Why are you an atheist?

Why are you an atheist?

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I'm more Agnostic then Atheist, but I am because I have a healthy, functioning brain.

Because I stopped believing in fairy tales when I was a kid.

They're atheists because they believe in Science instead

Because the most intelligent enlightened people The Japanese taught me not to believe in childish stories.

Because I am a intellectual

>Implying that everything just came from a lava egg

""""""believing"""""" in science has developed your computer and the internet
believing in religion has caused many wars and lead to many deaths.


Can't know either way.

>Because I am a intellectual

Because I think that what is beyond my comprehension can't possibly be explained by the religious choices offered to me.

Not a fucking hohol but back home in Czech Republic, everyone is. It's actually considered weird to be religious there.

Fun Fact: Religiousness is a result of brain chemistry. Some people's brains don't work in the same way Religious people think.

I literally can't remember ever believing in God despite being in Catholic school from kindergarten to senior year of highschool

*tips fedora

fun things also brought to you by science
>nuclear weapons
> hormones for treatment of mentally unstable tumblrs
>morons who think that "god" had to be somewhat material and have a direct influence on peoples lives

Parents never brainwashed me into religion.

Didn't even know what religion was until I was like 15 years old.

What is an atheist?

>causing unjustified war and death
>especially now

>having given me this computer means I should worship and put my faith in Science

yeah no

I think I can tie it to one specific moment: we were at church, and I was looking through the Bible, and it was the really weird description of Jesus from Revelations iirc (white hair etc.) and I asked her what it meant and she said "That's not in the Bible!" while I held the Bible.

It took many years for me to become an atheist but I think it centers around my dad being a Buddhist and my mom not believing ANYTHING I found in the Bible. She became an atheist shortly after I did as well.

All theologies are spiritual traps designed with various amounts of truth and lies to snare you into an existence of suffrage and submission.
Believe in fairness, justice and love. Try to practise these virtues without compromise, and.the true God will reveal himself.

Why not in immorality, unjustice and hate? Who will reveal himself then?

Take a wild guess

Because I love sex with men.

>what is the HRE
>what are all wars between protestants and catholics
>what are literally all wars about greed and power

"""""real christians"""""

>nuclear weapons
How is this a bad thing hanz

I don't believe in God for the same reason I don't believe in Zeus, Odin or Santa Claus. To believe something to be true I require evidence. Without any, it's meaningless conjecture.

Are they capable of the same things? Do they have the same kind of power/potential? Opposites I mean.

I'm not Atheist. I'm Irreligious.

Atheism is strictly the belief there is no God and cannot be. Irreligious is simply not being religious and being open to the possibility of a God.

They fight in spite of their religion. It's their dumb humanity that leads them not The Bible.

Life is a test. If you were given the answers it would defeat the purpose.
The fact you posted in this thread, albeit negativity, suggests you have some desire for spiritual awareness.

There is no good reason to believe


>What is the post-Christian nuclear West doing and threatening to do all around the world?

>What has Islam been doing?

Because God is dead.

basically me

because i have no reason to believe
it just happened naturally

>Comparing an omniscient life force that exists outside of time and space as we know it to a fairy tale
LMAO I miss being 19.

He didn't actually say Christians specifically.

Nope. Evil/negativity feeds off Good/positivity. If the foundation wasn't good, evil would starve to death.
Think of a room with the light on. Evil is like hands playing shadow puppets against the wall. Without the light there would be nothing.

>omniscient life force
>exist outside time and space

and it's true because it's true, amirite?

>Be me
>Right-Leaning Libertarian.
>American Nationalist.
>Trump supporter.
>Marriage equality supporter.
>Anti-Trans "rights"

I'm not, I'm more of a deist-leaning agnostic type

It looks the same to fundies though

>Exists outside of space and time
>Interacts with characters directly in the Bible
Okay then.

>falling for such obvious bait

It's illogical to think you know everything. There was no "evidence" for many things we know exist today 100 years ago, doesn't mean they didn't.

Did so afterwards

I'm not. I used to think that religion is unnecessary because we're no longer subhumans.
Then I realized that I'm ridiculously wrong, and we still need a good man in the sky a bad one under the ground, otherwise people are gonna destroy each other.

or what I like to call "cherry picking libertarian"


The propensity for violence our species has doesn't make any religion more or less valid. Just more or less useful. If you want to use religion for your agenda that's fine, but that's separate from believing in it. Unless you want to be a sheeple.

Stop being a fence sitting pussy and pick a side.

Agnostic atheist

>its le brain chemistry meme


This also occurs in meth heads and faggots, you are not born with this shit in your head

Usually when people try to convince others of some huge phenomenom, they have evidence. you don't have evidence.

Only the best cherries for me, senpai

Good luck in the EU

>Believing in empirically proven concepts is the same as believing in metaphorical scriptures.

What do you believe in?

