Moral Dilemmas Thread

You are an inmate in a concentration camp. A sadistic guard is about to hang your son who tried to escape and wants you to pull the chair from underneath him. He says that if you don't he will not only kill your son but some other innocent inmate as well. You don't have any doubt that he means what he says. What should you do?




All morals are a dilemma for you Israelite.

you see the star of david and your first instinct is to bark like a dog, completely ignoring anything OP said in favor of just lashing out like an animal

if there is no doubt then then id pull the chair, perhaps the prisoner will find his own life more valuable then

Not Jewish
Wasn't Born here
Not zionist
Don't support settlements
Oppose monopoly
Support free market and social democracy

now you:

>Racist and bigot
>Hates everyone
>Is fat

two can play this game ally

The captain was clearly right.

The weak should fear the strong

>lifeboat's owner decides who can stay on it
No issue here.

Narrative dilemma, you wont control the narrative and discussion.



you're full of shit

Sorry son. But remember what we talked about? Yeah. Don't get caught.

My personal favorite.

If I were OP I would grab the guard's gun and shoot my son and myself to spare the word of jewishness.

Pledge my allegiance to the Reich, gas the kikes race war now.

>implying I believe human life has intrinsic value

btw I just btfo of all your "moral dilemmas"

You don't care if your kids/wife live?
See, these are personal, not general.

I'm sure when looking from above, humanity looks like spreading cancer.

i don't

three dead jews is better than two dead jews

Are you really Israeli?

what are the charges

This is stupid. They aren't obligated to do anything except because someone told them too.
He's captain. His word is law.

Probably attack the guard, and get myself killed.

>You don't care if your kids/wife live?
I do, because my kids and wife have explicit value to me because of their social relationships to me. Nobody else does.

It's fictional to portray a dillemma
Then stopping rape is also non-obligatory? Stopping murder? The given example can be applied to everything in society.

i should wonder how i got a son when i don't give a fuck to any of the majority misandrous bitches these days in this geocentric you-go-girl civilization?? really i have a son. i seriously doubt this

It's pretty poorly explained. Juries don't decide what punishments people get, they decide if the defendant is guilty. What crime has he committed?

Im pretty sure theres no real dilemma here. You should at least alert the woman. If he didnt identify her, you should use whatever means neccesary to keep your patient from murdering anybody. If you can't by yourself, to hell with confidentiality. Preventing a murder has obvious priority.

This is retarded; no law could ever require someone to willingly put their own life in danger to save someone's property.

I mean, realistically if he HADN'T put those people overboard, and maybe him and one other guy washed up on shore and the scenario was explained, couldn't he easily be charged with manslaughter/reckless negligence, creating a situation in which he has no way of committing a wrong?

no way of not committing a wrong, rather

In this specific case it's property, but look broader, it can very well be murder or rape.
That's the dilemma - is looking away from a crime makes you an accomplice

pic related

Pull the chair, it's what he would want if he was a good person. We'd surely get killed in the prison camp eventually, might as well do some good.

Shouldn't have entered the key. Impossible to expect it from a parent but the greater good is worth more than them.

Not in western countries. DICTA - Don't interfere, call the authorities
and in the states at least, the authorities aren't even required to help
IMO though any man who isn't willing to risk his life to defend his kith and kin isn't a man at all, and should probably be put down, or exiled. Love your policy of mandatory military service btw.


>the edifice of human destiny so that men would finally be happy and would find peace and tranquility
I would do anything to prevent that, because of what "peace and tranquility" entail. I would torture the world over to prevent it, because I abhor moral bigotry. In the bible, it was the gift of knowledge stripped this fate from man, and in the modern day, the quest for world peace stifles the freedoms of men, especially free thinking.

Would you then sacrifice yourself instead of the little girl?

Kick the chair, either way I can't save my child but I can save the inmate
Given the key, it's my child.
The captain was right, but as a captain (A person responsible for others) he should've been part of those who should have been thrown overboard.
Russian bro?

do nothing because the holocaust is a myth :3

It was real in your mind, schlomo?

a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.
synonyms: folk tale, folk story, legend, tale, story, fable, saga, mythos, lore, folklore, mythology
"ancient Greek myths"
a widely held but false belief or idea.
"he wants to dispel the myth that sea kayaking is too risky or too strenuous"

no, because the world is worthless to me if I'm not here for it, and I have no children to survive me.

That's not even a dilemma, pretty sure in real life if you believe someone is a direct threat to anyone else all the rules of confidentiality go out the window though. It doesn't even have to a direct threat, if a client says "lately I've decided I'm going to go out in a blaze of glory and murder a bunch of people" you could still justify reporting that. There are exceptions to confidentiality becuase of stuff like what you posted.

- Pull the chair, then I'll have control of when he dies and some other innocent inmate won't die
- Give the daughter and her life
- The captain is innocent, he saved their lives.