Fantastic Beasts


Oh look what the internet has just pooped out.

Im not a Harry Potter fag so is this worth watching and do I need to know anything?

that good eh?

Worth watching?, you mean one of the most badrst franchisrs in jistory each film cronocling tge afhnvrbys of a noy wiZard at schooo nore boribg than bad yhe last

But book


As i read i fuvy muxh noo that instesd of walk thr auther says stretchy legs hmmmmmm? Hebeh i write down cover cover very bad, perhaps stephen spielboerg perhaps steven king??????

>newt scamander

ugh, jesus christ this shit is dumb

and why are movie posters basically trading cards now? why not give us his bio and stats while we're at it

What a boring forgettable bowl of piss that movie was. No, don't watch it. Watch Shrek 2 instead

what planet are you from?

It wasn't that bad desu
Eddie Redmayne acting autistic for 70% of it is a bit jarring though

It's trash
complete garbage.
j.k. rowling is a bad writer

Just rewatch HP they are so much better than this on a rewatch.

It's a cozy movie, 7/10

do you need to have seen Harry Pothead to watch this movie?


Only good thing was the non magic guy (who probably isn't going to return) and the villain that got ruined by turning him into a silly looking fat J. Depp.

And the next movies are basically going to be dumbledore vs silly looking fat j. depp. And the autistic newt will be forced out of his own series.

I call bullshit until I see it on my private tracker

Usually WEB-DLs are the ones that come first, and only a week or two later the BluRays

the worst thing about this movie for me was that there was no real magic, like in harry potter you have the school which is filled with cool things

in this one you have an office building with self typing typewriters and brooms and that's about it? I think

>uses private tracker
>it gets it last

congratulations you win Pleb of the Week.

nah its legit bro.
unlike your release sources it seems.

best hp movie

newt was surprisingly relatable

then again im an autist who loves animals

It was pretty alright. If you've got access to a torrent, go for it. If you've never seen or read a Harry Potter before, that's fine. Knowing the books only lends a little extra context to a couple bits, but it's far from necessary to know.

-Better acting
-There's no book to fuck up
-It feels comfy in the sense that there are no quips, there are quiet scenes that allow characters to breathe, there's legit character-bonding and development
-Music was good
-No fanservice

-Shitty set up for the next movie
-CGI was pretty bad. But then again this is warner bros we're talking about
-It's still directed by yates which means theres a lot of teleporting

I can't believe a cashgrab harry potter spinoff about a no-name character was handled better than 2 DC movies though. it boggles my mind

Also con:
(legit spoiler) Two minutes into the movie, it gives away the big reveal that happens at the end.


>better acting
Stopped reading, you are a confirmed autist the acting sucked.

>cant even pretend you're not an autist
>calls someone an autist and gets mad when someone portrays an autist accurately on screen


Eddie redmanye and friends isn't better than one of the greatesr casts ever assembled. You're retarded and have autism. Erza, Morton, Waterstone and the Black chick all hammed it up. And collin farrel was pretty shitty too. Badly paced and a terrible third act unlile everything else in the series

>"greatest cast"
>includes emma eyebrow-acting watson, angrydore and dan the plank radcliffe

oh god just stop it already.

How come the film was not fantastic? Was there even a good beast in it?

I want to watch it because Colin Farrell and Johnny Depp are in it but I feel like I'd have to watch all of the Harry Potter films first. I fucking hate Harry Potter though.

You really do not need to see them in order to watch this movie.

I enjoyed this flick more than Rogue One and every marvel film this year.

The third act and crappy twist dragged it down though.

Yes you do.

>resorts to actual memes
Like I said you must be autistic if you believe that which you a do and are.

Not really, there's like 2 references to the original movies at most.

Anyone surprised by how decent this thing was?

I've laughed at this for a solid 5 minutes

holy fuck user

Christ kiddo, you sound like a poser.