How could you support a POTUS candidate who would try to overturn Roe V. Wade...

How could you support a POTUS candidate who would try to overturn Roe V. Wade, drastically accelerating non-White birth rates in America?

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I wouldn't. That's why I love Trump.

Incorrect, that's the entire point of my post. Trump has suggested he will nominate a SCOTUS justice who will oppose Roe:


100% agree. That's why I'm afraid to cast my vote for Trump, who may open the floodgates for non-White births in the USA.

He never said he would overturn Roe vs Wade

Yeah I'd prefer if Trump didn't get the many Cruz delegates at the convention to throw a riot if Donald admitted he's pro-life

Hey you ever loving faggot, try shutting the fuck up with this retarded horseshit. The image you posted in the OP. Everyone knew it was sensational media trying to distort the full context of his words 4 fucking months ago when it happened.

What makes you think anything is different now?

He has explicitly stated he would appoint pro-life justices to SCOTUS. He can't overturn Roe, no, but appointing pro-life justices is the closest thing to it.

Oh, so you're now saying he can't overturn Roe v Wade. So what the fuck is the point of this thread you imbicile

>interviewer asks if abortions were illegal, should women who get abortions be punished
>trump says if something is illegal, you should be punished for doing it

wtf i hate trump now.

That's the one thing that sucks about Trump, he actually really doesn't seem to be a racist at all, kind of wish he was if he was going to get that label anyway from the media.

haha ass blasted Trump piece of shit.


Are you familiar with the Supreme Court? The president appoints justices to the Supreme Court, who serve for life, thereby shaping the political landscape for years to come. While Trump can't overturn Roe V. Wade, appointing several pro-life justices (and yes he may have several appointments) would almost guarantee that it's overturned within a generation. This isn't a big jump to make if you've ever taken middle school-level civics.

You realize what the only other option to this is correct? Hillary loading the Supreme Court with BLM niggers.

I wonder which is worse....

Wow really makes you think huh? Guess I'm with her now...

Because I want to destroy this country, and the more niggers are born the more niggers I get to kill.

He wants a suitable replacement for Scalia to ensure a balanced Supreme Court.

I love how ppl ignore the fact that black ppl never get abortions

Not a Hillary supporter either. But on the upside, she hasn't actually stated an intention to appoint BLM advocates. If anything her appointees would probably be further-right than anyone Obama would appoint, considering she is more right-wing herself. Both options suck, but Trump has made his intentions clear and they worry me.

He drastically cuts welfare for for having more than 2 kids, which dramatically lowers nonwhite birthrates.

It won't actually lower nonwhite birthrates. You and I both know this is not true, unfortunately.

They get half of all abortions you fucking reddiot.

Maybe we can give them $1000 to get an abortion instead.

It will certainly slow it. When Kayeffceeshia realizes she has to raise her 3 niglets on the same welfare she got for her 2 noglet, she will do what she can not to have a 4th. As long as you incentivise having more kids through welfare and not tax deductions, nogs will keep shitting out nappy haired spawn

There's a difference between "should" and "will". Notice how he doesn't say america "should" build a wall? That's deliberate.

What else is he gonna say? He has to say that because of the cuckservatives. I think abortion is immoral but the sooner the right abandons the issue the better.