So why doesn't he invite on Jon Stewart so Jon can ruin his career again?

So why doesn't he invite on Jon Stewart so Jon can ruin his career again?

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Why did he stop wearing the bow tie?

>Jon Liebowitz: stop. JUST just JuSt STOP

He's still not sure what he'll have to switch to next after Leibowitz makes fun of his necktie.

Hannity already was flipping his shit at losing his 9pm slot to Megyn, but to keep it away from him with this pipsqueak? Sean must be beating his wife extra hard right now in rage.

Jon would thrash Tuck again, btw. Even if Jon is a broken man now post-election. All the goofy stares in the world couldn't do a thing to him.

>nbc vs fox

Yes I'm pretty sure fox will cave in to pressure from John even though he has no show anymore

>Tuck: *opens mouth and makes a perplexed face*

The "official" reason is to give his neck a break. The more probable reason is because he needed to reinvent his image somewhat.

I unironocally have a Tucker folder. He makes me giggle.

>goofy stares

Like the goofy faces Liebowitz used to make after playing clips of republicans talking out of context that made you feel so smug and righteous after you finished your algebra homework? Tucker would annihilate Liebowitz now that everyone is wise to his his shtick. The times have changed. Look at how ineffective Liebowitz's protege Colbert is using his same tactics.

Fuck off.
Reminder to all Sup Forums users to report these threads so they 404 quicker.

false flag

Bolo tie

Tucker is on television you triggered cunt.

He's so cute

No, fuck off. We're tired of your shit.
Stop using this teenager "BUT IT'S ON TV" excuse.
It's politics any way you look at it.

His powers have more than doubled since they last met. Leibwitz's Just-A-Comedian-no-Justsu would have no effect on Big Buy Tucker.


You have to go back.


You have to go back.

I can't wait until your thread 404s.

>has him on
>gas starts filling the studio

>Jon would thrash Tuck again

you don't know that, goy

>"do you catch the flies yourself?"