>believing in empiricism is the same as believing in metaphorical scriptures


There is no proof for the validity of empiricism

>Thinking The Bible is a literal series of events that happened in the 3rd dimension in this timeline
>Thinking to exist outside of time and space doesn't mean being able to manipulate, control or participate in it at the same time anyway

Holy autism

>Some people's brains don't work in the same way Religious people think.
You mean some people don't have critical thinking skills, say it as it is.

Educate yourself

I wasn't born into a religious family. So no one forced me to worship some ancient books.


>There is no proof for the validity of empiricism
Oh, come on, you've never been refuted by that one before? You posting - using your sight and touch - presupposes the validity of empiricism. You can't even debate with me without acknowledging it.

Well you can't have one without the another, that's for sure. If you see good as a generator and evil as a destructive force it's obvious that you can't destruct something that hasn't been made yet. Therefore, don't you think that evil is as necessary as good then?

>Your made up word isn't as right as this made up word
Lol Americans

>some people don't have critical thinking skills
Are you saying that as an atheist? Because boy that would sure be ironic.

No religion has convinced me.



I understand that autism robs one of the ability to develop a personal relationship with God, but is it really logical to deny one ever existed?

"Holy" "Roman" "Empire" is something you should be proud of cuck. Loved the cages in Münster where flihty protestants died, pic related.

Evil temporarily exists for the purpose of free will. So we may learn the true nature of positivity and negativity and enter the kingdom of heaven as devine beings with free will. To be independent and true companions of God.
"I am free to sin but I choose not to" is the crux of it.

>>Your made up word isn't as right as this made up word
Words aren't "made up". If you knew anything about linguistics you would understand there are rules to grammars. A as a prefix negates the word. So "belief in a god" becomes "not a belief in a god".
Therefore, atheism is defined as that which is not theistic by virtue of the rules of the language.

>Are you saying that as an atheist? Because boy that would sure be ironic.
So you're supposing that lack of belief in god invalidates my critical thinking skills?

Was that supposed to be an argument?

It was supposed to show you that yours wasn't

twitter and tumblr raid

get this shit on the news and get the gore going

if killing gloria steinem can save one aborted fetus we should strongly consider it

More likely just damage control.

More likely you didn't understand it..



I was never taught to believe in anything so I just don't care.

It's never too late to learn

Because of the religions ALL having an apocalypse situation, after which only 'brand x' people are saved.

Its cheap movie level nonsense.
GOD & the Apocalypse, starring Tom Cruise, out this summer.

You replaced one word in my argument thinking it influences my argument at all. I know you wouldn't be able to clarify because you don't actually have an argument and are trying to put on a veil in intellectualism.

But why bother with theists or worse gnostics who assert they have knowledge of that which they cannot prove.

Such words are not insults but compliments, all you're saying is that you find me very similar to such an amazing and great people.

>lava egg
>people think this is what atheists believe
>christian intellectuals

Since I like to believe that I have a modicum of intellect, I can easily come to the conclusion that there might be a superior entity (a god in the standard meaning of the term), who knows; but I can also easily come to the conclusion that there most definitely is no superior entity as described in all major (and the vast majority of minor) religious dogmas.
Any other statement regarding the validity of religion means, without exception, that you are stupid.

No child, I emphasised that "presupposes" (the word that you're using) is not the same as "demonstrates"; hence why my argument (that there is no proof for empiricism) remains in place

because if I turn muh another cheek they fuck me up good

and G*d somehow does not help WTF!?

Fuck off Ken Ham

t. Japanese at heart


Contemporary religions are there to instill morals in those who are too stupid to rationalize them. They have good intentions, but become corrupted with a collectivist culture by virtue of indoctrination and subsequently a ruling class taking advantage of the power they can ascertain.

No, that's where I explicitly said you failed if you read my reply, but lower IQ people tend to not be able to connect the dots.

But that is one of the very reasons that people fight.

> nuclear weapons
The very same science have us nuclear power too.

Oh, and stay jelly the US and Russia got nukes thanks to German scientists.

The test of free choice. And that leaves me to one of my previous questions. How do you see those both true natures? How do you know which one is best for us? Being pragmatic you could argue, but how can you assure that? Every foundation need a test to know it's limits/fails, and the acquired knowledge is merit of both instrument and object. Following your logic, aren't people worshipping the devil to pursue enlightment as "right" as you are? Or do you think that your position is more in harmony with the nature of the universe?

I just can't believe in any deity. The concept of a deity seems so fringe and unlogical to me, I can't.
I still grew up with primarily christian values and live by most of them.

Atheist memes are the best

you're an atheist who doesn't have the balls to calls himself one, so you hide behind "agnostic" just like black science man

You said it suissebro.

what is your contention?

>Contemporary religions are there to instill morals in those who are too stupid to rationalize them. They have good intentions, but become corrupted with a collectivist culture by virtue of indoctrination and subsequently a ruling class taking advantage of the power they can ascertain.
Of course, that's always been the case, for millennia. However, my last statement referred to people who actually believe in the truthfulness of religion, not those who see its usefulness as a tool of indoctrination (even though the motivation behind it may be benevolent)

I can think for myself. Also pic related.

kill yourself faggot