks Hans-sama.

>forced to
Who is the real cuck?

It is basically a combination of two jungle monkey tier tricks, kraut, how hard can it be:

1. You have to be rational wait for the right time and situation. You can expose your friends to the material indirectly or you can just wait for chance to do it, then see their respective reactions. People are more predictable than you think, you just have to make an effort to figure them out. If all your friends are fat lesbians talking shit all day, you wouldn't expect them to convert easily. If you have a few friends, it will be very hard to make this work: you have no experience, no social skills, and probably a median IQ. The point is: thinking rationally starts at a redpill and goes as far as being calm enough to make a good bet at the right moment, because rhetoric becomes much easier when you are already speaking the overwhelming truth. I can't avoid mentioning that the easy converts will be those people that are not happy with their life, that are more observant than intuitive, and who would rather listen to a talk podcast than a set of songs. Your move should consider your friends' logical fallacies, your friends' past, which could make them snap, etc. You should consider who would be the alpha male of a group of friends if you removed yourself from the group, who is the smartest, I mean truly the smartest? You should consider converting him first.

2. Your motivation to do this ends up being the limitation factor, supposing we have IQs high enough to verbalize this, how else could I come up with "How to turn your friends into nazis" without a difference in motivations? It only could experience, as in I am older or an oldfag specifically. And if you think these motivations are equal, certainly you are deluded, mathematically it would something like we both picking the same number from 0 to 10000. Motivation is the opposite of social anxiety, or generally anxiety, is the opposite of hope. I can't expect you to convert if you have a good life already.

It's Germany, so they're extreme leftists. The kind of person who insults AfD (conservative party) politicians on facebook and who wears "refugees welcome" t-shirts.

Muslims should be our allies. They fight the same degeneracy which is destroying our society.

Havent gone into specifics, but I'm pretty sure they do. My dad said sometimes brainwashing in schools is a necessary thing.

Where do you live?

Carry yourself proudly but relaxed,
Always laugh and smile,
Fake being disappointed in people in exaggerated ways, insult people in ways that are clearly jokes.
Always, always make sure you smell nice.
Make jokes at your own expense .
Never act as though anything gets to you.

You don't need to be good looking or Chad thundercock, you just need to not seem as though you actually care about people liking you etc.
However, NEVER be edgy.
It's okay to say shocking stuff, but only when it is totally going to come across as a joke.
I don't know if this stuff can be learned, but I used to be liable but shy, now I'm always the fucking life of the party. Actually to the point where I sometimes wish I could take a break from it!
Maybe just pretend you are the person you want to be and after a while your mask will become your face.

They're not really friends if they'd drop you for your views. I expose my power level all the time with my mates.

you pretend to share their views, yet you call them cucks.. dude you are the cuck here.

Well they're leftists, so they're pretty much immune to arguments and facts. You can't talk rationally to these people when it comes to politics. They are so deeply brainwashed that they rather deny facts than changing their worldview.

My friends know I'm different, but they accept me. They knew I was different the moment Trayvon happened and I said, "Oh look another nigga got shot what else is new?"

Only one ever told me that they never really liked blacks growing up but I was different. Understandable

>The day of the referendum result
>celebrate wildly with Sup Forums
>come out of my room and see my distraught housemates
>put on a solemn face and avoid talking about it too much but listen to their grievances politely
>"Oh well, at least our area voted remain. It's a haven for people like us!"
>"Like us?"
>"Y'know, lefties!"

Almost threw up a bit in my mouth. Made me reconsider my whole life strategy of hiding my views to further friendships. Hearing someone call me a lefty.... I dunno, I know it's not true but it really made me ill.

Is this what being trans is like?

>Best friend is a commie
>I'm a libertarian
>one friend is a socialist
>another is conservative
>have political discussion
>realise we all share the same fears but have different methods of facing them

get some actual friends lads.

If they would unfriend you because of your political views were they really your friends all along?

I have a redpilled friend who votes right-wing, one friend who votes left and is bluepilled and a muslim friend. No one really has a problem with each other and they get along. Maybe your friends are just shit.

You unfriend them. Its a great feeling desu.

Always be true to yourself. Besides, you dont know if any of your friends are faking it just like you are.

I made my opinions so clear to them, some of them went from leftist to rightist.
Anyway, my friends are all intellectuals, and 2016's intellectual trend is to hate on leftists. So yeah.

Muslims are degenerate cousinfuckers who hate western civilization

They are only fit to be colonial subjects

get friends who aren't twats

That bugs me the most, I know friends fight over the most backward ass things you can possibly think of. But disagreeing with one political opinion makes you a bad person


>Slowly drop facts when convenient
>always make sure to appear as completely neutral.

Redpilled some friends that way, and i'm pretty sure that's how Sup Forums slowly redpilled me on many matters, it takes time though.

what is this pepe picture referencing?

>How does Sup Forums deal with these feels?

Be extremely subtle.

Not so much "muslims are a cancer and we should gas the kikes" but more "I don't know how I feel about all these refugee attacks"

"I don't know how I feel about [x]" is a great way to sow doubt among hardcore believers.

IF you're a liberal in America these are your friends

It does, but I've given up on the ones who are heavily into social media. I'll use it every now and then, but some let it completely warp their mind. Though I noticed a lot of people begin to make a switch in sides when it effects one of their hobbies or interests. For me it was video games a while ago and thank god their finally but slowly pushing that shit out.

I have pretty blue pilled friends, we understand there is more to our friendship than politics.

Sounds like you needs to get better friends there OP.

>Lost contact for some months with best friend of like 8 years
>Start hanging with him again recently
>His vegan feminist sister has turned him full cuckold feminist
Breaks my fucking heart.
>tfw best bro turned nu-male when I stopped influencing him

Assuming that your friendship isn't rooted in political identity, and that you can have fun without politics being involved, no reason not to hang out with them. But if it gets to be too much of a pain, I'd just slowly cut them out, and go find some red-pilled friends. You'd be surprised how many you can find. Many are just too afraid to make their beliefs known.

>It sure sucks when people disagree with me.


damn faggot go to a whore you bastard


Don't have any friends. Feels bad, but I can be myself though.

Smile, cry about poor refugees, etc.Then write their names down for when the DotR comes.

donĀ“t be a beta and find good friends

>being me

>meet new guys

>all guys from around europe

>share memes as jokes

>pepes and red pilled stuff comes out

>we can discuss of anything easily without problems , enjoying our time.

>we all hates feminists and liberal cucks.

>dank memes reinforce our friendship

feels good man

stop using goybook

i have no friends

theyre not your friends

get views that aren't based entirely on hatred and ignorance

I feel ya. The worst are collegues...

You know, you just gotta support your beliefs without going full autism mode.

If say, you support Trump and your friends attack you for it, just say "I want industry back in the country" or something and leave it at that. You don't have to delve into "the Wests fall into degeneracy" or anything like that.

And if they really, truly will befriend you for something like that, then fuck 'em. Usually though you'll just be their conservative friend, and that will be that.