Norway and Sweden belongs to the Sami people

>Norway and Sweden belongs to the Sami people
>tfw we have no home land

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nomadic peoples are the true master race
why do you think jews are doing so well

The "Sami" people of today are like the americans who brag about being 1/16 cherokee. Clowns!

only total eradication will stop these vile barbarians

Never met a Sami person that i know of... I bet they are cool tho... Btw the Sami should have the Kola peninsula in Russia for their own snow mobile reindeer nation... Imo you guys should appreciate your Samis more... We had a Livonian population that got absorbed into Latvian culture and language...

>tfw remembering the Sami Holocaust

I've never seen someone identify as "Sami" that wasn't white.
What's the problem?
Am I wrong about what they actually are?

we raped them. Literally genocided them. They used to have beautiful brown skin and Asian eyes.

sami is a dying breed, just accept it Hánsa

What were an Asian people doing in Europe?
They sound like invaders.
I'd say dealt with them well.

They are the idigenous people of Norway. Norwegians and Fins have no real homeland. We should all move to Denmark.

So are Norwegians.


The Mongols came in and wiped out the Sami, forming the race of Nordics you see today. Hence Fingolia.

I meant Swedes, not Fins.

>norwegians and fins have no real homeland
Everybody comes from somewhere. Everybody has a homeland.
>nordics are formed from two nonwhite groups of asians

Then who raped Finns in order to make them look white? Imo Samis are kinda Finnish...

Sweden had an empire or whatever at some point that included Finland. A lot of people in Finland is ethnically Swedish or mixed. I am sure you can get Fins that look completely different from each other if you take one from the west coast and one from where the admixture is true Finnish.

Finland is best Nordic country. Everyone else is a cuckold.

th-thank y-you

The fact is thought that Swedes have more Finnish heritage then we have Swedish heritage.

Finns or Estonians have nothing to do with reindeer gypsies since they are not Finnic but Samoyedic language shifters.

Even the Fennoswedes are estimated to be 60% Finnish

I would say we have two Nordic countries that isn't a cuckold. Finland as correctly stated, but I would add Iceland to that list. Hopefully there is hope for the rest of us.

Jobber i en kommune med samer - jo mer jeg lærer om den ekte jodedommen og storsamfunnet ser jeg veldig like trekk til kommunen og nabokommuner med samer hvordan de påvirker oss. Fantastisk. Skikkelig dårlig aura rundt dem. Har forresten aldri mott en same som ikke skal ha kvitteringen etter å ha vært i butikk. :)
Har gått på skole med noen. Jentene er særs losaktige, og jeg fikk hore fra disse samlingene nordpå de var på, at soskenbarn ikke var fremmed for å ligge med hverandre.
Mennene/guttene drikker mye, og har de utseende/sjarmen med seg ligger de rundt. De 'beta'-samene er feite og skitne, glad i snoskuterkjoring og har skikkelig brett i skjermlua si. (??)