BLM DEMANDS, these people are beyond retarded

BLM DEMANDS, these people are beyond retarded.

Remember not to hurt black peoples feelings.



I know the hatred and envy of your hearts. Ye are not great enough not to know of hatred and envy. Then be great enough not to be ashamed of them!

>not "being part" of a "movement" makes your thoughts about it irrelevant

Black Lesbians Matter is more like it since all these people bitch about is women's rights






Why so upset ahmed? is mohammed upset at the subject?


3 points for gay issues. I'm sure most blacks react negatively to gays and queers

There are no white people in America south of the USA.

What you call white are actually light skinned brown.

Sure thing Juanito.


lolz what does the 2 stand for

>GDP of Uragay

why don't we just subvert BLM and convince them they should start a movement to go back to Africa

>lolz what does the 2 stand for
L = Lesbian
G = Gay
B = Bisexual
T = Transexual
I = Intersex
Q = Queer
Q = Questioning
2S = Two-Spirit

Technically this is old though. the current acronym is


L = Lesbian
G = Gay
B = Bisexual
T = Transexual
Q = Queer
Q = Questioning
I = Intersex
P = Pansexual
2S = Two-Spirit
A = Asexual
A = Allies

>we envision a pride that prioritizes black spaces

isn't the point of a pride parade to fight against persecution of gays?

>a commitment to more black deaf & hearing ASL interpreters for the Festival

What does ghetto ebonics look like in sign language?

>removal of police floats

I'm pretty sure the Village People invented gay policemen a long time before the blacks found tumblr. So why remove the cops?

I have no idea what any of those mean

The police is an anti black gang.

So cops vs blacks is just gang warfare?

Then why does the media care?

This is the biggest problem with modern liberalism/SJWism, they simply cannot say no to any "oppressed" groups no matter how stupid they get. They're like the most lenient parents who spoil their bratty kids.

the left is burning itself down again, should be fun

Why so upset at Uruguay, uh Jamal?

Because they don't want THEIR OWN shit, they want YOUR SHIT.

You have to be 18 to post here.

>the best BLM can come up with for "demands" in Canada is increased public arts spending
jesus christ Soros you're wasting your fucking money

>u r gay

> niggers
> stunning display of stupidity

It's like she thinks there is some other way for them to behave.


What in the nigger are these retards doing?

You can't even say that tongue twister. It only works when it's typed.

Don't forget these other demands of theirs.