Oi I'm smarter than you bekooz I have british accent

>oi I'm smarter than you bekooz I have british accent

why do americans praise people with british accent and consider them smart?

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link youtube.com/watch?v=6o9yUlkwWZA


we've been duped by the media to think that way. it's been a long-running meme.

I thought americans portrayed british people as villains

fuck this guy

Happy birthday USA

no you're thinking of russians

A sock with a British accent would be smarter than an American

How is this guy supposed to be funny? I'm not picky at all when it comes to comedy, but this segment just did absolutely nothing for me.

Christopher Hitches was another fat dumb Brit that gained notoriedade in Burgerland.

The BBC British accent sounds very classy and worldly, that we expect the speaker to have better knowledge of the world than our locals. i.e. subconsciously we know the media talking heads in our country are mostly whores reading off of a script.

>Christopher Hitchens
Why do people rate this guy?

>the one thing he was "conservative" about was bad: he was a neocon

liberal media ofc. look at the game of thrones reaction videos


just look at that second. Why the fuck are they laughing at every moment? Look at that liberal SJW bar.

kek, the country is cucked to death.

I still don't understand why americans think the british accent sounds intelligent.
To me a british accent immediately conjures thoughts of drunken raging idiots with bad teeth. And slags.

>some stupid british faggot says just how shitty his country is and that America is objectively better
I'm sorry, T*rkroach, I missed the part when Americans praised other people with a British accent and then considered them smart.

Stay mad, faggot.

kys sub human roach

His brother is decent

Yeah, I like him. He supports Brexit:


>blimey limey
>bloody ooey mary poppins
>[audience laughs]

Daddy issues

I usually wonder that too whenever my sister watches ti

>or as they call it where I'm from, July the 4th

I'm tired of Brits thinking their elitism is funny

>lol did you know your national holiday isn't special in another country I FOOKIN KNO ROIT SO DAMN FUNNY

This is how I see every John Oliver video:


>not sacrificing a bit of shared culture for polenta

Polenta with mushrooms is too good dude.

I'm pretty sure he is a villain tho

dude, how obvious is it that its a fake laughing audience in the back..

he probably does this show in a small room in manhattan with 5 other fellas.. the laughing is allllll fake.

It's both. Americans almost always portray the villain as highly intelligent, and then either outwitted by street smarts, or far more commonly defeated by some combination of grit, bravery, tenacity, skill, sacrifice or patriotism. In fact the only exception to this rule I can think of is Batman.

Seriously if you look at the synopsis of the villain from any american movie (that reasonably has a villain) you will almost always see "highly intelligent" listed there, often accompanied by "cunning" and "ruthless".

Why? "It's better to be brave than smart" sure sounds like a good ideology for drafting cannon fodder into the military. Also a healthy dose of anti-intellectualism is a fairly good way to keep the masses nice and dumb, and easier to tell what to think through the media.

Old McErdogan had a country, hiahiaho
and in his country he had some cockroach , hiahiaho
with a cockroach here and a cockroach there
here a roach, there a roach, everywhere a cockroach