Why did post-communism Russia turn out so shit economically compared to other post communist countries in the 90s?

Why did post-communism Russia turn out so shit economically compared to other post communist countries in the 90s?

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You can't have free markets without stable institutions and rule of law. Russia put the carriage before the horse, as a result, its state industries were looted by KGB apparatchiks rather than privatized in a transparent manner.

i wanna fuck that frog

It was looted by jews just like Ukraine


>The mass privatization of the 1990s remains a highly contentious issue in Russian society today, with many Russians calling for significant revisions or even a general reversal of the reforms. Indeed, many Russians view the privatization quite critically and hold strongly negative views towards its chief architects, notably Anatoly Chubais and Yegor Gaidar.

both Chubais and Faidar were jewish btw


>They’d already in 1991 dismantled their industry. They were told that the way to get rich was to become a raw materials exporter or what the American protectionists and the bible called “hewers of wood and drawers of water”. So Russia simply dismantled its industry. The west said, oh, you’re not competitive and what the Russians didn’t realize is that all of this was very self serving to the west. The West, especially the American planners- the Harvard boys that went over said, well, we really don’t want is for Russia ever to be a military threat. We’d like to conquer it, to break it up, let’s now just slam them at the end of the cold war.

>So without an industrial, manufacturing base there can’t really be much of a military. So the first thing they did was say – get rid of your manufacturing, get rid of your engineering, begin charging for your schooling, close down the schools – you don’t need engineers all you really need to do is make a hole in the ground.


>But none of this export revenue from the hole in the ground should really be turned over to the state – we want to make sure that you only tax labor and tax business, but don’t tax natural resources – let it all be privatized. And so Russia thought, gee this sounds like a funny way to get rich but that’s what they did. And so they followed the Harvard advice to give away the oil, the nickel companies, the mineral resources, and that’s how they got the money to begin sending it all to the west. There wasn’t any Russian money to buy these companies because the IMF and World Bank wiped out Russian savers with a hyper inflation by getting rid of all the capital controls and letting the rouble float. So it was just one bad advice after another and now the Russians realize they’ve been taken.

>And they’re trying to figure out how on earth do we get out of this mess following the West’s advice. They thought, and the Baltics thought, that they were been told how to develop in the way that the West did. Neo-liberalism is the exact opposite of how Britain and the United States, Germany, Japan, and now China, got rich by progressive taxation, and having public infrastructure provided at much lower cost than privatized infrastructure and a resource fund tax, basically a land tax which is how Europe and America – states and localities – have been financed all throughout their history.

They abruptly switched from a state-controlled economy to a free market. While the standard of living in Russia never really matched that of the west, suddenly switching the entire way your economy works doesn't really bold well, especially when the biggest players in the world market are very wary of you.
Not mention that Russia didn't gracefully transition from the USSR, it collapsed.

Poland did the same thing and it turned out a lot better there, although there was hardship there as well.

at the time "Harvard's" intervention in Russia was being run by ((((Larry Summers)))) and ((((Robert Rubin))))) the exact same jews that caused the Sub Prime crash in 2008

Poland did the exact opposite of Russia

they didn't let jewish billionaire take over the countries resources

Poland has been getting a lot of help from the west, the EU in particular has been shoveling money into it like no tomorrow. Even then it still treads the border of a second world country

Jewish mafias looting everything and Russia had to babysit other countries throughout the entire Soviet regime period, after the collapse, all their investments became thin air.

I wonder if it can be reduced to a matter of morale. Poles as an occupied people greeted the new world with enthusiasm. For Russians it probably felt like a personal failure. Could this manifest itself economically in such an enormous manner though?

Or they just didn't sell their entire country to Jewish billionaires because Yeltsin had no control over Poland.

Poland joined the EU in the mid 00s, I'm talking about their 90s economies.

To expand upon this, Russia never really got to enjoy Capitalism like the west did.
Russia straight from Feudalism to Communism. When the reds took over 99% of Russians were dirt farmers. Most industry that was developed was either for government purposes (military, science, etc) or would produce the bare minimum needed for survival (food, clothing, shelter, etc).
While the west was developing capitalism and creating industries that could export goods to other countries, the countries behind the Iron Curtain were staggering behind. And finally with the collapse of the USSR, these former communist countries had little to nothing to offer to this new, capitalist world

Poland didn't really have the corruption that Russia had, although it took nearly 3 decades for them to kick the former communists out of power.
But still, even today Poland is largely dependent on the EU. Despite how much Sup Forums hypes Poland up for being based and taking a stand against the EU, if the EU dissolved Poland's economy would be devastated.


Thats true for any post-commie country
You can't expect countries that had 0% gdp growth for decades to be great.

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