Is this movie actually good?

is this movie actually good?

>inb4 Sup Forums

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its a giant cigarette commercial.

also i heard adam lanza was made up and newtown was just a fema drill

it's really bad, black people just give it good ratings because it has a black lead

that's all it takes for them

Explain Tyler Perry movies

Black people don't watch Tyler Perry movies.

It was pretty good.

this is actually true

honestly, yes, from an objective standpoint.

it's not mindblowing, life changing cinema, but it's enjoyable and technically competent.

honestly no, from an objective standpoint.

It's not mindblowing, life changing cinema, and it's not enjoyable or technically competent.

honestly kinda, from an objective standpoint.

It's somewhat mindblowing, week changing cinema, and it's mildly fun and technically competent.

honestly yeah, from an objective standpoint.

It's absolutely mindblowing, life changing cinema, and it's immensely fun and technically competent

honestly, I haven't seen it, from an objective standpoint.

It might be mindblowing, life changing cinema, and may or may not be enjoyable and/or technically competent.

the trailer looked decent, triggers pol so I hope it's actually good

no one here watched nor will they watch it until its online for free

so stop asking

honestly, no, from an objective standpoint.

It is stupid, life ruining cinema, and i cried 8 times while watching and its' technically incompetent.

From an objective standpoint,

I eat ass

What is the point that this movie is trying to convey? That there are racists? Yes, yes there are racists that live in the states. It doesn't take a piece of emotional trash like this to clue people in. What other points is it trying to push?

honestly maybe, from a fence sitter's standpoint.

It's not mindblowing, life changing cinema, and it's not enjoyable or technically competent

people who ruin the joke like this should get a ban

i'm not kidding

>>honestly, I haven't seen it, from an objective standpoint.
>It might be mindblowing, life changing cinema, and may or may not be enjoyable and/or technically competent.

i liked it so much i bought the official Get Out T-Shirt.

honestly yes, from a moderators standpoint.

It's not an informative, entertaining post, and it's not enjoyable or created from someone competent.

honestly, marxism, from an Objectivist standpoint.

it's not selfish, capitalism cinema, but it's artless and technically sacrificial.

It's not bad. Not 10/10. People are afraid to rate it critically for fear of being labelled racist.

Liberals want to protect black people because they want to be black.

Such hard hitting social commentary, best movie ever.

I'm seeing it tomorrow.

honestly this post is bad from an objective viewpoint
It's not mind blowing enjoyable shitposting nor technically competent

it's white guilt trash

honestly 2007, from a memeist standpoint.

It's over 9000, I'mma charging my cinema, and it's OMG shoes and technically green oval.

Can someone just fucking post the entire plot already? I'm not going to watch it anyway. Just remember to use spoilers.

>wants to call out racism
>doesn't start out with a movie about blacks, the most racist people in america



I saw white people at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told them how cool it was to meet them in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother them and ask them for photos or anything.
They said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but they kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing their hands shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard them chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw them trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in their hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “White people, you need to pay for those first.” At first they kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, they stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, they kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Yes. It's actually about retarded liberals who are obsessed with black people and pushing race politics everywhere. It's literally telling them to Get Out™

Who does? Don't some of them have decent ratings?

>Built using slave labor
>Acquired land through the genocide of the native population
>Literally almost broke up to keep black slavery
>Land invasion of China to "show those gooks who's boss"
>Arimiter territories regularly have Aboriginal Races where the winner dies
>Current president rides around on a motorcyle painted red with the blood of asian children
>Detroit and the greater Necropolis nuked when white people became a technical minority due to census error
>Black Dragons still portrayed as lazy and drunk, even though they build 5 of the 7 Druidic Pyramids in Neo-Tokyo in the American Maritimes

Hahaha, yeah, America's toooooootally not racist.

I don't know they never interested me.

What is the point that this movie is trying to convey? That there are blind people? Yes, yes there are blind people that live in the states. It doesn't take a piece of emotional trash like this to clue people in. What other points is it trying to push?

