Who would you send to invade these fuckers?

Who would you send to invade these fuckers?

Matt Damon and MC Ride


>it's a "nasa makes their annual early spring """""""major""""" announcement to stay relevant and beg for funding" episode
I don't much care for this one desu



White men.

it's not like the advancement of our species is important or anything

i'm not being sarcastic it literally isn't, we're too late. we shot ourselves in the foot

>beg for funding

Get scraps as it is.

The'd get more money through a fucking patreon than through the government at this point.


>we won't reach those in our lifetime

what's the point

They haven't bankrolled the first settlements on Mars yet though.

islamic refugees

these planets are 40 light years away.
it would take our current spacecraft 2.4 million years to get there.

yeah, lets spend my tax dollars on that.

>planet Sup Forums looks like acne

seems about right

shut the fuck up space cuck, NEETs don't pay taxes lmao

Yeah, I'd rather spend those dollars on more wars or gibs. It truly is for the best. I welcome all disenfranchised people to my land as we slowly exhaust all resources on this tiny rock.

are you a retard or what im agreeing with you i dont care about nasa anymore, no one does except people who want to marvel at the unreachable

also fireworks

Tom Hardy

there are plenty of resources in our Solar System you dope. enough for the Human race for billions of years,

but yeah, lets ignore that and travel for millions of years to get the same thing.

fucking retard.

imagine being such a fag you actually WANT to inflict the dismal human race on other planets

>implying implications I didn't imply

NASA doesn't even have enough funding to get us to fucking Mars in the next 20 fucking years. Let alone mining the asteroid belt or colonizing/farming a fucking moon of Jupiter or Saturn.

We've neutered our only way off this rock because no independent company will leave until it's too late. Short term profit is the name of the game.

Because nasa is a complete retarded money sinkhole that will be replaced by private industry that will do a better job with 1/10 of the budget when there is a reasonable incentive

Space travel is pointless until we figure out teleportation


pewdiepie and filthy frank

>Because nasa is a complete retarded money sinkhole that will be replaced by private industry that will do a better job with 1/10 of the budget when there is a reasonable incentive

That's complete horseshit though. SpaceX is barely a thing right now and it's basically half supported by NASA through contracts.

No company want's to pour billions of dollars into something that won't pan out for possibly a hundred years.

You can only push tech through major funding from countries pushing tax dollars at it at this point. Maybe WAY in the future but by that point somebody will have fucking nuked somebody by that point.

Joe rogan, Alex jones and Jaime with a direct radio link to google HQ