Tell me about gypsies in you country? Are they the lowest level of scum as they're here?

Tell me about gypsies in you country? Are they the lowest level of scum as they're here?

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Yes. They ring the doorbell at old folks and when they open push them on the floor and take their stuff, happened a couple of times that the old ppl die

Our gypsies have been in Spain like four centuries or more. The spanish slums are basically where spanish gypsies live. They were robbers back them and they are robbers and drug traffickers now.

But we are not worried because ethnic minorities do integrate very easily. Right? RIGHT?

only a very small minority is integrated, and even they hate the regular gypsies

how are romanians over there?

worse, they literally roam our communal woods and steal the mushrooms, I mean, for real?

That's how it is here as well. The integrated gypsies also change their first and last name to distance themselves.

they dress nicely

They don't exist

weird music (this one is rap)

Never see them in my state

Giv me a cigar, cousin.
Do you have a euro? look for it, come on,

idk the media isn't allowed to tell you the ethnicity of criminals anymore, but they're probably down there

have you got a cig, bro?
do you have money? i need it for bus

Never seen a gypsy here but the ones I've met in Spain and Italy tried to rob me.


Legalább itt táncolnak meg énekelgetnek

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>standing next to a gypsy
you are too westernized, Laszlo
I would just move or if there is nowhere to move - step down and wait for another bus/metro

i think thats the netherlands
praise diversity

shut the fuck up gyppo autist nobody's gonna take the time to wait for another bus just because of a toothless fucking gypsy next to him lmfao

Gypsies in Finland have this weird dress code. They usually have some "fancy" (usually Swedish) names. They have been here for centuries and not so surprisingly not integrated.

They also have some kind of gypsy non-language they cant speak but claim they have a language

Thanfully we have very few of them. (seriously no idea why, rich, stupid enough to take million shitskins, let them do what ever they want...)
The only ones I have ever seen are some rotting old people that sit in the street, begging quite for money.

aren't German cities full of pic related? gypsy beggars come to Finland every summer

"Full"... well, you see them in the streets. I would say if I walk through my 500k city from one side to the other I see 3-4 of them.
Compared to what some people her tell about them (especially Slavs) we are really blessed.

what a fucking piece of shit map lmfao
spain alone has double the amount of our gypsies according to the census

there's 300k gypsies here and declining

That just made me feel ill

Please post link to the full video.

We don't really have Gypsies but we do have Pikeys. They mostly fuck up wherever they park, steal stuff and fight each other.

Yes and anyone claiming the opposite doesn't know what he is talking about.

We have these kinds of gypsies in Sweden also.

They all speak Finnish and most of the time they only interact with their own kind and dont bother you.

Scum? Yes.
It's pretty ironic that a lot of them have blonde hair and blue eyes. Makes you think.
But they are called khana badosh here. Which literally means those without a permanent dwelling or those that move around

They steal everything. I actually check all my pockets after one of them walks past me.

In old German they are called "travelling people" too.

Huh. Really makes you think.
Wasn't there a study that the gypsies came from India or something like that?

we have our own special type of gypsies called travellers who are absolute useless scum. i am yet to be convinced that they are actually humans

We only have poor black people.
They can be pretty bad. In my city, there used to be a busker called the tuba man, and some black teens beat him to death. A while ago, some tourist got shot to death as well, for not handing over his iphone. Rare instances, but it does happen.

Do gypsies murder in Europe?

I'll avois gypsies if I visit Europe
Thanks for the info