Ironically most of the stuff that's spewed about cucks and loving black dick in POL is confirmed in the movie. It's actually more hilarious that a black dude makes a movie using most of the thought process and shit that's considered 'red pill' and you all reject it par for course, without even seeing it.

>ads for this movie are literally mentioning the 100% score on RT

Is this the guy from that one Black Mirror episode? His performance was really good on that one.

I love that SJWs will put this movie on a pedestal without realizing that, while the idiots here will think it's pandering to SJWs. It's almost like a "fuck you" to both groups. I kind of like that.

>nigger makes a retarded comparison

not surprising

could the MSM be any more incredibly transparent about their push to make foreign races seem like the victims of this world? when they're the ones overwhelming causing most crime?

>African Americans
>foreign races
niggers arrived in America a decade after whitey. If you're so upset about foreign races, pack up and leave the country to the indians

t. someone who's never been on /pol

PoC are probably more savage to White Liberals and Feminists than any red-pilled American is.

Every movie ad does this now. This a reflection of movie studios, not the films themselves. Stop using non-critera to judge films.

>the all-powerful jews give me millions of dollars to make a movie about how white people are racist and oppressing me
nigger if racism still exists then why tf did racist america let you make a movie and then go out to watch it in droves

Woah you got me xD

Its literally the best film ever made. Perfect reviews.

damn whitey!!

>I judge works I've never seen or even bothered to read a spoiler on


How is a disability such as blindness and a societal issue comparable? You're as bad as people who use food analogies. You can't just compare things and say "well the point is in the comparison, not the actual things I'm comparing".

watched it today

At first i thought it was some bullshit movie where theyre all red necks who brain wash slaves. Its actually liberal whites taking their consciousness and putting it into negro hosts, so that they can live with them and serve them. Its sort of a cross between rosemary's baby and stepford wives, except with more blood and a happy good ending.

7/10 enjoyable thriller if your white/horror if your black

Ayo so hol up

This movie be sayin

Whites be some kinda raciss squad?

OP can't inb4, you retarded faggot.

this is either decent b8 or full stupidity

>Waah why isn't there another movie that depicts blacks solely as self destructive ghetto trash!

That's not what I said.

Yes, Jordan Peele is a talented filmmaker and a generally creative person. Just because you don't identify with a movie doesn't mean it's bad.

liberal whites are raccist and crazy, takes place in jew york


>Waah why isn't there another movie that depicts blacks solely as self destructive ghetto trash!

We don't need movies for that, we can see it IRL

>documentary if you're black

You want movies showing how blacks are the most racist, guess which blacks that mostly covers? Poor ghetto trash.

thats one way to look at

No, Jordan Peele is a hack filmmaker and a generally retarded "person". Just because you don't identify with a movie doesn't mean it's bad. Jordan Peele makes it bad.

Kek the irony is most of those movies are made by blacks :^))))))))))

And then they're labeled as 'groundbreaking cinema'

Please stop shoving this black man's tearful visage in my face.

not really though, blacks across all economic group tend to be the most racist.

>saw moonlight
>straight and white
>loved it
>don't identify with it whatsoever

>see this

Just because I don't identify with a movie, doesn't mean it isn't bad. What are you trying to say with this comment by the way? you're pretty vague.

Its going to get better when they start handing out awards.
I bet that smug cunt streep will be there handing them out.

reddit is telling me to see this movie with a diverse crowd as their enthusiastic utterances really make the movie. my question is, whats the most comfortable holster for long periods (>2hrs) of sitting?


dang I never knew that, thanks for the heads up

np :)

Lol in all seriousness there will probably be hate crimes because of this dumb film.

