If the wage gap was real, companies would only hire women because they can pay them less

If the wage gap was real, companies would only hire women because they can pay them less.

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>would only hire women because they can pay them less.

No, they wouldn't because women are inferior workers, not worth the money.


Stop using logic.

Of course Schlomo speaks the truth when it comes to maximizing shekels.

And their inferiority justifies their lowered pay. / thread

It's not because i'm a jew. It's because I learned economics since I was little.

its a jew he knows what they think and its probaly true

maybe its just a jewish trick to pay male workers less for more and better work

>And their inferiority justifies their lowered pay. / thread

Actually, it's still unfair. The gender pay gap should be much bigger, women still get way too much.

The wage gap myth is that women receive less pay for equal work. OP's argument stands.



pic related


Remember that company with only female workers? Remember how hard it fail due to the employees being assholes to each other? We should encourage them to do this again and again for the keks.

So it's because you're a Jew?

> "Divorce rape"

Get this leftist garbage out of here

Good material. Where did you find this stuff?

And you have learned economics from you were little because you were a jew. Checkmate schlomo golberg.

But women have higher emotional intelligence which is the intelligence that matters most in our daily lives

femanon here btw

You first

What is emotional intelligence? Your decision making during times of extreme emotional distress?

Yes, divorce rape.


It's from our Milo.

U wot m8?

Rape is specifically the forcible sexual violation of another person. Mashing up language in order to get ahold of the moral levers that run people's minds is leftish fucking horseshit and it needs to GTFO immediately.

Sup Forums logic thread/cringe thread

The only logical conclusion is that companies know most women are inferior workers to men. Otherwise, they would make up the majority of the work force if they could get away with paying them less on the basis of their gender.

pick one and only one

>Humans are perfectly rational creatures who make perfect decisions based on absolute knowledge about markets at any given time

Any economist knows the above is untrue, therefore women being paid less because of prejudice is highly possible


Wait, what rape are we talking about here?

why does it matter if she is pointing the gun at herself, if it's unloaded or the safety is on, it doesn't matter, also her finger isn't near the trigger and it's pointing at her bullet proof vest

>brits in charge of knowing about guns

>If the wage gap was real, companies would only hire women because they can pay them less.
That makes total sense! (If you don't think about it too much)

it's good that you guys don't get to keep guns

lol yeah, "emotional intelligence" builds corporate empires!

God bless Milo. He can do all the gay and Jewish stuff he wants. Btw for some reason even though it's 4th of July a lot of threads are popping up burying something I believe to be of utmost importance. Please stop by and read at least:

Fuck off Ivan, you can't even speak proper english so the concept may be too hard for you to understand.

It doesn't matter. You just don't do that. She was likely trained to never do that, but is currently doing it, because she is retarded.

This kinda true. Worked with women and this is what I noticed

>2 women on a team get on fine at first
>3+ women on a team and they'll pair up to sabotage/bully the others
>Once bullying complete, they turn on each other
>Beta orbiters usually get involved too

Also noticed in group of "friends". Two paired up so one of them could steal the bf of another girl in the group. Her dumped his gf and was riding one of the pair behind her back. The pair also used passive aggressive bullying on other girls and posted selfies/sob stories all the time for validation.

Absolute cancer.

>emotional intelligence
pick 1

>That's such bullshit. Companies would never survive with just wom--
*cognitive dissonance induced brain aneurysm*

Maybe this whole pay gap shit is true.. I mean what is the unemployment level of the womens in murica?

From what I hear, men are the ones filling the unemployment bracket. Maybe it is true and its the side effect of affirmative action.
