The most feared and terrible pirate captain is... gay

>The most feared and terrible pirate captain is... gay

that's haram

No women on pirate ships. The heck do you think "cabin boys" were for?

Blackbeard was no faggot.

There were no sea
He was fucking with some lord in England Jesus
This show is for the fucking fat twilight teenage girls
Fuck you tv for luring to watch this shit

Im cheering for Charles Vane now

John Silver is some ausie manlet
Who is literally shorter than Billy Bones
Some strong independant whores
Threesome every serie
Wtf is that?

Wouldn't you be more afraid of a man who will plunder your booty?

Long-John doesn't refer to him being tall, user.

That whole plot point was received badly and they almost entirely dropped it.

That's a dick reference right?

so why are they bringing him back?

I honestly didn't mind it much. His anger made a whole lot more sense. He loved Mrs hamilton because she was hot and shit, but she was still just a dumb woman.

Thomas was not only his equal as a man, but his intellectual superior, someone who was both a trusted friend and gave him his vision of a free and unified Nassau. It was more of a gay friendship than anything else. Like David and Jonathan, except if they were gay.

i just hate blatant pandering like this so much

>everyone in the world is straight

Pretty much

die idiot

user, i ...

Kinda makes sense, a dude that doesn't want to work for money or contribute to society decides to steal said money...kill anyone that gets in his way and surmounts himself with men on a ship in the middle of the sea.

Kinda sums up the gays.

Because of the implication

You probably think "equal representation" means even amounts of all races too

>he likes boys and I thinks that's icky REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Fuck off.
Girls are nasty.

So how's season 4 so far? I have the first two episodes but im afraid its going to be shit.

If you can't rape a man in the ass while his family watches in horror, then how do you expect to be the most feared pirate?

episodes in s4 so far:
1-2 meh
3 ok
4 good