Gonna watch this for the first time

What should I know before I watch this?

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Don't fall in love with a girl that display a personality that doesn't exists.

the bitch dies in the end

Amelie is complete bulshit. Pretentious hipster pseudo intellectual crap that only appeal to tumblrtards and dumb chicks with a special snowflake complex. The plot is the cliché carpe diem deal, the main character is an annoying cunt, every character is a ridiculous charicature and the colour pallete is so green it makes you want to vomit. This flick wouldn't have got nowhere near the same recognition if it was made in Hollywood, but people love it because it's french and seems sophisticated. The soundtrack is the only actual good thing about it, but you'd do better downloading it separately.

You will cry tears

You don't need to know anything you stupid fucking millennial. Just watch the movie.


It's a fun movie with interesting characters and doesn't take itself too seriously. I really like this director's visual style and he has a number of other great films (city of lost children and Delicatessen). There's literally nothing pretentious about this movie.

This movie also got really popular in the early 2000s especially among hipsters and intellectual types which kind of soured it's reputation as you can see: But if you move beyond its reputation, the movie stands on its own merits.

The protagonist looks too old to be doing such whimsical, cutesy things. I just couldn't get into it because I kept thinking about her womb drying up.

That scene where she leads the blind guy to the train station or whatever was incredible though.


It's comfy. That's all you really need to know. Don't be cynical and just enjoy it.

Also there's like no sand niggers in Paris, which is amazing.

She'll change your life, user.

'Allo, I am Amelie!


I cried like a baby watching this

as a movie its qt as fuck

You should know that I have tried to watch this movie atleast 6 times over the past 10 years and every time I get frustrated and turn it off around 45 minutes in.
Every time.

Kind of subverts this shit criticism though because it showd her having an easy fuck despite not being able to find romance; which is absolutely true of women.

Don't watch it, unless it's with a woman you want to have sex in. Think of it as lubrication


Holy shit, this might be the most ridiculous post I have ever seen. Every two words theres a buzzword. What a pathetic fag you have to be to write that out and support trump


Don't fall in love with the protagonist. Accept it as it comes. Try not to cry. I thought it was gonna be shit, but I loved it.

except small download sizes negated by long ass unpacking times

she's a slut

numales are unironically proclaiming enjoyment of this abomination

>Pretentious hipster pseudo intellectual crap

It's none of these things.

that's a shitpost.

Fucking nailed it

If you can't enjoy this movie in some way you're a humourless homosexual.



Frenchfag here, just don't picture Paris like it is in this movie, because it's romanticized as fuck and way out of the socialist smug/muslim hell reality.

Director is alright tho, he's good but his actors or scenari are often crap

It's delightful.

>someone i don't know called me something i'm not on the internet

wtf my day is ruined now!