He isn't fat

>he isn't fat

literally third world

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It doesn't make good to health.

>blonde and chink eyed
Looks like a Finn.

neither does being a starving, skinny Finn

Actually nowadays fat people are usually poorer than healthy ones, for obvious reasons

Being fat means being poor in the developed world

Apparently you have never seen a Finn.

...I don't at least now starve. And I'm not skinny. You really think that if say that it isn't good, then is skinny and being starving?

What do you know about the 'developed world'?

Average income is almost double yours

looks like my dad

literally made up

>You will never be fat enough to eat for free

Literally why live?

He is not fat, just morbidly obese

>hes too poor for organic markets and gym memeberships

Only poorfags are fat now

>You will never be fat enough to eat for free
>Literally why live?
Don't remind me friend.

looks like the colorado plateau desu

God dam lol.

>hes too poor for organic markets and gym memeberships
>Only poorfags are fat now
Don't remind me how the corporations made it expensive.

>Average income is almost double yours
Utter bullshit or you're dyslexic with numbers.


>its fucking real
That is really disturbing

you're just jealous of our freedom

>letting the people that will consume the most amount of food eat for free
explain the economics behind this

idk bringing other people along to eat