I wanna know why african films aren't getting fucking emmies

There is some top quality shit coming out of there

I worked at a video store until a couple years ago. I can assure you black people watch Tyler Perry movies. I'm in a largely white area, and it was either black people, kids who didn't know any better, or white ladies in their 60s, who asked for Tyler Perry movies. Usually, they came out so often, they would just ask if something new came out and rent it without even looking at the box.

black people killing some creepy ass cracker for 6000 years of slavery is not a hate crime

I just got back from watching the film. Thoughts:
- Pretty straightforward horror/thriller, not that much comedy.
- The politics turn out to be not that important. If you are triggered by this movie you really are a special snowflake.
- My expectations were set too high by that 100% on RT. It's a very entertaining movie. It's not a classic masterpiece that will be remember for all time.
- Peele does not make an appearance in the film.

the only reason black people eat ass is because they cant see the dried poup and how unhygenic it is because of their brown skin

It was alright. The plot line itself, and how it plays out, is relatively interesting and the level of brutality of it reminds me of a Tarentino flick. It's got the feelings of on of his revenge films as well toward the end.
The main issue I had is that it's got a rather ham-fisted message it's trying to push, but not a concrete message. The symbolism was lost to me completely and I wasn't sure if what Jordan Peele was trying to promote, other than the fact that he wasn't white (A prevalent theme it seems among black entertainers with widely white audiences).
The comedy and thrill aspects mixed relatively well reminding me of a less well made Cabin in the Woods with cheaper jokes, but a lot of the time the thrill aspect was ruined by the feeling as if it was one giant Key and Peele skit.
Below, are obviously, spoilers
The ending and twist was pretty good in my mind, as the lead goes on a killing spree and murders the entirety of the family in rather fulfilling way. Unfortunately the theater I was in was rude as fuck, comparable only to the time I watched Boys in the Hood and people were laughing and cheering during the death scenes, which I thought was not only rude but also kind of disturbing.
To me, overall, it was wasted potential, a good idea that was played out decently but lost itself to self-righteousness and tried too hard to provide some 'moral of the story'. It would have been the exact same movie had race not been a part of it, and fell short because of it. That said, both of the leads were extremely well played.

Its actually 10 000 years. When we was kings.

So the film in the end is just a black guy murdering people.

Yeah that's the point of the film, you nailed it.
God damn you guys are retards

Yes, but spoil that shit.

if you feel that all whites (conservatives and liberals) as well as "Oreos" (black on the outside, white on the inside) are evil then this is the film for you.

I think I gave a rather in depth view on my opinion of the movie.

its more like lil punk ass white boiz jealous of da superior black kingz and try to steal they powerz n shiet cuz we da gyptians and gotz superior geneticz senpai

Jesus Christ, a well written explanation of what someone liked without autistic screeching about Sup Forums or black people in general. Thanks man, i'll be checking it out. I was wondering how exactly Peele would translate to a horror movie but this sounds pretty cool

t. Reddit

>Peele does not make an appearance in the film.
ok I might go see it now

this is actually the movie 100%

SPOILERS. If you're ITT and you're going to get triggered by spoilers, fuck off:

I really liked it.

IMO, the only shortcoming is that we don't see the other side of the Armitage family. We only really get glimpses of their sociopathy via their children (Rose when she's not pretending to love Chris, and Jeremy throughout, bubbling under the surface). I *really* would've liked to see a fully crazy Catherine Keener.

I also realized that the reason we didn't see other black dude (Lakeith Stanfield) in Rose's photos was because he was Jeremy's target -- hence the headlock we see in the beginning, and Jeremy's insistence on headlocks as his primary form of violence.

It was otherwise kind of interesting to see that the rich people weren't really "racist". They had pretty understandable questions/comments/concerns, considering that they were potentially going to take over his body. The inclusion of the Japanese man among the bidders was quite the choice, too.

And that ties to my first point: were the Armitages huge racists? The story of Dean's father and Jesse Owens seems to hint that the reason they specifically choose blacks was not just because of perceived physical advantages, but also because of embarrassment (a huge trigger for a psychopath). I guess the video of the elder Armitage (and the fact that he chose to become the gardener) basically answers the question, but even then, they're purposely trying to appear "nice" to the camera.

Not an argument :) Guess I win again, better luck next time kiddo

>Absurdly open and multicultural
>Still relatively peaceful

If America is too racist then non racist, multicultural society, both doesn't and will never exist.