Is Sup Forums honestly against a fathers love to his child. Cmon this is an ironical board right?

Is Sup Forums honestly against a fathers love to his child. Cmon this is an ironical board right?

Yeah I saw this shit in a forced ad earlier, what the fuck is this garbage.

Yeah it's completely satire. No one would be against a father loving his child :DDDD

That baby isn't his. That guy just got cucked. No this isn't an ironical board

Literally paedophilia mate

At first I was disgusted.
Why is he in his underwear.

Then I saw it was an underwear ad.

Now I'm even more disgusted at how the two have literally nothing to do with one another.
Fuck it, I'm a Marxist. Capitalism is bent on destroying everything, especially the white man.

>No this isn't an ironical board

We are serious in all matters. Especially when it comes to race issues

>his child


cuck. If he was gonna adopt a negro baby, he should have adopted a girl.

Basically, cucking his own kind.

Raise a black male that will try to bone white girls or raise a black girl that will get bleacher by a white, spic, or Asian boy?

think about it.


If you end up getting suckered into marrying a white girl that wants to adopt a negro baby ultra bad... go for the female.

gotta use the brains

Look children. Even when it's their fault, the wild Marxist can't admit it. Preferring to live in a fantasy land while his habitat is slowly destroyed. Fascinating!


Pol needs to convince cucks that want to adopt negroes to adopt black girls.

This way you get whitewashed black girls that probably won't get fat from being raised by their vegan SJW parents and will crave the pale skin cock when they turn 18.

Genius plan, Pass it on.

"Oh yeah, haven't you hear black girls do better in college? You can raise a powerful black woman needs no man but will eventually turn sandshark."

Stoppit this is racist goyims!

This is such a beautiful thing and all you filthy racists can do is mock it? Have you no shame?

This board is against niggers. That's the opposite of what you assume.
>Niggers have a latent fear of correcting their genes through parenting.

"Female parasitic cuckoos sometimes specialize and lay eggs that closely resemble the eggs of their chosen host. Some birds are able to distinguish cuckoo eggs from their own, leading to those eggs least like the host's being thrown out of the nest.[22] Parasitic cuckoos that show the highest levels of egg mimicry are those whose hosts exhibit high levels of egg rejection behavior.[25] Some hosts do not exhibit egg rejection behavior and the cuckoo eggs look very dissimilar from the host eggs. It has also been shown in a study of the European cuckoos that females will lay their egg in the nest of a host that has eggs that look similar to its own.[26] Other species of cuckoo lay "cryptic" eggs, which are dark in color when their hosts' eggs are light.[23] This is a trick to hide the egg from the host, and is exhibited in cuckoos that parasitize hosts with dark, domed nests. Some adult parasitic cuckoos completely destroy the host's clutch if they reject the cuckoo egg.[23] In this case, raising the cuckoo chick is less of a cost than the alternative—total clutch destruction."

Goyim stop this racism! This is hate speech! multiculturalism is good goyim!

>His child


You are all fucking retarded.

Ads like this, or that fucking Cheerios ad from awhile back, are designed with you in mind.

Your outrage and disgust are PART OF THE ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN.

Here's how this works:

1. Product that's been around for ages (cheerios, jockey shorts) has already achieved maximum market exposure. How to market something that everybody already knows about and uses?

2. Solution: Company hires ad agency. Ad agency puts out ad for product featuring some sort of inter-racial shit that triggers people's hindbrain disgust response. (Liberals feel uncomfortable with race mixing too, but their ideology tells them that the highest moral act is to overcome this instinctual response, so they push it down and celebrate it.)

3. Sup Forums and rednecks on Facebook see ad, bitch and whine about it.

4. Ad agency screencaps this bitching and whining and feeds it to the media, generating more buzz about the ad

5. Product gets more mindshare. Now liberals are primed to feel warm fuzzies when they see corporate behemoth products like Cheerios and made-in-China Jockey shorts. As for you, what are you going to do, stop buying undwear and cereals? Fuck you, get dressed and eat your fucking breakfast, you fucking slave.

>Some adult parasitic cuckoos completely destroy the host's clutch if they reject the cuckoo egg.

Gosh, that sounds familiar, doesn't it?

>implying it dosent convince people that the media is anti white

The interracial ad campaign didn't raise General Mills cereal sales.

More white people started eating less marketed white people cereal.

The SJW whites won't touch cheerios because they only want to shop at Whole Foods. Regular mega brand corporate cereal is for minorities and white trash.

The white man demands non-GMO, organic, Whole Foods Cheerios alternative like Granola.


OP probably works for PR and is screen capping all the hate in this thread as we speak, and is going to post it on twitter for Liberals and the mass media to rage at.

>you're stupid for noticing something which you were intended to notice
>you're stupid for drawing a political conclusion from something which was intended to make a political point

>As for you, what are you going to do, stop buying undwear and cereals?

We could buy different brands.

Why do Amerifats always act like this poster? There's got to be a meme of it, somewhere.

5 second hate

I'm not against adoption interacially. I just think that white men need to forwarn their daughters about the dangers of burning coal.
You know, muh carbon footprint ;)

No leaf its called bait

The racial ad campaigns to lure in affluent and middle class SJW consumers, usually with children.

They end up hurting sales because their conservative customers are turned off by the race shilling and go shop where the hippies shop for food since hippie food is marketed to white people almost exclusively.

The SJWs won't touch corporate Cheerios because of ma GMOs, iron filings, preservatives, high fructose corn syrup.

>Afrikaner trips

nice one Fritz

I buy my underwear online from brands you've never heard of and I haven't eaten a bowl of cereal in 10 years. In fact, I cook my own meals and the only thing with a "brand" I buy at the grocery is a particular spice assortment that I'm fond of for my veggies - the other spices I buy in bulk.

Get fucked.

I don't get interracial adoptions when you can get kid of your own race. My wife and I have twin boys of our own, we wanted more, but she didn't want to repeat hardship of pregnancy, so we decided to adopt. Our land has a freaking line for YEARS to come(we live in Germany), so we adopted one girl from Nepal and one from Eritrea. But this cuckery like in the ad? Why?

What the fuck? An underwear commercial? Is this a fucking joke????

>interracial mixing

>my wife's son and I

Or tell her to fuck off with that nonsense.