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look at these niggers

anthony bourdain really let himself go

who were those btw? i know they were cooks or something

italian cooks

> :^)

Northern Italians are the good Italians

I'm whiter than them.

>wh*te barbarians from the north are the good ones

OP is the Turk?

no, idiot.

they have only the 30% of germanic dna or even less...

>wanting to look like a frail while faggot while you could look like a mediterranean MAN


These two are top blokes leave them alone. I love their travel and cookery shows.

disgusting subhumans

*southern italian saracens

the northern ones are not white too.

Italians are subhumans

Koreans are better :3

They're just tanned I don't see the problem

Why is juventus covered?

>literally a curly haired nigger on the right
>just tanned


it is still a brand and they don't want to give free promotion i believe.

He doesn't look black at all, that's not a black nose, same for the lips, you're a silly monkey

Juventus is still a brand and if you make them bad promotion, they would sue you.

you mean


they are white, the only non-white europeans are iberians and greeks

This, they're a great duo.

italian girls are white but italian men are not

I am italian American and I am white

They are both white too

>I am italian American

How many %?

no, people in these areas would laugh in your face if you called them white, or "branco"(white in portuguese), we have at most 4 identities, portuguese, iberian, mediterranean and latino


how you doin
>love that shit

Enough for having discounts on gabagool then


t. Alberto al-Andalus

Haha yeah

neither are sp*niards


It's true though, even nelly furtado sang about this, in the early periods of her carrer, they tried bleaching her in magazines, making her lighter.
This is what she wrote in her 2003 hit, "Powerless":
Paint my face in your magazines / Make it look whiter than it seems

>a favelado from rio de janegro represents brazil
south brazil is whiter than sh*taly, curly haired moor rape baby

Med race is master race

hhahahahahahahahahhaha suck my pale white dick

I swear the concept of white became so distorted here on Sup Forums that retards don't even consider italians white anymore.

Fuck you all with you retarded pol mentality and meme washed brains.

no, looks gross, all pink, feminine and shit, only beige portuguese cock for my portuguese pussy

>47% of white people

white means being an intelligent fennoswede with no cuckold mentality

t. Cucco

ah yes

Brazil is unironically whiter then the USA

only germanics and scandis are white.
everything else is nigger
i'm a nigger too but, unlike these deluded sh*talians, i know it.

I don't consider italians to be black.
Their contribution to mankind is too great to consider them that.

How did Ron Perlman aged so bad?


C-can I?? :3

Only Celts, Balts, Finnics, Germancis and Northern Slavs are White
u know, if I gave a fuck I'd go watch some """italian tv""" for 10 seconds to spot the first nigger, but I'd much rather just call you a cucked shitskin, because that's what shitalians are tbqh
don't know what all the fuss is about, it's not like you guys don't absolutely LOVE it
what's it been now, serious?
5 decades of nigger migration?
well done!

No matter how good they are (they aren't), they are not racially European. Who wants 190 IQ Japanese rocket scientists in his nations as citizens? A civic nationalist cuckold - that's who

>90% of human advancement, most radical nationalists, murderers and best societies to live in

>first case of European mongrelisation, buttfucking and some ruins

>Iran, Egypt and other shitskin beloved WE WUZ
>tyranny, weird cults of inbred rulers, mass slavery and nothing of value towards the advancement

They are albino nordics with vitiligo and bleached skin compared to you

they rescue them and send them back, r-right?

And you are a burn victim from congo when compared to brazillians .

Tricky R A R E

Like how rare can this possibly get ?